Black Culture Discussion Thread

Do people ever consider how much of a rip off spending 8k a semester on student housing for splitting subpar housing with 5 other over charged students for roughly 4 months at a time is?
We all realize that, but we put up with because its part of the college experience. Finally having the chance to get away from your parents and at the same time be around hot in the draws women makes you forget about all of the money you have to dump into housing.

This makes me wonder what Howard is doing with all of those donations they've been receiving now that giving back to HBCUs is the thing to do. They've had way too many scandals over the past few years so I would be questioning every single dime they get/spend.
Thinking about some things & it kinda wild how Black people admit that all these institutions have a record of mistreating us & showing sizable racism but the past few years there has been a push to just minimize it & trust in em anyway :lol::lol:

- White Militia's popping up, FBI noting that white supremacist are actively infiltrating police departments nationwide..... somehow there's blacks fighting for gun control & stricter laws to get em.
- For years i've heard how doctors mistreat black patients, don't listen & delve into symptoms, over perscribe drugs etc etc..... 2020 comes & those same people are telling you to "trust science" & not have any doubts about it.
- Haven't really grown much as a group since civil rights, we KNOW the two party system hasn't benefited us & yet year after year we see people berated for not believing in these trash *** candidates.

I'm tired of mainstream issues forcing black people to act against their own good in order to appease everyone else. this **** is insanity
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