Calling all hispanics, you like this?

im stockin da fridge today w/ bodega's worth
damn i think i used to drink something like that lemme see if i can find the one i drank ....
i moved on from malta, definately a childhood thing, before it was illegal for me to drink
I absolutely hate Malta....god damn I hate that crap.

My cousins in Guyana drink this thing all day, I had one back in the day and I said never again.
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

I used to drink them all the time with the milk candy squares they sell in the bodega...

Ughh...Now I want one.



YOOO THATS GUAYABA [idk how to spell it] or some *$$% loll %$%* is maad good... you ever had it wit tha red strip in the middle?


THAT is nott Guayaba. THAT is CAJETA
Cajeta on the thin %@@ communion wafers
I think i'm gonna head out to the Norwalk Indoor and cop some

The reason so many MExicanos in here aint had malta is because it's not our drink. GOYA caters to mostly non mexican meals and tastebuds. More Caribbeanand South American than anything.

They're bomb though. Had one after seeing them here some time ago at a DR/PR store in LA about a year ago.

Kolashapman>>>>> Inka Cola although both are delicious
Originally Posted by sneakaprince

My ex tried to put me on it I jus couldnt get past the taste that stuff is horrible

I think unless u grow up drinking it, U'll never like it.
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