black father killed by police in a local walmart while holding a toy gun.

:smh: @ you OP.

Toy gun my ***. This kid was looney as ****. Deserve to die? Probably not, but the picture you painted in the OP was waaaayyyy off. This is less a race thing and more mismanagement by cops. Sick of everyone trying to ignite race talk and point fingers at people, races or stereotypes...And then wonder why nothing changes.

This thread should be locked.
it was race based.... the white couple called the cops due to racial stereotypes... wth are you saying. If it was as crazy as these racist claimed it to be... they wouldnt have even needed to call the police because the commotion would have alerted walmart and its employees to which they probably wouldve got law enforcement involved.

So that right there pokes holes in this whole he was running rampant around in the store waving a gun threatening customers... I mean really a dude waving a gun around pretending to shoot ppl in a store of walmart magnitude and no one not an employee saw this.. and no other ppl were alarmed or scared... and it took a middle age white lady to find the courage and what... sneak off and call the police? lol im sorry that sounds redic....

The point is you dressed this story up to get posters riled up. Now everyone is going back and forth on minutiae. There's too many drama ****** on NT who will still make this out to be something it's not, simply because the impression they got by the thread title and then your OP. It's sickening to me. You're way off base with this. It's like people WANT there to be racism so that you can get mad about something.

I don't care what ******* color you are. If you have a BB gun out of it's packaging in a goddamn Wal-Mart, somebody, if not most of everybody will have some degree of discomfort. Waving it around or not. And then he doesn't cooperate when the police are involved? I mean, that's one issue, but the race card...Like I said...I'm sick of the jump to conclusions.

By the way...I used to KILL small animals with BB guns. The fact that it's still being referred to as a toy is stupid.
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This guys here? Threads over guys. Nothing to see here.....

Why would it be i mean under the same assessment some people make in here i see this opinion as very valid.

Guy gets killed by Cops who clearly overstepped their boundaries in killing the man.... it's the guys fault for being naive despite not breaking any laws, he's grown he should know better......

Well if is simple logic that that man should have followed, wouldn't it be simple logic to place blame on a multi million dollar company who are selling toys that apparently look real enough that a police officer cant differentiate from the real thing. I mean they should Know better right? They should have gotten the scoop that police will kill you for carrying anything resembling a weapon.
Who are you arguing with? NOBODY said the cops did the right thing. NOBDOY said the guy did the right thing.
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We won't have the same outrage because we've been having the same outrage for 50 years!!.. The government has shown CLEARLY that they don't give a **** about black on black violence. Their has been hundreds of marches, hundreds of cease fire organizations, hundreds of parents with deceased children who have met with politicians... The results are the same... government in America doesn't give a **** about stopping black on black crime, because it's profitable for them.

So when we are protesting and up in arms about police, it's because these are "supposed" to be the people we rely on when those black on black crimes are going down, their supposed to be able to intervene & protect.... instead they are doing the same activities as the criminals except they have legal immunity to do whatever the **** they want and get away with it.

Dudes kill me with this revisionist ****, talkin about why don't black people have a problem with black on black violence.... WE DO, unlimited hours, resources, and attempts have been made to stop it, Nobody outside of the black community Cares!!
from what I personally see black on black crime is always swept under the rug

by its own community 

a person can know exactly who the killer is 

but wont step up just because in the black community being labeled 

a snitch is a major offense

so dont give me that countless BS about what people do about black on black crime

i see no marches no peacfull protest or any of that going on

and you say no one outside the community doesnt care but the community should care first

we kill each other for petty **** on the daily and dont value our own or each others

life but expect someone else to ok 
"from what I personally see"

truth is there are plenty of things we as a whole need to tackle within our own communities. As a whole we should care first. Sad reality is there will always be people within groups of people who do not have the interests of the whole in mind.

To say that "we don't care" is a vast overstatement. I agree more should be done though.

BUT. That doesn't take away from the fact that we're guilty until proven innocent, at times literal walking targets.

Why can't we tackle that issue too?
from what I personally see black on black crime is always swept under the rug
by its own community 
a person can know exactly who the killer is 
but wont step up just because in the black community being labeled 
a snitch is a major offense
so dont give me that countless BS about what people do about black on black crime
i see no marches no peacfull protest or any of that going on
and you say no one outside the community doesnt care but the community should care first
we kill each other for petty **** on the daily and dont value our own or each others
life but expect someone else to ok 

Your completely lying if you claim that black on black violence is completely swept under the rug by black people. Your completely lying if you think all black people adhere to the stop snitching mentality. The first thing i'm gonna need people to stop doing is relying on media stereotypes or lack of major media coverage to access how the black community handles something.

things are always trying to be improved in the black community, their are several who give their lives and times to trying to improve... those people however aren't rich, they don't have high ties with those with political power, their agenda doesn't put money in any politicians pockets so it's always on the back burner.
from what I personally see black on black crime is always swept under the rug
by its own community 
a person can know exactly who the killer is 
but wont step up just because in the black community being labeled 
a snitch is a major offense
so dont give me that countless BS about what people do about black on black crime
i see no marches no peacfull protest or any of that going on
and you say no one outside the community doesnt care but the community should care first
we kill each other for petty **** on the daily and dont value our own or each others
life but expect someone else to ok 

Pleas stop with the Black on Black crime BULLS***

Where are the White on White crime stats? Asian on Asian crime? Latino on Latino?

