Black Culture Discussion Thread

Excellent conversation

was going to post this! mike is nice with the blah blah blah for sure, ...thought their back & forth on public vs. private school was really interesting both made understandable points...envy's were more applicable generally although i felt they were clumsily made and mike's points were more theoretical or may be more specific to the south/georgia, but it did highlight different approaches/mindsets that ultimately are after similar goals; great talk most definitely!
That mike interview made me want to become a part of something productive/progressive but i havent the slightest idea where to start.

The vid riled me up but i just dont kno what to do with it.

Any of you got suggestions? Would hate to watch/listen to something like that and just go back to everyday life as i kno it. That’d be a waste, ykno...
That's happening so often now it's worth noting. We are not without fault, this is true, but is a homophobic, violent attack from white, racist, alt-right MAGA nuts the time to talk about that? Also I don't see how straight black men were silent.
White society has always wanted black men to be submissive. We see it all the time. From school to work. Black men are supposed always go out of our way to not seem like threats. The bass in our voice is a threat to them. That's why so many _'s code switch.

The "me too" stuff. It's obvious who they want to make the face of it by skipping over all the white pedos and creeps right under their nose. With "toxic masculinity" it's even more obvious what they're doing. If you a black man and you don't agree and go along with whatever these over the top feminist think you're "toxic".

Terry Crews is the perfect example of all this. A brolic black man that's always smiling and dancing and let some white dude grab his nuts, now he's going at his own community that had nothing to do with him being violated. That's what they want.
That mike interview made me want to become a part of something productive/progressive but i havent the slightest idea where to start.

The vid riled me up but i just dont kno what to do with it.

Any of you got suggestions? Would hate to watch/listen to something like that and just go back to everyday life as i kno it. That’d be a waste, ykno...

ultimately this is sort of the reality of their conversation, most of us have enough going on & don't know where to start...finding that thing that is both pressing enough that prompts a call to action and yet isn't so daunting that induces a certain kind of apathy/paralysis; i suppose that is where passion comes maybe you start with what is it you care about?

That Mike interview ss great. Gotta just tune out Envy being a sensitive clown.

I definitely believe some of diseases that pop up are man made. White people have a long history at running experiments on black people.

thing is sensitive or not what mike calling decisions about rearing children in regards to education currently being made by envy & were made by envy's father, even with the explicit disclaimer of exception to envy, 'chump made' is not an easy thing to idly listen to (the bit about "just being a dj" was a cold line, that wasn't meant to be a shot but jheeeeeez! not even sure mike really even was able to clarify his point after that)...similar to that dame dash interview there were good points made albeit not quite articulated with enough nuance (mike is definitely better with nuance than dame dash but was able to skate over some things with more charismatic talk)

given the high stakes, every parent is trying to give their kid(s) whatever advantage they can the reality of public education in america is the your neighborhood/zipcode plays a consequential part in the quality of that education, that is a fact; and right or wrong most people try to find the path of least resistance to a solution to this (which oft times is that 'white folks' private school, but not down to exclusively thinking it is better because of the mentality that 'white' = better). that said it definitely isn't the case that the public school system (and the people within it) is completely down to expensive neighborhoods, there are many great teachers & people who seek out and dedicate there own time, funds, & energy to children in the most challenged schools outside of those well off neighborhoods. there is also increasing data that says no matter what the age, it is sort of a bad idea to send 'minority' (maybe specifically black & brown, maybe less applicable for 'asian') children to predominantly white environments where they are explicitly few because despite the super hero exceptions that get attention/made the example, it seems most fair worse than their similarly capable peers that are around a less polarized environment. then there is the reality that black folk need to build & instill value in our own institutions and that this should be a stated goal...

there are pros & cons to most every approach even if it's just the opportunity cost(s), so nothing is necessarily as easy/obvious decision as is sometimes made out to be...

At this point, there truly does seem to be an attempt to openly diss black men. Thought it was just people tryna stir up an issue but no it's pretty evident at this point

at this point? this has been the norm...anyone find dudes story kinda suspect tho???
It's a shame as a community and having a network of colleges, that we can't raise $5 million
The problem is that black communities as a whole no longer care about HBCUs.
I attended an HBCU, Mississippi Valley State University, and it's hard to get people that attended/graduated from the school to throw in money or attend special events. Just look at the attendance for football games.
The problem is that black communities as a whole no longer care about HBCUs.
I attended an HBCU, Mississippi Valley State University, and it's hard to get people that attended/graduated from the school to throw in money or attend special events. Just look at the attendance for football games.

Part parents fault .You can make your kids go to a certain school since they will most likely pay for it. Problem is we don't push it. They all want us to go to a "white" school
I'd say it depends on the family. I know my family all went to HBCUs. My mom went to Jackson State for a year before she had me. I went to MVSU for 3 years before I dropped out and starting working for the Mississippi Department of Corrections. My lil bro graduates from MVSU this semester and my lil sis is leaning towards Alcorn State once she graduates high school in a few months.
Nobody in my family actually cares about PWIs outside of sports.

a lot of HBCUs don't get the exposure they need. When different media outlets talk about HBCUs they only mention the Howards, Hamptons, Spelmans etc: They don't talk about the Bennetts which is why we see those schools continue to struggle.
I'd say it depends on the family. I know my family all went to HBCUs. My mom went to Jackson State for a year before she had me. I went to MVSU for 3 years before I dropped out and starting working for the Mississippi Department of Corrections. My lil bro graduates from MVSU this semester and my lil sis is leaning towards Alcorn State once she graduates high school in a few months.
Nobody in my family actually cares about PWIs outside of sports.

a lot of HBCUs don't get the exposure they need. When different media outlets talk about HBCUs they only mention the Howards, Hamptons, Spelmans etc: They don't talk about the Bennetts which is why we see those schools continue to struggle.

Definitely. Before this situation, I've never heard of Benner. There's definitely lack of interest but another issue is incompetence in management.

Remember the financial aid issue at Howard, I believe it was? That's just one of possibly many examples. People arent going to pay attention to this situation until a major HBCU falls.

A really simple solution for increasing enrollment to HBCUs would be to set up transfer guarantees and agreements with local as well as other community colleges. The community college I went to had a transfer agreement with an HBCU so I was interested. I wanted to go to one but they had a disrespectful agreement with my school. They would only take a certain amount of transfer units. It was to the point where it was laughable that this was something they came up with.
Anyone familiar with what Akon's role is with China's dealings in Africa?

Just started reading up on the Lighting project that's backed by Chinese investors.
People keep believing these Democrats and "liberals" are the good ones... Ok.

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