Broadcast of David Ortiz roast cancelled b/c of racist jokes...

So where should the line be drawn (if any) with roasts?

Let's say Gronk killed it w/ good Jeff Ross type of quality...would folks be looking at this situation a little differently?

I think basically if you are going to step into that territory better make sure your **** is tight or just leave it, word to Kramer.

Didn't Kramer spaz out on someone in the audience? Can't remember exactly the context, but I don't think what he did was part of his standup routine...


kramer's outburst wasn't part of his show IIRC. which is why it deservedly received criticism.
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So where should the line be drawn (if any) with roasts?

Let's say Gronk killed it w/ good Jeff Ross type of quality...would folks be looking at this situation a little differently?

I think basically if you are going to step into that territory better make sure your **** is tight or just leave it, word to Kramer.

Didn't Kramer spaz out on someone in the audience? Can't remember exactly the context, but I don't think what he did was part of his standup routine...

But he's a comedian at a standup, some of the best moments have come from comedians eating a heckler's ***. Consider it a part of coming up. In that moment he probably thought he was coming with good ****.
So where should the line be drawn (if any) with roasts?

Let's say Gronk killed it w/ good Jeff Ross type of quality...would folks be looking at this situation a little differently?

I think basically if you are going to step into that territory better make sure your **** is tight or just leave it, word to Kramer.

Didn't Kramer spaz out on someone in the audience? Can't remember exactly the context, but I don't think what he did was part of his standup routine...

But he's a comedian at a standup, some of the best moments have come from comedians eating a heckler's ***. Consider it a part of coming up. In that moment he probably thought he was coming with good ****.

I think there is a difference between a comedian going at someone's neck for laughs and doing what Kramer did. Which was go at someone out of pure racial hatred.

IIRC, I think Joe Rogan obliterated someone in the audience w/o crossing that line when he was doing one of his routines.
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But he's a comedian at a standup, some of the best moments have come from comedians eating a heckler's ***. Consider it a part of coming up. In that moment he probably thought he was coming with good ****.

No he didn't lol. He lost his damb mind and he knew it after the fact. This isn't the same as writing good material and being funny. The Kramer bit was a tirade and straight up racist, plastering N-bombs all over the place.
Didn't Kramer spaz out on someone in the audience? Can't remember exactly the context, but I don't think what he did was part of his standup routine...
Looked it up and jesus christ it's bad

I mean Kramer was an example of suppressed rage and frustration under the guise of "eating a heckler's ***" :lol:

He got emotional and thought he could apply it to his routine but it just didn't work. It's not an example of racial humor gone wrong to me
I mean Kramer was an example of suppressed rage and frustration under the guise of "eating a heckler's ***"

He got emotional and thought he could apply it to his routine but it just didn't work. It's not an example of racial humor gone wrong to me
yeah he just lost it... kramer stopped trying to be funny and was just straight racist
yeah he just lost it... kramer stopped trying to be funny and was just straight racist

He coulda turned that into something hilarious if he clowned them for disrupting his set instead of going into a racist tirade
It’s for accuracy.. Django was set in slavery days.. everyone on the set agreed that if anything, the usage of the word was downplayed for the time setting it was in.

He does it because he’s an artist who loves realism. Thus the blood and gore and slurs and cussing.
Because when I think of realism the first thing that comes to mind is a Tarantino film. He said it in pulp fiction (set in the 90s) too btw. Miss me with that 'accuracy' BS; dudes a weirdo with a racial slur fetish.
If you get offended by anything that belong in a comedy club, you don't get stand up.

If you start removing topics because theyre offensive to someone then you cant talk about anything. There will ALWAYS be something that is said in stand up that will offend someone.

It's either everything goes, or ban stand up comedy.

Like I said. In comedy, EVERYTHING goes.

I will never understand this protection of the "old guard" of comedy.

We progress as a society but comedy cannot? Why?

