Brittany Maynard: My right to death with dignity at 29

I know she's ending her life on the first but how long is she expected to live for? Did she type that or did somebody else did. With that said its a really sad situation. She's beautiful too.
Its a terrible story and I feel bad for her.

She got a right to do what she chooses with herself and if that's her choice she got a right to it.

However I can't get down with calling her a hero like how some people have labeled her.
Most likely the hero term is coming from people that admire her for sharing her tragic story and her attempt to shed light on these laws that the majority of Americans are ignorant to.
My stance is everyone in that situation that wants to kill themselves should do it if they want. Don't include family members or friends on how you plan to go about it. There isn't any authority that should tell them otherwise regardless of the laws of a particular state.
Couldn't disagree more with your stance, but I guess it's easy to have such a stance when this has no affect on your life whatsoever.
A difficult situation for everyone. But I personally believe suicide is the most selfish and cowardly thing a person can do. Depriving your loved ones and family of your life isn't alright. Obviously this isn't your average teen angst fueled suicide and its a whole lot more complicated,but I still think she should live out her life to its end.
This type of thinking needs to die, it's beyond *** backwards. Every situation is different and a blanket statement for the act should never be used. I wonder if your own mother was in this ladies shoes would you say the same thing.
Most people are scared of death because they dont know whats on the other side.
If you believe in Jesus you know our father is waiting for us on the other side.
Please leave the sorcery out of this thread.
I asked it in the other thread but this thread is more active.

If we call her a 'hero' and 'courageous' that is a total slap in the face to anyone who's had cancer or any other serious illness and fought it until the very end.

If we're calling his lady courageous, then by that same logic, the 9-11 hijackers were courageous because they were willing to die for a cause they believed in. You can't have it both ways with that courageous label.
Why is it a slap in the face? Despite the fact that she wants to live, she is forgoing treatment. It would be a losing battle, so she's saving money and resources.

9-11 hijackers killed innocent civilians and believed that they were receiving a great reward for executing that mission. The comparison isn't even close. 
To me I feel like you should die whenever the universe calls you home. At the same time who wants to force someone to live in pain.

Idk man .. I commend her for sharing her story but I don't think it's courageous, just another way out.
My stance is everyone in that situation that wants to kill themselves should do it if they want. Don't include family members or friends on how you plan to go about it. There isn't any authority that should tell them otherwise regardless of the laws of a particular state.

Couldn't disagree more with your stance
That's fine but pretending the only way to have this stance is if I've never been in that situation as if it begins and ends with being in that person's or family member's shoes is bull **** imo. I could basically say the same thing to someone who held the opposite stance of mine.
Brittany Maynard, who became the public face of the controversial right-to-die movement over the last few weeks, ended her own life Saturday at her home in Portland, Oregon. She was 29.

"Goodbye to all my dear friends and family that I love. Today is the day I have chosen to pass away with dignity in the face of my terminal illness, this terrible brain cancer that has taken so much from me … but would have taken so much more," she wrote on Facebook. "The world is a beautiful place, travel has been my greatest teacher, my close friends and folks are the greatest givers. I even have a ring of support around my bed as I type … Goodbye world. Spread good energy. Pay it forward!"
A difficult situation for everyone. But I personally believe suicide is the most selfish and cowardly thing a person can do. Depriving your loved ones and family of your life isn't alright. Obviously this isn't your average teen angst fueled suicide and its a whole lot more complicated,but I still think she should live out her life to its end.
Don't you think its selfish for her loved ones to want her suffer??

Here's a scenario for you. Lets say you have a wife that has terminal cancer and suffers from unimaginable pain every day until she dies. She wants to die now, but you would rather her wait and suffer until she dies. Who is the selfish one in that situation?
In situations like these, I don't think it's selfish at all. We have no idea how much they are suffering mentally, physically, and emotionally. I had to watch my mom for months lay in a hospital bed and watch her deteriorate physically. She was losing touch with reality as well. Days before she passed away and was still awake to talk to me, she told me she wanted to die already. She fought as much as she could but couldn't go on anymore. When she passed, my family was happy she was finally at peace. I wish she had the option that this young woman had. People deserve better than this kind of suffering.
Oh wow. That's sad man. 
Its selfish to want someone to do something they dont want to do for your own good.

My whole thing is it's common sense and the laws are irrelevant. If you wanna kill yourself you're gonna kill yourself. Especially if you're able bodied and can do it on your own. This whole the state allowing you to die is bull ****. You don't need to announce it. If you aint telling anybody, just plan your date and OD on some heart medication.

Highly doubt her story will change the laws. If anything it'll just bring more ppl against it out the woodwork. I'm well aware of the ppl voted in to powers of position will react to a situation like this.

Liked that you assumed that I didn't read though.

Because the insurance companies are going to make payments for suicides.

******* idiot.
I've had a long battle with suicidal thoughts; I'm okay now. It always amuses me when people call it a cowardly or selfish act. No two people on this earth are the same and we all handle situations differently. What may be an overcomeable set of circumstances for one may be the end of the road for another. If a person is suffering and chooses to put a permanent end to that, I cannot fault them because I simply never took a walk in their shoes. I think it's human arrogance that leads us to form this uniform idea that suicide is cowardice.
I could never commit suicide. I'm not built for it. I would ask for pain killer and let me Rot naturally.
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