Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

And this is why im ashamed to be white sometimes

WHy should he have to apologize.... Whenever I see black people acting like they have no home training and as if they have no sense (see: $*%@%) I get ashamedas well.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

And this is why im ashamed to be white sometimes

WHy should he have to apologize.... Whenever I see black people acting like they have no home training and as if they have no sense (see: $*%@%) I get ashamed as well.

And I wish those ignorant Black people would apologize too.

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

When he put Gates in cuffs for no reason other than being an a-hole he crossed the line. Neither guys wanted to humble themselves, but it's the cop's JOB to be humbe in certain situations and de-escalate situations like this.
De-escalation through cuffing.
Yea, he really de-escalated this situation bycuffing Gates.
Ok. You're telling me that if he hadn't put a58 year old college professor who walks with a cane in cuffs that the situation would've escalated? Into what exactly? Please, if you reply, answer thesetwo questions and do not divert or bring up some other point because THIS is the crux of my opinion of the situation.
wow some peoples true colors showing right now

also why does everyone think boston is this backwards all-white irish racist town? those days are long gone, it's one of the most liberal, tolerant citiesin the nation. dudes watch boondock saints and the departed and think it's just like that huh?
I wanted to get him to e-retire like TBone
.. Ah well, looks like thenumber of conservatives has fell from 10 to 8 in the past month.

edit: He's a RedSox fan too
.. Me and Fede can't agree onanything.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

niketalks two resident republicans have been banned damn what a crazy past 2 weeks it has been

word. i had no idea who this guy was but if he's anything like tbone thank god he's gone. there's no way to have a discussion with them sincethey're so damn hard headed.
Yo! This guy is on larry king looking like a damn fool. Apologizing and talking about he never used jungle monkey and he has no idea where he came up w/ it.

Side note: Ann Coltore gotta mean adam's apple. She is gross.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by 718stylez

we're just going to have to disagree on this. maybe i see things differently as a black man. i get that police profile based on crime etc, but boston has a history of straight up abuse. and based on that considerable history i can understand why he charged the cop with being racist.

to your second point about the police report, i didn't hear him call the cop a racist slur for white people. the guy works at harvard and lives in a predominantly white section of town. he doesn't espouse anti-white rhetoric. i think he was misguided to call the cop a racist, but saying someone is racist doesn't make you a racist. take it for what it is.

There goes a double standard. If a white person says he has Black friends people say "oh, that doesnt mean he isnt a racist."

Fede whenever a race topic comes up it's funny that everytime you try to demonize black people as much as possible. I find that curious and telling of the type of person you are.

An ignorant and hateful dbag.

I demonize Black people as much as possible? Please. I bet you are the type of person who tries SOOOOOO hard to prove to Black people that you aren't a racist because you are white. I'm not racist, I don't think anyone is inferior to anybody. I hate people who try to justify things for Black people because there were racial tensions in the past, like Blacks were the ONLY people discriminated against? I've been probably discriminated against more than anyone on here because I was Jewish. I've been called "honkie" and "hymie" from Blacks in my old neighborhood and a "****" by anglo saxons. Should I march around hating everybody? Should I run to Germany to ask for reparations because I had family in the Holocaust? Should I got to Washington and ask for "Fairness" because Jews make up a minute minority in the world?

But Yeah you got me picked out clean man. Because I haven't sat on a porch with my black friends and when the security system went off, and a cop came. Two people living there showed id's, they never said anything but "I live here" and "Yes officer" "No officer", the cop says "should I know you?" "calls in the id of the oldest kid living there." and says "I may need back up" when a bunch of teens are sitting on a porch when an alrm goes off.

I haven't been in a car with a black kid as a cop mocks him for going to college for music.

I haven't busted my +$! doing community service in urban areas, I haven't seen the judicial system right in front of me the time I spent there day in, day out where people are harrassed where as, you could walk the street normally.

I haven't been stared at and given dirty looks, and shouted at because I was holding hands with a latin girl or a black girl.

"Racial tensions" is this case here. Slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, water hoses, billy clubs, and dogs is not racial tension that is racial oppression.

Blacks are not the only ones being discriminated against. But IN THIS COUNTRY, tell me one race even close to the discrimination level of blacks. Blacks,Muslims,Asains,Hispanics have been discriminated 1000000000000x more than any white person in this country.. Things I can do that a black person can't.. I can be in any nice neighborhood in the country. Find a non famous black guy in a nice car and rich neighborhood and see if he gets stopped.

You have been discriminated not because you were Jewish but because you are an ahole who thinks you are better than everyone. YOU NEVER HUMBLE YOURSELF. Never listen to anyone, and never try to relate with anyone. Black people rarely call white people names because you are white, it is because you are a prick. And bs you have been discriminated more than anyone here. I have been name called, laughed at, and ridiculed, called a "n-word lover" because "I don't help my own kind" as much as I do any other race.

And stop with the all black people want repirations crap.. It is such a small % it is probably the same number as Jewish people who want repirations. And ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THE MLK MARCH on Wash. or MILLION MAN MARCH because either way, you are an idiot, to think this country has been fair to blacks as they have been to whites.

Once again you prove you are an ignorant, hateful racist dbag. And BTW there were reparations for the Holocaust MAYBE YOU SHOULD READ SOME HISTORY.

One of the few times I'll actually co-sign Essential.

Fede was dead wrong with what he posted and I tried to stay away from this thread as much as I could.
If i was an accomplished black man living in Cambridge id b heated if the boys came up to me at my own home telling me they're investigating a break in.
Everyone knows if he had been white the neighbor probably wouldn't have called the police.
Im waiting for jrell to get banned next. Dude has no reasoning skills and never makes any valid points. Dude is a black (with glasses) version of tbone
That cop should be fired immediately NOT be put on paid leave.

What's there to investigate or research? The e-mail he sent out is proof enough.

PS - Why do people go off the deep end here to only end up insulting and throwing mud at one another? Shame
Originally Posted by NooEra

If i was an accomplished black man living in Cambridge id b heated if the boys came up to me at my own home telling me they're investigating a break in.
Everyone knows if he had been white the neighbor probably wouldn't have called the police.

What? You can't be that dense, really. The neighbor called the police because she was concerned that someone might be breaking in to the property,because Gates had been out of town. And in your infinite brilliance you determine that if Gates was white, the neighbor would not be concerned about someonetrying to break in, and wouldn't call 911? Seriously?
Isuppose it was the police departments fault for responding to a 911 call. Gates had no right to act the way he did, and Sgt. Crowley had every right toconduct a throrough investigation, which Gates refused to allow to happen.

This is all that had to happen:

Crowly: "I've got a report of a possible burglary at the residence, would u come outside please?"

Gates: "Oh, sure officer. This is my house, I was locked out. Everything is fine here."

Crowley: "Ok, do you mind if i see some ID?"

Gates: "Sure, here you go..."

Crowley: "Thank you Mr. Gates, sorry for disturbing you, have a nice night..."

END OF STORY. Instead, Gates decided he wanted to act like a bratty child, instead of a Harvard professor with friendly neighbors who look out for hisproperty while he is away.
Another one bites the dust
I agreed with Fede on a couple of issues but his stance on the KKK and racial profiling was just wrong.
White people will never understand the black plight and vice versa.

Somebody said Gates was arrested for being stupid and running off at the mouth I can present to you hundrends of thousands of videos where a cop"tolerates" a white person "going off"

The cop might not be a racist but to say race wasnt a factor is nutzo.

And this other cop talking about monkeys will get his job back its the American way.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Its Boston.
yup only place where racism exists. smh @ boston and anyone from that part of the country. they're all racists up HERE
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