Brett Favre signs with the Minnesota Vikings

IDK how ya'll photo shop like dat but

Good fa brett
Vikings were better off with Tavaris or Sage... They would've been better off saving that money for later on...
im gonna wait for that epic thread just before mid-season talking about the spectacular failure of this move
Dudes asking for injury are ridiculously immature.

If I'm 40 and someone throws 12 mil at me, I'm shuckin and jiving my tail all the way to practice.

The dummies in this are Minnesota.

The greatest QB in Packers history has once again stuck it to the Vikings.

Be mad @ ESPN for OD coverage, or simply turn the TV off.
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

i never said this before... but i really hope someone ends his career


no lie i was thinkin the same thing earlier today... Like i am a farve fan... but enough is enough... IM SO SICK OF THE DUDE

I was hopin maybe some1 can take out his legs and like tear his ACL or something...

but he Does make The Vikings better and a contender for sure
(Live inMN lol) so i have mixed feelings about it
Originally Posted by jcuk3tm0

Originally Posted by xDOEBOIx

Vikings were better off with Tavaris or Sage... They would've been better off saving that money for later on...
like when?
Next year
They aint going go nowhere this year with his old %%#...
Cats kinda ODing wishing injury on dude
, but hisindecisiveness combined with ESPN's coverage is mad annoying. Gotta avoid them for at least 3-4 days.
i dont hate/blame brett at all for any of these "returns" to the nfl. the guy loves the game, hes a warrior, and he wants to play. don't hate onhim cause the media loves this dude and just covers the hell out of any favre story. brett favre is appreciated, but the media's obsession is not.

as far as if he can help the vikes or not, we'll know soon enough. he was way off target from what they showed today
Man I honestly don't know what to feel about this move.

On a talent standpoint, Im glad because we definitely upgraded the position. I don't think anyones gonna question that

I'm worried about what it will do chemistry wise for our team though.

Obviously, best case scenario will be we keep winning games and Brett does well. But what if the other side of it happens, like how the Jets fell from the toplast season? I dunno man....

And this dude Childress...dude is hanging on Bretts nuts too hard. SMFH. Makes me hate this guy even more.
with all due respect to what he's accomplished, the dude is a str8 6itch. if it wasn't about money his az$ shoulda been in camp. i'm tired ofhearing about him. i hope either the vikings lose all their games with him at the helm or someone gives him a joe theisman.
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

Imagine if this was Owens....

"he's selfish. He just wants Rice's records"

Fa real, but it's "I can do no wrong, my %*@* don't stank golden boy of the league" Brett Farve.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

i dont hate/blame brett at all for any of these "returns" to the nfl. the guy loves the game, hes a warrior, and he wants to play. don't hate on him cause the media loves this dude and just covers the hell out of any favre story. brett favre is appreciated, but the media's obsession is not.

as far as if he can help the vikes or not, we'll know soon enough. he was way off target from what they showed today
See I would agree with you, but hes a lame for doing what he has. Saying hes done for good and going back on his word, MULTIPLE TIMES.

I just think hes a joke now, I got no problem with him loving the game, but he keeps being saying hes done so he's brought this upon himself. And ESPN willover cover everything now....
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Has anyone heard from JPZx?

I want to make sure he's still alive and breathing.
Alive and well my man
....just been out doing stuff all day.

It's pretty well known on here that I am PRO-Favre but I'm going to be realistic...this has alegitimate chance of blowing up in our faces, although I think it won't.

Super Bowl or not, its great to see a Minnesota franchise bring in a legend instead of letting one leave. Like Favre said, no one knows for sure how it willturn out, but I'll give the Vikings all the credit in the world for trying to get that one last piece of the puzzle.

If we're talking revenue, this deal is already a win for the Vikings.

From NFL Network:

-2,000 season tickets sold since noon
-6,000 individual game tickets sold since noon
-1,500 jerseys sold at since noon

I think those numbers are ridiculous, but can you blame the people in Minnesota? We weren't going to embrace mediocrity much longer.

But everything aside, this will be a VERY interesting season
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