Bullied Tennessee boy gets love from celebrities

my gripe with depending on the law is that jim crow used to be the law

Like their power can come from numbers alone in spite of the law
Being a reasonably decent person takes little to no energy. Like all I really said was don't clown little kids. I'm not caping for his Keaton specifically. If he did say the n-word, he should be punish for it. Yes try to educate him but if he said the n-word he disrupted the peaceful environment other kids need to learn, and he must realize that.

We are on an online forum. We are having civil debate. I already said if dudes wanna vent I understand, but be honest about that.

I understand having to deal with white supremacy and the bull**** that comes with it makes people cold, stubborn and unwilling offer the same level tact that is denied to them. I lose my cool all the time and say **** I later regret.

But folk need to understand that if they are interested in fighting for justice, that "sticking it to whitety" is not the end game.
Fair enough then, this is where we disagree.

I'm not here to 'stick it to whitey', I'm just not here to defend white people who got themselves into a bad situation.

This isn't about white people. To me it's about us. It's about no longer wasting the energy as a people that we waste regularly trying to be inclusive and make sure no one gets left behind. Seemingly not even those people waving confederate flags. We've been the most inclusive, while still being **** on from every direction. I'm good on fighting the good fight. At this point, I'm more interested in making sure I and on a larger scale we are good. I've extended myself for years. I've always been the polar opposite of what I'm saying right now, but I don't have it in me to continue to play things 100% fair and down the line, while everyone else is running up the score.

We're in here arguing with one another about a racist white family who conned the country into sending them $55k by having a child cry on camera. Sucks that a child seemed to be powerless here, but this isn't the first or the last time we see something like this. Like I said, they'll be fine. I'm not always sure we will.

I don't think we disagree. Just slightly different perspectives.
Fair enough then, this is where we disagree.

I'm not here to 'stick it to ******', I'm just not here to defend white people who got themselves into a bad situation.

This isn't about white people. To me it's about us. It's about no longer wasting the energy as a people that we waste regularly trying to be inclusive and make sure no one gets left behind. Seemingly not even those people waving confederate flags. We've been the most inclusive, while still being **** on from every direction. I'm good on fighting the good fight. At this point, I'm more interested in making sure I and on a larger scale we are good. I've extended myself for years. I've always been the polar opposite of what I'm saying right now, but I don't have it in me to continue to play things 100% fair and down the line, while everyone else is running up the score.

We're in here arguing with one another about a racist white family who conned the country into sending them $55k by having a child cry on camera. Sucks that a child seemed to be powerless here, but this isn't the first or the last time we see something like this. Like I said, they'll be fine. I'm not always sure we will.

I don't think we disagree. Just slightly different perspectives.
Yeah I don't think we disagree that much. I see where you are coming from.

Like I'm just saying chill on the kid for now, and I kinda feel sorry for lil man because he got stuck with two seemingly racist scumbags for parents.

If Keaton becomes a adult and wants to act like his ****** parents, when **** him to. And really I will not partake in the slander but I won't be saying damn word to anyone that wants to flame adult Keaton, if he is outchea acting like his parents.

But right now he is a kid, maybe because I have spent so much time around kids that I understand that even the worst ones are often victims of circumstances they had no control over. He didn't pick his crappy parents.

So chill on him for now, let the yoppa sing on the ****** adults.
I remember when y'all Ns uses to crack up at Jason Kidd son head all the time. Hell I used to get clowned for having a big *** head as a kid , son know he ugly so he need to be prepared for the jokes. Now if they putting their hands on him or other **** the parents need to handle that accordingly but jokes? That's life and it ain't gonna stop today. Where I went to school this would've only made it worse. Baby sws and co pulled the heist of the year, better than ja and his fyre fest ****. Moms was that concerned huh? My kid come tell me some other kids are roasting him imma pull out my phone and say wait so say it again
I remember when y'all Ns uses to crack up at Jason Kidd son head all the time. Hell I used to get clowned for having a big *** head as a kid , son know he ugly so he need to be prepared for the jokes. Now if they putting their hands on him or other **** the parents need to handle that accordingly but jokes? That's life and it ain't gonna stop today. Where I went to school this would've only made it worse. Baby sws and co pulled the heist of the year, better than ja and his fyre fest ****. Moms was that concerned huh? My kid come tell me some other kids are roasting him imma pull out my phone and say wait so say it again

I laughed a lil bit
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