i'm not condoning stomping chicks. but i think some of you guys would let a girl get away with anything. if a chick tried to snatch my gun i'd snuff her no questions. if a chick comes at you like she's a dude, hitting you, reaching for your gun. whatever it's all fair at that point to give it right back. i don't care what society says. i'm not gonna catch a beat down from any chick because it's not ok to defend myself.
No man should ever lay hands on a woman. Point period. No matter what the circumstances. No excuse. You're a weak person if you advocate that sucka ****.

so a chick comes at you just beating the breaks off you and you'll just sit there? like "i don't hit women" at the very least i'm throwing that chick across the room. sucka **** is getting a black eye from a girl. not standing up for yourself.
i'm not condoning stomping chicks. but i think some of you guys would let a girl get away with anything. if a chick tried to snatch my gun i'd snuff her no questions. if a chick comes at you like she's a dude, hitting you, reaching for your gun. whatever it's all fair at that point to give it right back. i don't care what society says. i'm not gonna catch a beat down from any chick because it's not ok to defend myself.

Why _s always gotta put the cape on for HOOD RATS of all people they deserve everything that comes to them they destroy communities.
i'm not condoning stomping chicks. but i think some of you guys would let a girl get away with anything. if a chick tried to snatch my gun i'd snuff her no questions. if a chick comes at you like she's a dude, hitting you, reaching for your gun. whatever it's all fair at that point to give it right back. i don't care what society says. i'm not gonna catch a beat down from any chick because it's not ok to defend myself.

These are the types of dudes who be letting broads beat on them and ****. I know cats like that and its sad.

I don't condone nor promote violence against women, but I refuse not to defend myself. I've only had one chick in my life get violent with me and she came storming into my room swingingat my face, I did what I had to do and I refuse to ever apologize for it.
These are the types of dudes who be letting broads beat on them and ****. I know cats like that and its sad.
I don't condone nor promote violence against women, but I refuse not to defend myself. I've only had one chick in my life get violent with me and she came storming into my room swingingat my face, I did what I had to do and I refuse to ever apologize for it.
There's a difference between defending yourself and jump stomping a woman when you've made her no longer a threat.
There's a difference between defending yourself and jump stomping a woman when you've made her no longer a threat.

I never was referring to the video, I was replying to somebody else's post.

As far as the video, yeah I think he's wrong for stomping her. He should'be slapped the **** out of her and kept it moving.
.....but just last week, y'all were rollin on the floor in tears over the bus driver uppercut video. Quick to show your buddies and shxt..."bruh, you gotta see this, look how he winds up, look how he connect, look at her head snap.....you seen the Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter or Punchout version?!"

NOW, yall copping feelings under the "this is so repulsive and vile" act? NOW?!

Aiiiighhht. Miss me with all of that, though.
!st let me get this out before I continue. In no way shape or fashion do I support domestic violence or what Reese did.
but at the same time to reiterrate what has been said before, a lot of females these days attempt to physically challenge their mail counter parts with regularity. You have to understand that if you put you hands on someone you open that door for it to come back to you regardless of your gender. For some of us you say a certain thing and you've opened that door. One of the realest lines I've ever heard in music was by Rick Ross ironically "Never front you take it there it aint no coming back".You create/encourage a situation you have to be willing to accept whatever comes your way as a result.
I'm the only male child of my parents, I have 4 sister, a wife & a little girl. The first thing I told them was that YOU NEVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON A MAN. Because you're inviting him to retaliate and put his hands on you. As a society we have created a false reality for a lot of these girls that men/boys are not supposed to hit them. That's all they hear, we don't teach them that they aren't supposed to put their hands on them, which is a disservice because the first thing we teach little kids is that if someone puts their hands on you, you defend yourself. So in fact we've sent mix messages and as a result a certain population of females these days feel as though they can be as aggressive as they want to with a man and how dare they respond. They have been set up for these types of thins to occurr.
So do I condone it? No. do I understand how it happened? HELL YES. The minute shorty reached to attempt to grab his weapon she acted in an aggressive threatening manner under the assumption that she could do so with no reprecussion. In addition to that as he turned and started walking out the door she said something else further antagionizing him which then escalated the situation even moreso.
So while yeah you can say that he's fould for getting down on her like that, even in doing so acknowledge that one of the first things you're taught about fighting is neutralize your aversary as a means of protecting yourself. But at the same time acknowledge the role that she played by challenging his manhood in such an aggressive manner in front of an audience.
We can all say that we will act differently until we're placed into that situation.

