Braces as an adult

Don't get clear braces, they have to stay on longer than just regular metal ones and they look disgusting when they get dirty and don't match the color of your teeth. And 1.5-2 years of sacrifice is definitely worth it to have straight teeth. My grandfather has braces, my girlfriends aunt had braces, so you won't be in the minority.

lol what
Do what you got to do. 6-12 months is no time and it'll pass fast and you'll be straight after that.
I'm 29 and I'm rockin' invisalines. definitely worth it and people don't even notice it. Ill be taking mines off around February. Only downside is, I have to take em off to eat. But once you get over that, you good :pimp:
gf has invisilines, she will be off them in the spring time. I'm glad she went on her own accord to get them and I didn't have to mention it to her (now that she has steady income).
Teeth look much better and its easier to clean around her teeth with flossing and all.
I'm getting Invisalign in the spring. My teeth have spaces. Nothing crazy. No chipped, or crooked teeth.
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Always makes me laugh when I see people 40+ wearing braces with teeth lookin like they 132 years old.


even if you're 40
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What KanyeWest said.

I got invisilign for a gap in front of my teeth at 22. It was well worth it. Since it's cosmetics, it's not covered in your dental insurance. It cost me $3900.00 within 8 months payment. You think your teeth is straight and all, but after I got it done I was surprised it wasn't as great as I thought. Very satisfied now though.
For those of you who got invisilign do you know how much it would be for just the top?
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