He looks like michael jackson and a old white woman upside down or he's becoming a transformer
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let this man cook.

he's been suspect since jumpstreet. if he wants to look like a freak, so be it.

NT clearly has no problems with cosmetic surgery to alter ones appearance. just peep that elnaz1985 thread. why should this be any different?

the only thing uncomfortable about this is how its going to be paraded around in the media. but that's not his fault.
How does he changing his body to resemble a woman's affect your life in any way?

The same way smokers and fatties affect your life. It doesn't.

If you want a solid scientific answer, I'm sorry I don't have one, but something in my body tells me this is disgusting.
Therefore since fatties and smokers don't affect your life unless you're standing next to the smoker inhaling second hand smoke. You need to #lethemcook


let this broken old man try to be happy. It's sad dudes personal issues are being talked about and made fun of on the internet.
How does he changing his body to resemble a woman's affect your life in any way?

The same way smokers and fatties affect your life. It doesn't.

If you want a solid scientific answer, I'm sorry I don't have one, but something in my body tells me this is disgusting.
Therefore since fatties and smokers don't affect your life unless you're standing next to the smoker inhaling second hand smoke. You need to #lethemcook

So then they should stop running ads trying to get people into the gym or to stop smoking then is what you're saying...hey it doesnt affect my life
These people who are born one gender but feel like another rather take hormones of their dream gender and cut their body parts up to fit how they feel. Why don't they just take hormones of the same gender they were born to change how they feel and coincide with their natural parts?..
These people who are born one gender but feel like another rather take hormones of their dream gender and cut their body parts up to fit how they feel. Why don't they just take hormones of the same gender they were born to change how they feel and coincide with their natural parts?..

You can't be serious right?
You can't be serious right?
I am srs. Im asking a question, not making a statement. Im no expert bout that life. So I want to know why is this not the case? They say the hormones influence the voice, body/ physic, some brain function and emotions. It can't affect attraction? Or balance out the discomfort they feel within?
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We just live in a time with no limits.

If you can't be blind to a lot of wierd and ridiculous stuff then your a "hater" or you should "let em cook"

Nothing I say or express will affect his like nor will his actions mine but I find it wierd and disturbing when people do this.
You can't be serious right?
I am srs. Im asking a question, not making a statement. Im no expert bout that life. So I want to know why is this not the case? They say the hormones influence the voice, body/ physic, some brain function and emotions. It can't affect attraction? Or balance out the discomfort they feel within?

Because it doesn't work like that B. :lol:

By your logic, HRT would be a cure for homosexuality too.

Literally you're asking it their is a pill they can take to stop their feelings. Let that sink for a while and ask yourself it that doesn't sound ridiculous

-If Bruce is making this move it isn't gonna effect anyone in here. Dudes forever upset that "liberals" or "society" refuse to let them voice their ignorance without consequence.

His life, his money, his happiness. #LetHimCook
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We just live in a time with no limits.

If you can't be blind to a lot of wierd and ridiculous stuff then your a "hater" or you should "let em cook"

Nothing I say or express will affect his like nor will his actions mine but I find it wierd and disturbing when people do this.

Gender reassignment began in the early 1900s, it's just gotten safer and more effective.

I'm all for people having opinions, I think it's very important to be able to express yourself how you want, but you have to understand that with that ability to state your opinion, there will be people who state theirs back at you.

I wouldn't call you a hater :lol: I mean its clear how this can be naturally disturbing to someone. I think son looks horrible. But if it will make him happy why judge him? He's not hurting anyone but possibly himself.

He's going to make a really, really ugly woman.
Because it doesn't work like that B. :lol:

By your logic, HRT would be a cure for homosexuality too.

Literally you're asking it their is a pill they can take to stop their feelings. Let that sink for a while and ask yourself it that doesn't sound ridiculous
There are lots of pills that stop and alter feelings. But I hear you tho. Like I said, Im no expert, I was just wondering. Cus I these folks needing these treatment to develope alot of aspects
of the opposite sex within themselves, so it got me thinking.
Kris Jenner is kinda hot though, what the hell is Bruce thinking
I had the dopest sex dream about her one time

I doubt he is trying to change into a women, but if he is, then good for him #Lethimcook

View media item 791930

That let em cook **** is getting played out.

This is all around wierd and uncomfortable.

Our society is getting way too "accepting"
What does it matter to you what he wants to be or change in to? It can be weird to you but you have no choice but to accept it. You literally have no choice in the matter. What you gonna do actively try to shun and degrade dude for his choices that aren't harmful to himself or anyone else?
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Im not against Bruce doing what he wants but it's just super weird...then again I don't even know the guy :lol:

Wonder what sexy Kendall thinks :frown:
I dont get it.

If he always wanted to do this and felt in some way that his gender didnt fit his sex, then wouldnt he identify himself as a woman(inside)?
And if so, how/why would he be attracted to Kris and fall in love with her?
Would that make him a lesbian in some weird Mr Garrison type of way?

Examples like Bruce make it hard for me to believe the whole GID debate going on in America right now.

There has been research that proves, that some people that experience GID were actually intersex, and were assigned the wrong gender after birth by the doctors, or it develops later in life. And I get that. Those people ARE actually a man in a woman's body and vice versa. But those are very rare cases. And I repeat, those are VERY rare cases. So for people with Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome, or Complete gonadal dysgenesis, or even those that are Iatrogenic or have a condition that is Idiopathic, or even those born with both organs, I completely understand.

But with guys like Bruce, I am not convinced.

Serious question:
Does it make me a bigot or homophobic to question that fact that statistically there are more transgender people than people with intersex conditions?
(And what I mean by that is, that statisically a fair amount of transgender people never had a condition that would support them actually having GID in the first place)
Not at all. You'd have some irrational and emotional ppl saying otherwise but no you'd be neither a homophobe or a bigot for asking that question. It'd be much better if ppl asked more questions to inform themselves instead of just acting ignorantly.
dude used be adored by women for his looks in his hey day; talk about God just wasting a gift on someone
We just live in a time with no limits.

If you can't be blind to a lot of wierd and ridiculous stuff then your a "hater" or you should "let em cook"

Nothing I say or express will affect his like nor will his actions mine but I find it wierd and disturbing when people do this.

We are living in a society where its do what makes you happy. Its a sad state but its reality.

But know this, what makes some happy is destruction.
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This been rumored for a while now lets just wait until after he does it or not.

I don't see what there's to talk about unless yall just want to gossip.

I do wonder if Kanye questions what family he's marrying in to now. It'd also be pretty rough if Bruce had a son.

I think he has 4 sons. Maybe they'll be calling him mom soon.

They must be hurt :lol: :smh:

I swear if you ever got to smash a kardashian, badu and rihanna the devil himself would appear and drag you to hell

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