**** was mad problematic back in the day and society is now cognitively aware of how these types of jokes contribute to stereotypes and perceptions of minorities.

Watch this and tell me Godfrey wasn't a huge ******* ******* to a person who may have been a rape victim or knew a person with that trauma.

We're talking about "friendly" jokes that are borderline harassment but because they're intended as comedic folks are supposed to ride with it? Nah.

FOH with protecting the "old guard". What are you even talking about? Comedy hasn't changed much because it shouldn't. There are no topics that can't be joked about in a comedy club, and that's how it should be.

Dude in that video wasn't being a ****. If you can't take jokes STAY OUT THE COMEDY CLUB. People who get offended are a bunch of ******* hypocrites. They'll laugh their *** off when the jokes are at the expense of others but as soon as it comes around to something they don't like they get mad? FOH. That person didn't like rape jokes? But I'm sure they'd be laughing their *** off if the jokes were about being fat, or bald, or white, or dumb, etc. Are there not any fat people in the world who have dramatic experiences because of their weight? What about people depressed about their baldness?

Stopping people from joking about certain topics isn't a sign of society progressing, it's a sign of society REGRESSING.

Looked it up and jesus christ it's bad

I think he at first made the outburst, realized he F'd up, tried concealing it by adding to his routine but couldn't due to how emotional he was and then just said F it and went off.
The only time racist, sexist, etc jokes are funny is if it's satirical. I think people are missing that point in this thread. If you can't make it clever and satirical, especially if you're white then it's just racism.

Louie CK comes to mind. 

Uh no thats not the point because not all comedians are funny, but all comedians should have the opportunity to TRY to be funny regardless of topic. A joke is a joke whether it's satirical or not.
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People that have no sense of humor are so lame :smh: why even go to a comedy club if you're going to get butt hurt
LOL you're contradicting yourself man. A racist joke is a racist joke whether is satirical or not. You're admitting YOURE ok with racist jokes if they fit a certain category for you. Other people may not feel that way. What if somebody is offended by a satirical racist joke? You can't start labeling what jokes are ok and what jokes aren't which is exactly why ALL jokes have the green light in a comedy setting. It's either they're all ok, or no jokes should be made.
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I'm not debating whether or not people should be offended, everybody is offended by something. I'm arguing that comedians shouldn't get crap or have limits as to what kind of jokes are deemed ok in a comedy club/ standup setting. People watch roasts, go to comedy clubs, or watch specials, and get offended by jokes, being completely oblivious to their hypocrisy.

Whether or not Gronk is dumb as rocks is irrelevant. He was in a comedy club setting doing a roast. Anything he says has the green light. Now if he's making those statements in a presser after a game, that's completely different.
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Of course they don't have to like it that's not the point. DONT WATCH THE ROAST IF YOURE SENSITIVE ABOT JOKES. You're the one not understanding. A roast got pulled because of racist jokes. Racist jokes on a roast? NO ****..
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I'm not debating whether or not people should be offended, everybody is offended by something. I'm arguing that comedians shouldn't get crap or have limits as to what kind of jokes are deemed ok in a comedy club/ standup setting. People watch roasts, go to comedy clubs, or watch specials, and get offended by jokes, being completely oblivious to their hypocrisy.

LOL comedians shouldn't have limits but the audience shouldn't have to like it, I don't understand how that's not getting through your skull. The president has made jokes about fingering women without their permission, I'm sure that was funny to imbeciles, he has the right to say it but I don't have to like it. 

Hmm, did the president say these things during a set at a comedy club? How about a roast? I believe not, so you are comparing things that can't be compared. Try again champ.
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Listened to this from Desus & Mero and he was definitely out of pocket.

With all of the cop killings and everything going on, folks see this as something funny?

Also dude had wayy too much aggressive tone behind that Jewish joke. Like he been waiting to let that out. :lol:

Combine that with the neo nazi skinhead, yeah I'm cool on dude and anyone who defends this trash
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