"In Mexico Mexican on Mexican crime is at an all time high!" You see how stupid that looks/sounds.

Homicides overwhelmingly happen among people who know each other.

Walmart is a toy store now? He opened up the toy in the store, in a public place and thought that was ok? Why is a grown man walking around pointing it at people? Common sense has to be used sometimes in a society where we as blacks are being killed for the smallest things

Does Walmart not have a large section that sells toys... was he not holding a toy gun?
did he shoot anyone with this toy gun?
Is it very possible that this talk of him pointing the gun at people is a lie?
Even if he did point the Toy gun at people did he deserve to be shot down by officers?

I Am so ****** sick and tired of this ******** excuse of you know how we our treated by the cops etc etc..... I KNOW that cops don't have a licence to kill you because of stereotypes, I KNOW that cops who are scared of black people shouldn't be given an option to brandish weapons at black people.

Stop with the ******** deflecting, How can you honestly sit here with a straight face and say that the cops reacted correctly by killing a man who posed no threat. Unless your willing to sit here and tell me that somehow cops actually believed this man was walking around Walmart with an Assault Rifle, while talking on the phone, and not shooting a bullet at all.

Also do you HONESTLY believe that if this was a white man walking around with a Toy gun the cops would have shot first then asked questions?

I understand where you're coming from but the video surveillance will show whether he was walking around with it or he stayed in one place. And the whole "if he was white it would have ended differently" is still speculation.. Once again we don't see a news article often on here where a white guy is killed by cops. Also we need to know the time frame from when the cops told him to put the gun down and what his reaction was when told to do so
Pleas stop with the Black on Black crime BULLS***

Where are the White on White crime stats? Asian on Asian crime? Latino on Latino?

"In Mexico Mexican on Mexican crime is at an all time high!" You see how stupid that looks/sounds.

Homicides overwhelmingly happen among people who know each other.

thats not even my point you showed up to me and his covo late 

and I never said that it doesnt

I said as a community its always swept under a rug when thats the case

what you are saying to me is not relevant 
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Yall forget 2 months ago 2 people walked into a Walmart and started shooting people and yall trying to justify a man walking around Walmart with a GUN waving it at people :smh:

Yall talking about "Its just a BB gun". The only reason you know its a BB gun is because its all said a done. Some BB guns are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

He's is an idiot and is now a dead idiot for taking it OUT THE PACKAGE and waving it at people. 2 months after that Walmart shooting :smh:
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Pleas stop with the Black on Black crime BULLS***

Where are the White on White crime stats? Asian on Asian crime? Latino on Latino?

"In Mexico Mexican on Mexican crime is at an all time high!" You see how stupid that looks/sounds.

Homicides overwhelmingly happen among people who know each other.

thats not even my point you showed up to me and his covo late 

My point is that crime in the community is a problem and it’s true that the majority of black murder victims are murdered by blacks, but the same holds true for whites: Most whites are murdered by whites. And in both cases, this race statistic is not available for all murders, but only ones where the race of both perpetrator and victim can be determined. So why when it comes to Black people do we have to label it Black on Black but other races its just considered crime?
so lemme get this straight....

-man goes to store

-man buys toy gun that looks like a real gun

-man walks around same store pointing toy gun that looks like real gun at random strangers

-people get concerned and call the authorities

-police arrive, ask man to put down his toy gun that looks like a real gun

-man refuses

-man gets shot and dies

and yall trippin? cmon. Im aware of all the situations that been happening lately, but this one doesnt fit those molds.

The cops dont know if that gun is real or not. They are responding to a distress call. And why didnt he drop

the toy gun when they asked him too? whats the point of refusing? This is not a racial thing, this is just somebody

not thinking clearly and ultimately paid the price by losing their life.
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You mean that's the only time it gets news coverage, right?
nah bruh 
NBC news did a special about
chicago shoot 82 people over the 4th of July
weekend not one protest happened wasnt no pictures on social media
or any of that but let a story like this happen and all of a sudden your upset
but wont have this same outrage when it happens in your own community 
by a person that has the same skin color 

FALSE. As a Chicagoan, it was all up and down my social media page when it happened. Dont say black on black crime doesn't spark as much outrage as _ on black crimes when it does.
so lemme get this straight....