That's almost an animalistic attitude. Yes, definitely be mindful of what you do and say. Man, woman, child...if you put your hands on the wrong person, expect retaliation. It shouldn't be a mentality of man vs. woman, but people vs. people. I do think that society has presented an ideal to women that they can do whatever they see fit. No, that's not right and it's an entirely separate issue to tackle. Seymore, where does the line get drawn when it comes to barking up the wrong tree?

Here's what I don't think some of you understand: this generation of females are just as aggressive as the males, willing to attack anyone at anytime using any means. It is becoming more and more prevelant, we just witnessed the situation with the bus driver in ohio, this shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. If she was in fact reaching for his gun... that's a clear line in the sand as far as barking up the wrong tree.

I agree that it should be people v people and that we all should have common decency, but unfortunately for this genearation a lot of them were not taught that or raised to operate under that principle. Females don't have any fear nor do they have any problem expressing this lack of fear. When you combine that with males who are thirsty for respect from any and everybody with a idgaf attitude... you'll get what we just saw 9 imes out of 10.
To piggy back off a few of the written statements in here. People who have a tendency to be violent in nature, WILL ALWAYS blow a fuse, no matter whom the objecting person may be, when it comes to an altercation. I remember when my moms would whoop the crap out of me with a belt but, once I got older, and became stronger than her, I never would hit her, it was always the "Hold her hands/wrist" method, to restrain her (only had to happen once, thank goodness, I LOVE my mother and would never want to harm her).

What some of these guys don't understand is that, when you are provoked and, have to stand your ground (especially when your in a closed area, such as a building) your common instinct will always be to react and defend yourself. Whether male/female, whether it's about testing your manhood, or not, it's just natural. Like Cake said, 8 out of 10 of us were always taught "If someone hits you, hit them back" when that's been engraved in your conscience, as an adolescent, when your brain pretty much soaks in any, and every bit of information you receive from elders, it's hard to disregard that information.

Let's not also forgot that when any form of weaponry, or verbal threats and epithets are involved, it will always be a recipe for disaster. I AM TELLING YOU, if I saw a hoard or gang of females attacking any female near and dear to me, I'm jumping my GROWN, ADULT, MALE-self into that skirmish and, I'm not holding any punches.
If you saw a female beating down your mother, sister, aunt, or cousin down, how would you react?
idgaf who you are,i'f you provoke someone then you have to suffer the consequences.

although idk the circumstances of this situation entirely and if dude was an intruder then he should have dipped out respectfully.

Yall ****** arguing about everything besides the video trying to defend this.

A man came into someone else's residence.
That man had a weapon.
That man then threatened to shoot up said residence.

If she had of got her gun and shot him after that I would have had no remorse. If she would have got his gun and shot him I would have no remorse.

Who cares if she was talking 'aggressive'. If an uninvited mog came into yall house strapped threatening to shoot up the place I highly doubt yall would have been more passive than her. And yall wouldn't have got stomped out, yall would be on the front of some T-shirts. Then can we say "Well that's just how it goes. He thought he could do what he want. He should have known better to reach for another man's gun who is in his house threatening to shoot it up? The AUDACITY!'
I'm not even gonna take the time to look at the video but Chief Keef is the worse thing to happen to rap in awhile. And this is another example of him and young rappers like him and how pitiful its getting.
Yall ****** arguing about everything besides the video trying to defend this.

A man came into someone else's residence.
That man had a weapon.
That man then threatened to shoot up said residence.

he's wrong, but we knew this before he hit a woman.
if dudes are surprised, maybe they should stop listening to rap, mainly this kind.
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