Can one be good friends with someone that says "LMBO"?

Originally Posted by MECKS

its not that important bro...

Some of the pettiest people are on this site. Get worked up over the smallest things
Yeah, my church females. SMH!!

or when they say "F" or "A" like say it in in a convo we having face to face instead of the actual word smh
i hate people who swear, especially obnoxiously. and especially around kids and their parents. its not that serious but respect their bubble.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Cursing at someone is simply economical in terms of time.
Why waste my precious time to eloquently tell a terrible person off when, "Go f___ your c___ of a mother." will suffice?


Thank you. People act like everyone who curses is incapable of forming sentences without curse words. 
Exactly. I don't mind it as long as every other word out of your mouth isn't a curse word. Doing it around little kids isn't cool with me tho.
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