
^Kaz -- I am really enjoying the J.C II as well - it took until the insole really broke in for me to love them though.  That gave me better court feel and overall fit (usually the case with most shoes I guess).  I've worn them like 5/6 games so far in my current league and they've worked nicely -- what I really like is how I've had almost zeros aches/pains and legs have been feeling great -- sure this is not just the shoes but I think these have an advantage in that category.  

That being said, I am a little bit torn when it comes to this shoe and am with the guys who prefer something a little firmer from a cushion standpoint and an upper that's a little more restrictive.  I guess it comes down to preference mainly.  There is a little bit of "lag" for me playing in the J.C II.  More noticeable for me with offensive footwork.

For those who feel this way and can still track down a pair of the J.C I, Raptor mid or especially Raptor LO (phantom low premium still available), I think you'll be VERY pleased.  The traction on the first round of shoes was a pleasant surprise, but it wasn't as durable as this new pattern.  Throw the new pattern on the raptor los and I'm in heaven...

Anyway -- apologize for the rant this AM.  Great aspects of Brandblack's first run and second run of shoes for sure. 
Love love love these. Just received the gray ones today and for $105 these might be one of my best purchases ever!
^ gotta wait for @classysole for that pair
Alright so I've been on NT for nearly a year and still can't post a damn photo.
underneath "reply" is "[<>} source" directly under that first emblem on the left bottom line kinda looks like this [*m] is the picture button for you to post pics, when you click it it brings up:

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(this is a copy of the options highlighted in green) now under upload files will allow you to search your device to find pics that you want to post, in the use url box you can post the properties of pics to upload

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when you click on the [*m] it will bring up options to search your mobile device to find pics, hopefully this will help you post pics i did my best to describe everything in detail to help you get started
Thank you so much! I took a few pics earlier today. Will attempt to upload either tonight to tomorrow.
I'm sure its just me, but do these smell amazing brand new to anyone else? Not trying to be weird, but the scent that these have reminds me of that new shoe smell from back in the day (late 90s early 2000s for me). I got in my Blackouts and Dodgers pairs and when I opened the boxes it felt like opening up fresh kicks in highschool. I don't know, I liked the shoes and the packaging and all, but the nostalgia upon delivery was what put them over the top for me.
I'm sure its just me, but do these smell amazing brand new to anyone else? Not trying to be weird, but the scent that these have reminds me of that new shoe smell from back in the day (late 90s early 2000s for me). I got in my Blackouts and Dodgers pairs and when I opened the boxes it felt like opening up fresh kicks in highschool. I don't know, I liked the shoes and the packaging and all, but the nostalgia upon delivery was what put them over the top for me.

No lie I got mine in on Friday and the first thing I thought was these smell amazing :lol:. Very potent new shoe smell. As far as fit I'm glad I didn't size down. When I first tried them on as I was sitting the setup felt a lot like the xx8 with the flight plate. Interior of the shoe is very plush compared to the plasticy feel of the xx8. Had a luxury feel like I was hooping in a stretch limo. Traction was fine at my local 24. Didn't even double sock and the cushion was soft but still firm enough imo. Shoes are A1, really like the design of the chrome logo and the pattern by the ankle/heel. The lines on the toe kinda make the shoe look cheap but overall these are some cool looking shoes and no complaints from a performance aspect
I NEED the BHM colorway!!!!! Anybody know where I can get sz 11 please LMK. I will pay a decent amount over retail
My favorite colorway of the bunch right there.

Hopefully the JC3 looks good and the colorways are easier to access.
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