Chris Brown To Groupies: “There’s Room In The Trunk, Yo!â€

Chris Brown gets mad props for that move. #%#$ in the back with no leg room haha.
Chris Brown gets mad props for that move. #%#$ in the back with no leg room haha.
at the first pic.. looking very presidential.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

that !%!@+ always comes to richmond and i ALWAYS miss him...a few times he was on the medical campus and some friends played ball with lil bro was invited to the halloween party last year that Roasa Acosta was at but didn't go cuz him and his friends didn't have a ride...his frimd from school is friends w/CB and they grew up together...

i remember one night i went to a comedy show w/my ex at the mall and the bouncer told us we just missed CB and my ex was tight that i was mad i missed him...

he definately would have watched that show alone that night
you sound smutted. You  wouldnt mind hopping in CB's trunk either huh?

lol at dudes getting mad and wondering why these females are chillin with him, like they care if he beat up rhianna...son is a famous think these $+$!$ care? taha
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