Black Culture Discussion Thread

I like Nkrumah's optimism, but being Cameroonian and watching what is currently going on in my country ( i.e how the leadership is encouraging a political and social discourse favoring ethnic and tribal divisions, to the point where some radio talking head called for the genocide of my people), I feel compelled to ask: what is the African nation?

My biggest problem with panafricanism is the fact that it ignores the reality that within Africa itself, Africans don't exist: they are Berbers, Fulani, Yoruba, Eton, Zulu, Tutsi, etc... How are you gonna talk about uniting all Black folks worldwide, when on the motherland, the people within actively call for one another's extinction?
Rest In Power to the Great Frank Robinson. He was the first Black Manager in MLB and a HOF player for the Orioles. He is now an ancestor. Ase


great power hitter

rest in peace

his '65 topps is on of my favorites...

65 topps c.JPG

France summons Italian envoy over 'hostile' Africa remarks
Italian deputy PM blames migrant crisis on France’s ‘colonisation’ of Africa

Di Maio, who leads the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S), told a rally in the central Abruzzo region on Sunday: “If today people are leaving Africa is it because some European countries, with France taking the lead, have never stopped colonising tens of African states?”

He called on the EU to sanction France for “impoverishing Africa” and for migrants to be taken to the southern French port of Marseille instead of Italy. An estimated 170 people were feared to have drowned in the Mediterranean in two incidents at the weekend as they tried to make their way to Europe from Libya.
From a quick google, he was the first PM and President of Ghana and he passed in 1972. Does that make me wrong somehow?
He was also one of the leading figures of panafricanism, a philosophy that sees Africa (and Africans) as one entity (and one people). There wasn't a better way for him to say what he said.
He was also one of the leading figures of panafricanism, a philosophy that sees Africa (and Africans) as one entity (and one people). There wasn't a better way for him to say what he said.
You don't think there was a better way for him to describe a continent as a continent rather than a country?
You don't think there was a better way for him to describe a continent as a continent rather than a country?

not familiar with nkrumah but i think what is being referred to here isn't that the case that he is unaware that africa is a continent, rather panafrican philosophy sees africa and to a great extent the diaspora at large as one big family...despite the very tribal reality of just about every country within the continent much to talk of between countries and further still peoples in the diaspora; still the african union is a young alliance so one day there may be more effective collaboration that possible foster that identity on the would seem a long way in the future tho
I like Nkrumah's optimism, but being Cameroonian and watching what is currently going on in my country ( i.e how the leadership is encouraging a political and social discourse favoring ethnic and tribal divisions, to the point where some radio talking head called for the genocide of my people), I feel compelled to ask: what is the African nation?

My biggest problem with panafricanism is the fact that it ignores the reality that within Africa itself, Africans don't exist: they are Berbers, Fulani, Yoruba, Eton, Zulu, Tutsi, etc... How are you gonna talk about uniting all Black folks worldwide, when on the motherland, the people within actively call for one another's extinction?

Um you know how I’m Europe they have all these very different countries, but they came together to create the Eurozone right?

No one is saying African countries and tribes should forget about their differences (that’s technically impossible) but for them to recognize they are Africans first and unite in a way that is mutually beneficialy not only for the continent but also for the African diaspora worldwide. That’s Pan-Africanism
I like Nkrumah's optimism, but being Cameroonian and watching what is currently going on in my country ( i.e how the leadership is encouraging a political and social discourse favoring ethnic and tribal divisions, to the point where some radio talking head called for the genocide of my people), I feel compelled to ask: what is the African nation?

My biggest problem with panafricanism is the fact that it ignores the reality that within Africa itself, Africans don't exist: they are Berbers, Fulani, Yoruba, Eton, Zulu, Tutsi, etc... How are you gonna talk about uniting all Black folks worldwide, when on the motherland, the people within actively call for one another's extinction?
In a modern lense, I would assume part of the thinking is that unification under this pan African umbrella would eradicate the negatives of tribalism. Of course reality doesn't work as intended. It's gonna take a lot of time for tribalism and nationalism to coexist
I wouldn't call him a troll. Rusty is the political expert guy that wants to be the smartest in the room. It's nothing to me to have disagreements, long as we agree on the distination. I've been having these exact same discussions with people I know. People that are Democrat gangbangers, they rep it hard. :lol:

and when the discussion is over we back to being cool.

Please call it what it is.

He's a political hack and a regurgitator extraordinaire.

He's comfortable talking the way he does on here because he recognized a long time ago that the barrier to entry on the political talk on this message board is comically low, so he can pretty much say whatever he wants and it goes virtually unchecked.

His whole game is to feel you out, throw jabs and assorted back handed comments and once he gauges whether you pose a threat to him, he'll either get condescending and attack you with rhetoric that he knows the majority of people that frequent NT aren't going to entertain, in which case whoever he is arguing with will either resort to a personal insult (which he will immediately report to Meth) or say something stupid (which he had predicted when he first decided to engage)... this leads to a situation where he feels like he won. Or he will find that you either present such an affront/ threat to his sensibilities that he will no longer engage with you out of fear or he will assess that you actually do contain a certain level of intellectual rigor and it's in his best interests to make a light hearted gesture towards you so that he doesn't get publicly flogged. But mainly he goes the esoteric route in hopes of getting some kind of ad hominem attack from you in return at which point he just has to hit the report button.

Hit permanent press, set the timer, walk away and repeat.

He relies on the @dwalk31 @bigrockford @InTheHallway and numerous other race baiters and trolls on NT so that he can comfortably sit on his high horse, talk down to people and get chummy reps whenever he utters the sarcastic corny hashtag #cancelcrusty. Dwalk, bigRockford, and hallway are all trolls that most reasonable people would ignore but Rusty salivates at the thought of them posting more low hanging fruit so he is always laying in wait for them to make their next inane post.

He's Don Lemon, Jayson Blair of New York Times Fame, Marc Lamont Hill, the annoying, idealistic and outright Fake parts of AOC, three parts Jason Whitlock, with the volume and verboseness of Michael Eric Dyson, with a hearty sprinkling of Harriet Beecher Stowe's most famous character and none of the credentials, accolades or qualifications of any of the aforementioned individuals (not to mention his embarrassingly poor grammar --your mans doesn't know the difference between 'to' and 'too', [see above]... if that's not enough see his other posts where he thinks he's making a point but really just making a mockery of the King's English).

Speaking of grammar- I'll admit that nobody is perfect (myself included) as far as that goes but considering the way dude talks to people, his **** should be airtight and mistake free.

That's your mans though.

And I don't give a single **** if he reads, ignores, replies, or otherwise.

Oh and FWIW regarding the Land Reparations thing:

It's not happening in this lifetime or the next, however as far as taxation goes and any questions regarding that- a starting point could be to look at Native American Reservations.

Tribes are exempt from Federal income taxes even when conducting commercial activities such as running a Casino.

They can form corporations to conduct business and their income remains exempt.

Individual Native Americans are U.S. Citizens so they are subject to Federal income tax.

So maybe if the Blacks were given land by the government in the form of Reparations the levels to which they got taxed would depend on how willing they were to share with each other as a group and form various shell companies to avoid getting taxed into oblivion.

I don't know, but that would definitely be interesting...
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This dude is just man at me over me telling him to stop worrying about some jokes. He threw out insults in a thread a couple mods read, so he got checked. He probably complained to Meth, that didn't work, now he is writing essays.

I'm happy you two got an ally in the Cancel Rusty movement. :lol:
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