~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

the 9s the best heat posted in this thread in some time..... they releasing

or just another joey exclusive?
 BIN 9
Im cool with people being themselves.
You can be gay and still be tough or a gangsta or enjoy some rap.

Own it tho.....
Peoples problem with atl comes from closet thugs.

No. People's problem is with the fact that they think others have to explain/be transparent for others even when (in most cases) the information doesn't/shouldn't have anything to do with them. That's not a problem with Atlanta, that's a problem with people's messed up perspectives. A majority of you dudes that comment on homosexuality in Atlanta have never been to the city. Your ignorant comments exposes you all. If dudes out there want to be down low, let em be. I live here and have never had an issue with any gay dudes. I always say "as long as they're not trying you like you're gay also, let them live their lives". There're way bigger issues in life to worry about than whether a supposed gangster enjoys taking it up the poop.
i'm in atlanta now and even though its more noticeable here than in other cities, NT makes it seem like 8-10 black men in the city are closet thugs. and its just flat out false.
But... Your name is Spiceman...

Meaning you're a man whom, one would presume, always feels spicy...

Lol...I'll give you that.

But I'm from Grenada which is known as the Spiceisle, or Isle of Spice, hence the name Spiceman. But I hear you though :rofl:
Dudes are doing a toned down duck face/ check out my grill face in all these pics.
Like they are depressed mouth breathers or something.
You're not disinterested when it took a concerted effort
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