Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Loved the parallel between what Margaret and Nucky were talking about when discussing the "help" stealing money (and them knowing about it), and Margaret turns around and is doing the same thing...
Such a good episode. Fools getting murked left and right and we finally got to see the maid naked.
Such a solid episode. The love I have for his show is constantly increasing.

Harrow and Jimmy about to put in work. I don't think we have to worry about an Harrow/Angela affair.
I still have faith in a Harrow/Angela love affair lol

@ Nucky tellin his bro to kiss his feet

I think the Gov. is really gonna screw Nucky. He never gave any promises or guarantees on anything

Really good episode as usual
Surprised not to see Chalky or Nelson at all in the episode.

Eli hacking at that dudes face 
Hes pretty much screwed at this point and he brought it all upon himself.

I can also see Nucky getting screwed. He even knows that theres a chance things might not go the way he wants them too.

Im waiting to see what happens with Jimmy/Harrow, Luchiano/Lansky and Sleater in the next couple of episodes. I definitely see them crossing paths and it getting ugly.
Really enjoyed the episode tonight. So many levels to what is going on in the show right now. I really enjoyed the scenes with Richard in the woods. I knew he wouldn't actually off himself, but how he got there was interesting. Definitely one of the most brutal episodes so far. Did not see the scalping coming, but showed that Jimmy isn't going to take !@#$ from anyone. I think Nucky is going to come out of his current legal troubles ok, but he's going to be sweating it out for a while.

And, yes, the maid. Nice.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

I still have faith in a Harrow/Angela love affair lol

@ Nucky tellin his bro to kiss his feet

I think the Gov. is really gonna screw Nucky. He never gave any promises or guarantees on anything
they seem to be biding their time, maybe seeing how their little war turns out before they make any concrete promises
 at the previews with Jimmy and the Jewish butcher, *#%! is about to get real.
wHo NicE as HiM wrote:
from next week's preview is it me or did it look like richard got blasted in the chest?
Upon first glance I thought it was him too then I watched again and I was more confused.

It appears that Luchiano and Jimmy are trying to take out Nucky and Rothstein... doubt this will end well for them cuz Nuck and Rothstein are too well connected plus the commodore is out of commission.
Originally Posted by wren32

wHo NicE as HiM wrote:
from next week's preview is it me or did it look like richard got blasted in the chest?
Upon first glance I thought it was him too then I watched again and I was more confused.

It appears that Luchiano and Jimmy are trying to take out Nucky and Rothstein... doubt this will end well for them cuz Nuck and Rothstein are too well connected plus the commodore is out of commission.
Well if the show remains historically accurate with Luciano and Rothstein, we shouldn't see either of them leave any time soon, but who knows if they remain true. Lucky shouldn't go because he's a major player down the line with the Five Families.

Tonight's episode was very good. Considering it didn't feature Nelson, Chalky, OR Lucky/Rothstein/NY, they did a great job. I did think they might kill Harrow off, but he's too good of a character to do it this early. That meeting in the woods with the hunters, how he said "these woods are for living" and how the dog was just a soldier too, really great scene... I wanted Harrow to take the dog, even though the dog was aggressive towards him, would have been cool.. not to mention the dog also had a lot of scars on his face. Then the scene with Harrow and Jimmy, I wonder if Jimmy's being truthful when he said he would fight for Harrow, or if he was just learning to play the game.

I think Nucky and Eli end up making amends. Nucky asked for a guarantee about his trial and he couldn't get one, so I think he goes to Eli and asks for the name of the guy testifying against him, he kills that guy, then Nucky and Eli are reunited.

An impressive episode for the show, like I mentioned, to leave out some big storylines/characters, then to up the violence, they balanced everything quite well.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by krazy88s

I still have faith in a Harrow/Angela love affair lol

@ Nucky tellin his bro to kiss his feet

I think the Gov. is really gonna screw Nucky. He never gave any promises or guarantees on anything
they seem to be biding their time, maybe seeing how their little war turns out before they make any concrete promises
Don't think they care about the war, they're not in the liquor business. I just think he isn't to enthusiastic about having to payback Nucky. 
-Jimmy is making a bunch of weird moves that I can't understand. They kill those goons in NY, why scalp homeboy. He is so smart, he must be playing an angle. 

-Harrow is now Jimmy's solider for real 
. Dem two about put in work 

-I can already see something is going to go down with Jimmy's mom. Homegirl is giving all kinds of +%%@*+ up advice
. $@%*# acting like Jimmy's is the #!%+% that is finally going to save her 
Whoever it was that got shot in that preview wasn't Harrow. He doesn't wear those types of hats.

Great ep. Maids *******, scalping, bludgeoning to death with wrenches, "kiss my feet", Harrow, etc.
I feel as though Jimmy could never really be a big time player in the game like Nucky. Jimmy is smart but I don't think he is truly anything more than a soldier. He is pretty powerless without Nucky IMO. 
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