biggest reality check life gave you.

Graduating college, getting engaged, and marriage.

Definitely thankful.
My ex leaving me, I'll never get over it :smh:

this was my reality check too. 4.7 billion other women in the world, and i still love just one. :x

You probably won't stop loving her if she had that effect, but you don't have a choice but to move on..

Yea man, no doubt. I can't seem to help where my mind goes, can't seem to not think about her. and thats with no contact, no fb, ig, etc. you know as men, we dont give our hearts out all willy nilly, so when we do, chick you own that **** lol. but yea, it was a reality check, because we broke up over **** i was doing. taught me a lot. I grew up a lot from it. Despite all these other women I've been with since her though, it's still just her. just dont wanna end up like those old guys in movies, with kids and wives and the dream life, but deep down they arent happy because they never truly loved this family because it wasnt with the first chick. nom sayin
My ex leaving me, I'll never get over it :smh:

this was my reality check too. 4.7 billion other women in the world, and i still love just one. :x

You probably won't stop loving her if she had that effect, but you don't have a choice but to move on..

Yea man, no doubt. I can't seem to help where my mind goes, can't seem to not think about her. and thats with no contact, no fb, ig, etc. you know as men, we dont give our hearts out all willy nilly, so when we do, chick you own that **** lol. but yea, it was a reality check, because we broke up over **** i was doing. taught me a lot. I grew up a lot from it. Despite all these other women I've been with since her though, it's still just her. just dont wanna end up like those old guys in movies, with kids and wives and the dream life, but deep down they arent happy because they never truly loved this family because it wasnt with the first chick. nom sayin

I feel you man, i'd hate to be that too. I grew a lot too, went to try again with a clear mind and conscience. Was good for a while, but she just got cold and distant out of the blue again. If her heart ain't in it no more, nothing you can do. She'll always be on my mind in a lesser capacity, but if it ain't meant to be it ain't meant to be. Real love is eternal, patience isn't.
My first heartbreak years ago taught me a lot too.
- you are good enough, no matter how worthless the person says you are and treats you. this i cannot emphasize!
- your feelings and opinions matter.
- don't change and get into new habits just to please a person. be yourself. if they don't accept you for you, **** them. don't try to put on cake loads of make up, don't start swearing more, don't start smoking just to be on par with the side girls.
- don't ever ever ever consent a person hurt you, emotionally and physically, just to keep them around. learn how to say FDB basically.
- you can fall in love again after getting your heart killed.
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Don't make other people's problems your problems

When I got home from work today and saw my lips getting darker I decided to stop smoking

For the love of everything save your money

Take care of your ****


Don't quit a job untill you find another

Don't go spending thousands of dollars at college on a useless degree .

Stay the **** outta debt.

Get your ******* sleep.

Don't tell people your plan or where you going

Or how much money you have

Maintain frame

Stop listening to that stupid **** on the radio they call "music"

Stand up for yourself

Learn to say no

Look people in the eye

Speak from your stomach

Keep in mind that everyone is selfish to a degree and deep down no one gives a guck about you till it benefits them.

Take care of your own **** before you decide to help others

dropped out of hs and was working at McDonalds and living with sister and her husband and kids and my mom in a 3 bedroom apt im sleeping on the floor getting stepped on while im sleep by my sister husband. mann that was the lowest part of my life then to make it worst i got put out living on the streets on god my kinfolk let me stay in his apt and pay rent still living on the floor but i had a roof over my head i remember i was crying cause i had no money no way to better myself and was in a dark place in life i prayed really hard one night i asked god to show me what to do i was thinking about taking myself out man then i went to Job Corp got my GED and CNA in nursing man god is good but i felt the struggle 
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-The world is too cold for a warm heart
-Everyone is a dollar sign
-Choose your battles and you'll always win
Always remember to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.

'I can't help the poor if I'm one of them, so I got rich and gave back, that's the win-win'
One of my uncles....
Extremely healthy....marathon runner.....eats extremely drinking or smoking ever.

Still got cancer.
Just cuz your a good dude doesn't mean things are going to go your way and end up all right ....

that day that I realized , being a scumbag is easier then being nice and worrying what kind of impression you make. I live for me , to please me , not for anyone else...whatever you are own it.. I'm a scumbag , I own it and don't apologize for it...

Don't underestimate anyone and don't put anything past anyone.
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Just cuz your a good dude doesn't mean things are going to go your way and end up all right ....

that day that I realized , being a scumbag is easier then being nice and worrying what kind of impression you make. I live for me , to please me , not for anyone else...whatever you are own it.. I'm a scumbag , I own it and don't apologize for it...

You def took the wrong lessons from your losses. Probably still learning though.
You def took the wrong lessons from your losses. Probably still learning though.
I respect your opinion.
Someone close to me told me that awhile back but as I stated I dont apologize for it...
whoever likes me that's cool, whoever doesn't that's just as cool... I am who I am and the only person im trying to please is me so being fake or pretending to be something im not isn't me.
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Just cuz your a good dude doesn't mean things are going to go your way and end up all right ....

that day that I realized , being a scumbag is easier then being nice and worrying what kind of impression you make. I live for me , to please me , not for anyone else...whatever you are own it.. I'm a scumbag , I own it and don't apologize for it...

Don't underestimate anyone and don't put anything past anyone.
stay the course. keep doing the right things. it may not pay off in the ways you want them to, but it may lead to other unforeseen opportunities. it's easier to be a jerk, that's why it's so rewarding to be the good guy.

I'm a firm believer that all it really takes is a few well placed 'good' decisions, to completely change your life. And they can be very small. Minute. Things you'd never even think about... answering a text message, or stopping on a yellow light instead of pushing it, saying hello to someone new. You just never know. 1 decision can literally change everything. I've seen it first hand. Work on your self-awareness skills. Before you make decisions, try to consider the consequences. Try to filter out the impulse. It takes practice, but mastering yourself is the only true power. Once you're able to make good decisions all of the time, one after the next, you'll be surprised how your life just blossoms.
When I set a goal that made me very uncomfortable

Wen I realize that people who tried to give me advice don't really have a clue they jus trying to sound koo..
When all my boys are about to hit 30 and still living with moms.

I need to step up my company :smh:

I stop kicking it with my guy because all he does is talk about other people... dude needs to look at his own life.
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When all my boys are about to hit 30 and still living with moms.

I need to step up my company :smh:

I stop kicking it with my guy because all he does is talk about other people... dude needs to look at his own life.

just look at it as mom living wit you
Dropped out of high school, stopped listening to my moms and grand pops, really thought I had life figured out at 16....all to try and be something that wasn't me..

Learn from your mistakes...the easiest way to fail is to give up on yourself..know your self worth...and be an individual, even when it seems hard..

Great thread btw :smokin.
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