COBRA KAI - Karate Kid Sequel - Learn the Way of the Fist - S5 09/09/22

I was talking to Thomas Ian Nicholas (Kevin from American Pie/Henry Rowengartner) and he told me the guys that wrote/directed American Reunion are responsible for this. That being the case, I'll give this a shot.

He's a cool *** dude. He was being walked to his photo op at some convention last year but ran up to me to take a pic with my costume and chat for a bit. I remember seeing how annoyed his manager was though but he was the nicest guy ever:lol:
I was always a fan of Pat Morita. When I found out he went to my rival HS, I thought that was the coolest thing lol.
Mr. Miyagi had no respect for the Martial Arts, giving that menace a black belt after having him do housework for 6 weeks

Word. That belt was stolen too. I let him know where my allegiances lie.

The flashbacks from KK 1 depressed the hell out of me :lol:

Really?:lol: I thought that was pretty cool. Although, I can see when you put yourself in Johnny's shoes. It was painful in the beginning.

I’m on Episode 8 already and Larusso is so petty. Like 50 Cent level of pettiness:lol:

Dude can definitely be annoying. Like Johnny told his pupil in the early episodes "Stop being so annoying and maybe they won't kick your ***".
Curious to where they go with it in season 2.

A lot of unresolved conflict and interesting seeing the characters develop throughout the series.
WOW. I binge watched the whole first season and I was thoroughly entertained.

If you're an 80s baby and enjoyed the OG movie this series is an absolute must see.

I'm looking forward to the 2nd season, but man it's gonna be hard to top season 1
great episode, im glad they had the movie recap it's legit been atleast 20 years since i've seen it
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