-man goes to store
-man buys toy gun that looks like a real gun
-man walks around same store pointing toy gun that looks like real gun at random strangers
-people get concerned and call the authorities
-police arrive, ask man to put down his toy gun that looks like a real gun
-man refuses
-man get shot and dies

and yall trippin? cmon. Im aware of all the situations that been happening lately, but this one doesnt fit those molds.
The cops dont know if that gun is real or not. They are responding to a distress call. And why didnt he drop
the toy gun when they asked him too? whats the point of refusing? This is not a racial thing, this is just somebody
not thinking clearly and ultimately paid the price by losing their life.

if he really did this then he brought it on himself
My point is that crime in the community is a problem and it’s true that the majority of black murder victims are murdered by blacks, but the same holds true for whites: Most whites are murdered by whites. And in both cases, this race statistic is not available for all murders, but only ones where the race of both perpetrator and victim can be determined. So why when it comes to Black people do we have to label it Black on Black but other races its just considered crime?
ok I understand that 

but all my life that one that situation has been described as 
I understand where you're coming from but the video surveillance will show whether he was walking around with it or he stayed in one place. And the whole "if he was white it would have ended differently" is still speculation.. Once again we don't see a news article often on here where a white guy is killed by cops. Also we need to know the time frame from when the cops told him to put the gun down and what his reaction was when told to do so

This just doesn't make sense on the cops part... even if he had the gun in his hands were there people in Walmart running from him, was he pointing it in someones face? acting aggressive with it?

If the video comes out and he's simply pointing the gun around, why was it okay for the cops initial reaction to shoot him, simple logic would say that if they received a call about a guy with a gun and said man is walking amongst people in Walmart without causing them panic, Talking on the phone, and walking as if nothing he's doing is illegal.

common sense would make it seem pretty obvious that this man wasn't out to hurt someone with an assault rifle.
FALSE. As a Chicagoan, it was all up and down my social media page when it happened. Dont say black on black crime doesn't spark as much outrage as _ on black crimes when it does.
social media activist =/= real protest the old fashioned way

true it can be used as a tool to get the word out but how many people actually care beyond 

a comment on twitter facebook and instagram 
This just doesn't make sense on the cops part... even if he had the gun in his hands were there people in Walmart running from him, was he pointing it in someones face? acting aggressive with it?

If the video comes out and he's simply pointing the gun around, why was it okay for the cops initial reaction to shoot him, simple logic would say that if they received a call about a guy with a gun and said man is walking amongst people in Walmart without causing them panic, Talking on the phone, and walking as if nothing he's doing is illegal.

common sense would make it seem pretty obvious that this man wasn't out to hurt someone with an assault rifle.
its hard to bring in the idea of "common sense" when a man is walking around the largest discount retail store chain with a mock assault rifle.

That alone is not using common sense.
The point is you dressed this story up to get posters riled up. Now everyone is going back and forth on minutiae. There's too many drama ****** on NT who will still make this out to be something it's not, simply because the impression they got by the thread title and then your OP. It's sickening to me. You're way off base with this. It's like people WANT there to be racism so that you can get mad about something.

I don't care what ******* color you are. If you have a BB gun out of it's packaging in a goddamn Wal-Mart, somebody, if not most of everybody will have some degree of discomfort. Waving it around or not. And then he doesn't cooperate when the police are involved? I mean, that's one issue, but the race card...Like I said...I'm sick of the jump to conclusions.

By the way...I used to KILL small animals with BB guns. The fact that it's still being referred to as a toy is stupid.
i would buy that if ppl (in particular white ppl) go INTO places with REAL GUNS ie restaurants, etc... and how often do we here oh we was so scared he/she was gonna shoot us so we called the police and the cops came and gunned them down?

Id love for you to post these articles news stories... And to your point of well even if he wasnt waving it around...just having the gun is a concerned and ppl will panic... Um no they dont. If they are that uncomfortable around guns that the mere sight of one scares them regardless of race as you claim...they wouldnt even be in the store in the first place. 

And like i said a person...especially a black man running around threatening to shoot and kill kids.. and yet NO ONE, not other customers/employees were alarmed by this? So your saying everyone else what just happen to not see a black man running around with a gun. And if ppl thought it was real why didnt ppl run etc... esp the white lady who reported it?

Lets be real who feels threaten by a person with a gun and feel as if their life is in danger and instead of running getting out of harms way.. tails the guy, and try to get up close and see what he is doing saying? Dude you been watching to many action movies... tv series. No rationale person who fears for their safety and life is going to approach a person with a gun, other then a person trained to do so ie.. military/cops etc. 
social media activist =/= real protest the old fashioned way
true it can be used as a tool to get the word out but how many people actually care beyond 
a comment on twitter facebook and instagram 

Making people aware is part of a solution, spreading the information is vital, Support doesn't mean that a couple thousand people have to rally everytime someone gets shot. Even if that were to happen what would come out of that outside of cops over stepping their boundaries as usual and provoking some folks or arresting them for "disorderly conduct"
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