Black Culture Discussion Thread

Just half of it. If you throw in the garbage the positive she did and only focus on the negative, and don't even take into account her record as a senator, of course her record will look horrible.

Let's just remember that there is a lot of **** on the table, the most portant being that with Trump in the White House for a second term, the Supreme Court might go further to the right (RBG isn't looking too good); Miller and Ross will be writing executing policies to exclude minorities from being properly counted for at least ten years; more law-and-order judges will be confirmed; Betsy Bae will make sure that only wealthy people have access to a proper education (and blacks will suffer more from that); and much more policies with negative outcomes for minorities.

I know you don't like to hear the whole "well lose less with Democrats in power" but right now, this society traveling backwards, and before you can move forward, you have to brake.
Maybe when Trump wins, stacks the Supreme court 7-2, and the start rolling back 1960s Civil Rights legislation will people wake up to the true end game real white supremacist have. Maybe when a Koch funded constitutional convention is called and Post-Civil Wars laws start getting attack people will wake up to it.

Kamala's negatives are horrible but if someone thinks she is the mascot for white supremacy, they don't really know white supremacy very well, and how it manifests itself in our political system.

We are not even close to experiencing the hell the far right want to unleash on folk
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BTW, I feel as if Kamalah would have more of a chance in the 2024 race.
When it comes to politics you gotta shoot your shot when you can.

If she sits out nows and a Dem runs and wins in 2020, then the next time she can run is in 2028. At that point, she is 64, and gotta compete with a new crop of people.
u can leave off the h :lol:
its been bugging me
Every time I hear her name I think of the racist *** wrestling character...

When it comes to politics you gotta shoot your shot when you can.

If she sits out nows and a Dem runs and wins in 2020, then the next time she can run is in 2028. At that point, she is 64, and gotta compete with a new crop of people.

Oh I know. I wasn't saying it to say she should sit out. The sooner the better. Her name is out there. That only betters her chances in the next race. I'm curious to see when Gillum and Beto will announce.
Oh I know. I wasn't saying it to say she should sit out. The sooner the better. Her name is out there. That only betters her chances in the next race. I'm curious to see when Gillum and Beto will announce.
Gillum probably not running. He will probably be considered for VP

Beto said she will decide in a couple months, people are trying to get him to run for Senate again in 2020.

Stacy Abrams in probably gonna go after that Senate seat too, well I hope. The Dems selected her to refute Trump's State of the Union.
I'm just gonna say this, it's very apparent a LOT of people are just running with the negative headlines/tweets about Kamala's record and not doing any additional research on it at all.

I'm just starting myself to really dig into it, but there are a lot of exaggerations and misinformation being circulated on social media right now.

Edit: RustyShackleford RustyShackleford Gillum just got picked up by CNN as a contributor, so unlikely he'll run. I can't wait for white people to consistently confuse him with Bakari :lol:
I'm just gonna say this, it's very apparent a LOT of people are just running with the negative headlines/tweets about Kamala's record and not doing any additional research on it at all.

I'm just starting myself to really dig into it, but there are a lot of exagerrations and misinformation being circulated on social media right now.
i know folks effected by her prosecution record
and didnt know she was a direct cause of it
till reading some of the stuff
so its not all exaggerations
i know folks effected by her prosecution record
and didnt know she was a direct cause of it
till reading some of the stuff
so its not all exaggerations

That's unfortunate, but I never said it's all exaggerated. I just know how social media is with sensationalism and some of the things that have been widely shared don't really check out.
Maybe when Trump wins, stacks the Supreme court 7-2, and the start rolling back 1960s Civil Rights legislation will people wake up to the true end game real white supremacist have. Maybe when a Koch funded constitutional convention is called and Post-Civil Wars laws start getting attack people will wake up to it.

Kamala's negatives are horrible but if someone thinks she is the mascot for white supremacy, they don't really know white supremacy very well, and how it manifests itself in our political system.

We are not even close to experiencing the hell the far right want to unleash on folk
"Empire" actor Jussie Smollett allegedly assaulted in possible hate crime, police say

Police said the victim reported two people approached him and began shouting "racial and homophobic slurs" at him. The men allegedly struck the victim in the face, "poured an unknown chemical substance" on him, and wrapped a rope around his neck, according to a police statement.

Smollett said his attackers yelled "MAGA country" during the assault, Chicago police confirmed to CBS News.
Bennett College Still $2 Million Short Of Money Needed To Restore Accreditation

The donations to Bennett College in Greensboro continue to pour in from across the country as officials at the private, historically black all-women’s college work to meet a $5 million fundraising goal by Feb. 1. School officials say they need the money to convince their accrediting agency that the college is financially sound.

School officials say they had raised more than $3 million dollars as of Monday morning. Bennett President Phyllis Dawkins has said she is confident they will reach their goal.

If the fundraising campaign is successful, school officials say they will be in better standing with their accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, or SACS. On Feb. 18 they will get a chance to appeal the loss of their accreditation.

Bennett’s accreditation was revoked last month over concerns about the school’s long-term financial stability and ability to raise funds. SACS Chief of Staff Larry Earvin has said any increase in financial resources the school can show during the appeal hearing will be a positive for Bennett and put them in a better light with the appeals' committee, elected by SACS.

Bennett ran budget deficits for seven of the last 11 years. It currently has a surplus of more than $400,000.

The school remains accredited during the appeals process. Dawkins said Bennett will file a lawsuit if they are not successful in their appeal. In the meantime, they are also seeking accreditation from a national accrediting agency for Christian colleges, such as Bennett.
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