Boy dies after masturbating 42 times

and the NT made articles have begun, word to the get paid for what you did in high school thread
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

im sorry lord but i just lol'd literally ......RIP

edit: how do they know how many times he did it?

The 42 tissues on the floor be my guess 
Originally Posted by INS

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by INS

probably by the 42 jizz socks they found.
RIP is this is true
yo i never understood the socks thing...

why would you cum in  your socks?

does anyone really do this?
I only buy the softest socks for a reason.
Its a contained area and you just toss it into your laundry basket
1. How does anyone know how many times he jerked off?

2. Why do you dudes bust in your own socks?
"Thou shall not spill thy seed into thy sock and cram it to bottom of the hamper, like it's been there for awhile"
I am going to call tales of the duck. Dude had to be going for more than 24 hrs to do that. I mean c'mon LOL!!!
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