Better Actor: Denzel Washington or Will Smith

:stoneface: at "He is the black Robert De Niro."

I **** with Denzel heavy but RDN would take Denzel to acting school.

Straight fax.
Ain't no one eem talking about versatility, I'm talking in general.

But if you want to take it there, ok...

While De Niro has done a lot of typecast roles, he's also delved into other genres & excelled.

The King of Comedy, Meet the Parents, Silver Linings Playbook, etc.

Just to name a few.

EDIT: Yes, De Niro isn't the same anymore but that's also not what I was referring to.

De Niro's in the Brando stage of his career.

Just cashing checks :lol:
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Lost me with SLP. De Niro was just supporting and he did nothing special with that role.

I aint see it but I bet he's playing close to the same role in Joy :lol: and like you said he's in the Brando stage of his career doing movies with Zach Efron.
De niros filmography is more impressive than denzel.

Deneeros played Frankenstein.

Zel cant do that
De niros filmography is more impressive than denzel
Waaaaaaay more impressive. We're talking about iconic roles and performances. Godfather II, Deer Hunter, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Untouchables, Goodfellas. Then you have Awakenings, A Bronx Tale, Cape Fear, This Boy's Life, Heat., etc.

His resume trumps Denzel's.

Waaaaaaay more impressive. We're talking about iconic roles and performances. Godfather II, Deer Hunter, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Untouchables, Goodfellas. Then you have Awakenings, A Bronx Tale, Cape Fear, This Boy's Life, Heat., etc.

His resume trumps Denzel's.

Glory, John Q, American Gangster, Training Day, Malcolm X, Remember the Titans, Inside Man and Man on Fire were just as impressive
Nah, rob been part of some of the greatest movies of all time. Denzel has great performances but no top 10 all time level movies

Waaaaaaay more impressive. We're talking about iconic roles and performances. Godfather II, Deer Hunter, Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Untouchables, Goodfellas. Then you have Awakenings, A Bronx Tale, Cape Fear, This Boy's Life, Heat., etc.

His resume trumps Denzel's.

Glory, John Q, American Gangster, Training Day, Malcolm X, Remember the Titans, Inside Man and Man on Fire were just as impressive
Denzel is the better actor imo but Will has a more impressive career.
And Idris Elba > Will Smith
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Travis bickle.....young vito....frankenstein.....ace rothstein....jake lamotta.....jimmy conway....neil mcaungley.....******* al capone.

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