Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Don Eladio & Hector; Gus & Maximino; Walt & Jesse

the outcome for walt and jesse isn't looking good for next week's episode.:rofl:

Todd is definitely going to be the boss in the end.
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i hope the season blu ray/later episodes provide a commentary/explanation because your guys' explanations suck
Walt probably gonna kill Hank too. If anybody thinks Walt was panicking a bit after shooting Mike be prepared to see him **** his pants if Hank finds out he's Heisenberg cuz of some screw up by Walt or if he just catches him in the wrong place. They'll be some awkward last minute bull **** rationalizing and the second Hank turns his back Walt pulls the trigger or has Todd do it.

thats me after every episode this season.

season 4 had my hopes high coming in, but im getting tired of this. everything seems so forced and rushed. dont get me wrong, show is still cool... but im back to my 'dont really care about anyone' feeling from seasons 1-3. everyone sucks and i want them all to die.

Mike was the exception. salty how that went down... but i saw it coming.

your assumption (Walt makes Todd kill Mike) based on that pic, seems like an OD reach for this episode. too much unsettled with the new operation for that to make sense. i think Mike and Walt eventually clash heads.... which inevitably leads to a Jesse-Walt stand off at the end of the series. .

that was before the train heist. 2 episodes later, Mike is no longer in the a part of the operation... therefor, superfluous to Walt's needs. and gone.


at least Lydia will be back next week. best actor on the show, by far. terribly under-utilized.
Why didn't Mike kill Walt when he was on the rock.
I know Walt had his gun drawn at Mike, but c'mon, Mike the ninja could have killed him

A lot of things seemed to happen a bit too conveniently this season. I'm sure things could have played out better and more believable if they had the full 13 episodes to work with instead of just 8.
He was dying and gave up. Probably realized he didn't have the energy to survive anyway and there's no way it's a guarantee he kills Walt in that situation when his gun is already drawn.

The way I see it Mike at that point gave up, he wasn't really running anywhere, **** was a wrap when Hank found out about the account in his granddaughter's name which was seized for the most part. He given up and probably reflected on all the times he ****** up recently and all the times he's ****** up since he met Walt. He should've killed Walt, he should've killed Lydia, probably should've killed Jesse when Gus said to but hey he went against his gut instinct and this is where he ended up, almost out the game but not in enough time.

I don't really see this season as rushed or much cramming of a lot of things in one ep, nor do I see the convenience in this ep, especially with that last scene.
Mike had it coming. Not specifically from Walt, but all his killing came back to him. It's crazy that he such a stealth killer and he gets shot up by Walt and not that hitman from a couple episodes before.
I'm surprised nobody brought up Todds's jailhouse connects.

This might come into play next season when Walt finally decides to get rid of all the Legacy debts.
Very interested to see how this season plays out, and even more interested to see how Mike stays part of the operation.

I believe Mike gets killed before th end of this half season.

I knew it!!!!
lol i dont see how ppl could root for walt at this point. dude is a grade a scumbag.there are no redeeming qualities to his character now, dirtbag through and through. at least scarface passed on killing that guys kids. 
:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: Walt is consumed by his own greed/evil.


(at least I think that's what I saw)
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when walt called mike saying the dea/cops are coming, it got me shook seeing mike being scared for his life and his grand daughters life. i am guessing this was his first time on the show being actually scared for his life.
So...Um...My mistake... :wow: Guess it wasn't a blown off face...Thought it was when they showed it for a split second:


Anyone know what to make of it?
Smh at dude saying the girl playing Lydia is the best actor. Cranston and Paul MAKE this show what it is.

But anyways, I'm still riding for Walt, but something is off about Todd. Either he has an agenda or he's one loyal dude
For this season, yes. Guess it'll be the conclusion of season, 5.5? :lol:

someone lied to you son. you kids need to stop reaching.



there were 11 names on Lydia's list, right? that list didnt include Mike. hit man killed Chow, and Mike killed hit man. list down to 9... 10 including Mike. the guy at Madrigal warehouse got picked up, but i dont know if he was on the list. that would make the math work.... but i doubt its related.

also, i stand by my statement. Lydia destroys whoever she is on screen with. Cranston may be the most versatile actor on the show, but she makes you feel and believe the emotion. the two scenes when Mike wanted to kill her, were probably the best of the season. saying Jesse and Walt 'make the show' is a pretty obvious statement... theyre the main characters. doesnt mean they cant be out-performed.
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He was dying and gave up. Probably realized he didn't have the energy to survive anyway and there's no way it's a guarantee he kills Walt in that situation when his gun is already drawn.
The way I see it Mike at that point gave up, he wasn't really running anywhere, **** was a wrap when Hank found out about the account in his granddaughter's name which was seized for the most part. He given up and probably reflected on all the times he ****** up recently and all the times he's ****** up since he met Walt. He should've killed Walt, he should've killed Lydia, probably should've killed Jesse when Gus said to but hey he went against his gut instinct and this is where he ended up, almost out the game but not in enough time.
I don't really see this season as rushed or much cramming of a lot of things in one ep, nor do I see the convenience in this ep, especially with that last scene.
season 1 and 2 where just as "convenient"  

walt with the bomb in tuco's office

walt and jesse making it out of mexico

when tuco kidnapped them

the two dudes that where gonna pop

jesse in season 3 not hearing a car going full

speed at them

and you guys need to stop coming at walt 

like he aint give mike the heads up
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Walt is the cheap shot king. All the people he's ever killed, he's never done it face to face or looked in their eyes :lol: :smh:
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