Black Culture Discussion Thread

Unrelated but you can't even say 'the head of universal music is Jewish' without getting banned from a thread. That's not some conspiracy or call for mass genocide. If diversity and inclusion are supposed to be important then it shouldn't be off limits to discuss the lack of it among high ranking positions in several industries
:lol: @ the idea of any country "managing" mining properly. Exploit the locals, pollute land and they will see none of the money. DRC is already indebted to China from a infrastructure deal in 2008 they'll get the cobalt.

:lol: @ the idea of any country "managing" mining properly. Exploit the locals, pollute land and they will see none of the money. DRC is already indebted to China from a infrastructure deal in 2008 they'll get the cobalt.
It's a feel-good headline that is divorced from the realities of the DRC, between the political instability in Kinshasa and the foreign-backed militias that control a lot of mining regions in the country.

And you'd be very surprised to know who the "foreign" refers to: Congo's Eastern neighbors.

Current Conflicts in eastern Congo​

The peace process in eastern Congo continues to be fragile with multiple armed groups operating throughout the region, terrorizing civilians and blocking the path to long-term peace.

The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda

The FDLR currently operates in eastern Congo and Katanga province with an estimated 2,000 combatants. The FDLR’s official mission is to put military pressure on the Rwandan government to open an “inter-Rwandan dialogue.”

The Allied Democratic Forces

ADF is a Ugandan rebel group based along the Rwenzori Mountains of eastern Congo that currently numbers approximately 500 combatants. Most of its members are Islamists who want to establish Shari’a law in Uganda.

The Lord’s Resistance Army

LRA is a Ugandan rebel group currently based along the northern border areas of Congo as well as in the eastern Central African Republic. The group was formed by members of the Acholi tribe in Northern Uganda.

The National Liberation Forces

FNL is a Burundian rebel group originally formed in 1985 as the military wing of the Hutu-led rebel group, the PALIPEHUTU. The FNL currently appears to be in an alliance with Mai Mai Yakutumba and the FDLR in South Kivu.

Mai-Mai Militias

There are currently six Mai-Mai militias (community-based militia groups) operating in the Kivus: the Mai-Mai Yakutumba, Raia Mutomboki, Mai-Mai Nyakiliba, Mai-Mai Fujo, Mai-Mai Kirikicho, and Resistance Nationale Congolaise.

4. Congolese minerals

During the war, Rwandans and Ugandans alike discovered that the DRC’s vast mineral reserves were easy loot. The smuggling operations they established at the time are still in place today.

DRC eventually took Uganda to the International Court of Justice. After two decades of litigation, the court in February ordered Uganda to pay the DRC $325m in compensation for looted minerals and other effects of the war. Despite its protests, Uganda has budgeted money and is expected to start compensating the DRC in the coming fiscal year.

READ MORE Uganda rejects ICJ’s $325m award to DRC, says they are already working together

Numerous reports from the UN and reputable international organisations have documented how Congo’s minerals are smuggled through Rwanda and Uganda. Both countries export large volumes of gold whose source isn’t known.

READ MORE Impact of US sanctions on Africa Gold Refinery, Alain Goetz, and Uganda

In March this year, the US Treasury Department sanctioned African Gold Refinery and its proprietor, Belgian gold businessman Alain Goetz. Illustrating the magnitude of the illegal trade, the department noted that “more than 90% of DRC gold is smuggled to regional states, including Uganda and Rwanda, where it is then often refined and exported to international markets, particularly the UAE”.
It's a feel-good headline that is divorced from the realities of the DRC, between the political instability in Kinshasa and the foreign-backed militias that control a lot of mining regions in the country.

And you'd be very surprised to know who the "foreign" refers to: Congo's Eastern neighbors.


Reminds me of this:

Among those figures:

  • Reparations based on the average national racial wealth gap: $358,293.
  • Reparations based on the value of certain state-level harms: $223,239 for housing discrimination and redlining; $124,678 for disproportionate mass incarceration; $127,226 per year of life expectancy for health harms because of healthcare disparities and other factors.
  • Reparations based on a hybrid model that would take into account both the national racial wealth gap and state-level harms: The task force would determine on what percentage of the national racial wealth gap amount California should “make a down payment.”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The book in question


Since the time the European and Arab slave traders stepped foot into Africa, blacks have been told lies about their heritage. This was all by Satan's design, for he is the father of lies. Since biblical times, there has been a satanic agenda to destroy God's chosen people. This agenda still exists today and is carried on by man in many forms. Satan knows who God's chosen people are, but for centuries, we have been ignorant to this knowledge, even though it's been right in front of our face. After many years of research, the time has finally come for all black people to know the truth.

A book exploring black people's Jewish heritage..... is antisemetic & therefore kyrie is also antisemetic for reading it............


Glad to see Kyrie shine a light on this book. It's been on my watchlist for a while now so I might go ahead and get it.
They told him to read the room.

Yes, he could’ve paid his respects. But he wanted to speak out on a plight on Black American culture (obviously there’s plights to other nations’ Black people).

The first verse says it all.

PNB Rock. Takeoff. And all the other rappers before. No other art form is fraught with this level of violence. And it’s not a matter that we’re predisposed to it. The music. Our environments.
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