Cavaliers At Celtics | Round 2, Game 6 | Cavaliers vs. Celtics | Thursday, May 13 | 8:00 ET

lilpennymagicfan wrote:
sundays game 7 will be more exciting to watch than this game tomorrow.

Bron 47 11 8

Finish these guys off tomorrow. Big 3 need to keep it going.
Can't believe I'm rooting for the Celtics.

God, I want revenge from 2008...and I really don't want LeBron to advance.
Cavs 104
Celtics 88

Game 7 Pierce vs Bron part 2.

Please and i'm begging you lebron haters, cav haters, kobe stans, fake laker fans to just be civil win or lose. No crying about the refs or arguin nonsense like ohio sucks blah blah blah.

Lets have a civilized game 6 chat in this thread. when/if lebron gets eliminated there will be plenty of threads to bash.

I could care less about people quoting my prediction or cavs "long time fans" crying that a magic fan made this thread so don't wanna hear that either.

for a laugh
The Q . . . with Boston Celtics forward Glen 'Big Baby' Davis
By Jodie Valade, The Plain Dealer
May 13, 2010, 12:07AM
View full sizeCharles Krupa / AP
Is this Glen Davis showing off his moves while listening to Lady Gaga?
Q: What's your favorite thing on your iPod right now?
A: Lady Gaga. I like "Just Dance." It makes me happy.
Q: What's your favorite junk food?
A: Reese's. I don't have it a lot, but that's my favorite.
Q: What's something that people don't know about you?
A: That I do mixed martial arts. And ballet. I'll probably compete in mixed martial arts one day. I'm really good. Better than Kimbo Slice.
Q: Football or baseball?
A: Football. That one's easy.
Q: What's the last good book you read?
A: "My Sister's Keeper."
-- Jodie Valade

anyways...cavs please come out strong and bring this one back to cleveland! So anxious for tomorrow lets go!!!

edit: why did those other big baby threads get locked
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Can't believe I'm rooting for the Celtics.

God, I want revenge from 2008...and I really don't want LeBron to advance.
 Same here man, except for the revenge part but after they just beat us (the heat) last round and I'm back cheering for the Celtics
I would definitely classify this game as one of the biggest in Cleveland sports history. So many potential consequences if they lose.
omg cant wait!!!! im so excited. we are gonna be witnesses tomorrow. big bron gonna whoop on these old bastards
Originally Posted by NobleKane

omg cant wait!!!! im so excited. we are gonna be witnesses tomorrow. big bron gonna whoop on these old bastards
Quoted so you can't edit.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

I would definitely classify this game as one of the biggest in Cleveland sports history. So many potential consequences if they lose.
Ummmm, once again NO.  What are the "so many"?  Bron leaves (which he was gonna do all along regardless)...what else (sports related)?

You think Bron is going to make the biggest decision of his life off of ONE FREAKIN' GAME/series?!

As far as this series goes, he has nobody to blame but himself anyways.  He didn't even want to be at game 5.  He is shooting 30 something %, 0 % from 3, with 15 turnovers in the 3 losses.

His mind is already made up in my mind.  Dude has already checked out or is SERIOUSLY injured (no other explanation for the shenanigans that took place last night).  I'll be glad to be proven wrong though...
Well it's game day. Will men show up for the game or little boys? Will aggression and pride win out, or timidness and shame? Focus or disinterest? Urgency or
? The Cavs have to come out crisp and firing on all cylinders. They have to have a strong first quarter, and most importantly, they have to take the crowd out of the game. Crowd the shooters, keep Rondo off the glass, and just play as they did throughout the season. Get back to what works and play with the heart of a champion. LeBron needs to understand the moment and demand more of himself, and demand more of his teammates as they should of him. Lets Get It Cleveland
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Well it's game day. Will men show up for the game or little boys? Will aggression and pride win out, or timidness and shame? Focus or disinterest? Urgency or
? The Cavs have to come out crisp and firing on all cylinders. They have to have a strong first quarter, and most importantly, they have to take the crowd out of the game. Crowd the shooters, keep Rondo off the glass, and just play as they did throughout the season. Get back to what works and play with the heart of a champion. LeBron needs to understand the moment and demand more of himself, and demand more of his teammates as they should of him. Lets Get It Cleveland
Most levelheaded post my dude has EVER made.
does anybody think lebron played the way he did game 5 as a test to see how good his teammates are? Like to see if his teammates are good enough to want to stay? usually he would drive the lane, but he only did that like twice. He was standing idle in the corner a lot of times watching his teammates play and taking only jumpers
the media really has to stop hyping this series up by saying its over... the series is 3-2 in the celtics favor but it still takes 4 to close the series but people forget... and its not like the cavs are in a 0-3 hole... they are down two games big deal... but regardless if the cavs win this series they are not beating the magic and thats a fact
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

does anybody think lebron played the way he did game 5 as a test to see how good his teammates are? Like to see if his teammates are good enough to want to stay? usually he would drive the lane, but he only did that like twice. He was standing idle in the corner a lot of times watching his teammates play and taking only jumpers
Considering all of the criticism he got for slacking off and giving up last game, you think he'd dare to repeat?  Besides that logic is flawed.  The offense runs through Lebron, depends on Lebron, the team's energy and focus comes from Lebron.  So if he were to take a few plays off to "test" his teammates, undoubtedly they wouldn't score and play well with much consistency when their entire offensive game plan is dependent on LBJ.

2001 Shaquille O'Neal isn't suiting up tonight, so don't expect Diesel to give you 30, 20 and 7 blocks.  It's all on LBJ.

And again, people questioning how good the Cavs supporting cast is, I thought they were the best team in the NBA, they have the record, people picked them to win, suddenly NOW they're not good enough? 
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