Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

the WORST by far is a male cockblocker.

you know that one male friend a chick you're polyin with has who makes it a point to @+% onyour game because he has none.

a female cockblocker, i could kinda sympathize with cuz usually she's jealous or doesnt wanna be alone. there's no reason for a man to cockblock another man unless shorty is his blood or something like that.

cosign...a female cblocker can normally be dealt with...using a wingman
Unappreciated. Ill never forget the time my boy c-blocked on me for no reason.

Im like 14 at the time and me and my boy just met some girls 2 days before (they were from outta town) and they call us over in the middle of the day

we go. We all are chillin having a good time and we go our seperate ways in the house. The girl he was messing with went to her granparents room. and hesgetting some head. And me and the girl im messing with went into her room. Lets just say while im taking over her pants. He comes in the room talking about"my dad called we gotta go"

Turns out he just wanted to leave because he didnt want to be around her anymore. or something like that.
I never forgave him for that
The worst is when its your own friend, you would think they're be happy you're getting with a girl.
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