Big Brother 14

I don't get why Shane didn't save Joe instead of Ashleigh. He woulda had an ally and Frank would've
been more of a sure thing to go home.
I think he's trusts Ashley more than Joe,  I would too.  He has to make sure Frank goes now, or else Shane is done

I think it would be easier to get Ashley to vote out Frank.

I need Ian to wake up, I feel like he could be a good a player if he wasn't stuck on Boogie.  Every year they get a starstruck super fan

that is just happy to be there.  Why haven't there been any endurance challenges yet?

Next season, if it's not All Stars, there needs to be absolutely no vets!
this show is the most rigged reality tv contest i've ever seen, but I watch it every season....

britney caught it really early on that they were eventually entering the game... america's choice.. pfft..

anyway, boogie needs to go. he looks like the lucky charms leprechaun.





They ain't kickin wife out like that :smh:

i'm starting to hate this season...

double eviction this week should be interesting dough
If the show really is rigged then one of the non-Silent 6 alliance members will win HOH.
The girls are wild annoying.... no doubt it will be boogie and dan in the finals


Dan plays the "im throwing comps on purpose" angle because he couldnt win them even if he tried.

as was the case in many past seasons, the noobs in the BB house are, for lack of a better word, DUMB. i mean seriously. have they not seen Boogie play the game before? Its dumbfounding that these people fall for his same tricks.

my only hope for this season is that Ian managed to float by for a couple more weeks and then comes on strong and somehow makes it to the finals and wins the entire thing. Only other person I wouldnt mind winning it is Frank Vicious, but that would mean we have to watch months of the Frank/Boogie domination show which is getting stale.
Janelle GONE!

Frank in charge again.

Britney was looking fine as HAIL on tonight's show.
Her crappy personality was blinding me all this time from her foineness.
Jedi Janey gone 

these people are fools for trusting Boogie, have they never watched this show before

i'm rooting for Ian at this point

I want Britney or Danielle to go next
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^ yeah those goodbye messages to Boogie were quite possibly the best in BB history
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