Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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The system was not built for us. They don't want us. They never will. Like I said before in here they're cheating to win. They've been doing it for hundreds of years. It's what they do. They'll let us vote and throw us lil symbolic victories (Obama) but they're never gonna give up some power. They know if things were really equal who would win.
This makes it even more important for us to get active in politics don't you think. The change has to come within the system. If we had a bigger voice in politics, we'd have more say-so in what goes on in this country. Change happens little by little man.
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Kaep is giving away his money and is actually out there in the field, and y'all acting above him because you voted :lol:

I understand what you guys are saying but the kaep belittling is going a lil too far
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Kaep is giving away his money and is actually out there in the field, and y'all acting above him because you voted :lol:

Who's doing that? Some of us are simply disagreeing with him doing it. Just as we disagreed with others in our own community criticizing him for not standing for the anthem.
Kaep is giving away his money and is actually out there in the field, and y'all acting above him because you voted :lol:

I understand what you guys are saying but the kaep belittling is going a lil too far

In order to beat or attack a problem, you have to approach it from different and ALL angles. One of the ways to even up the system is to vote, no other way around it.
I think the crux of this argument and what really divides people is those who think the system can be changed and those who don't.


The system was not built for us. They don't want us. They never will. Like I said before in here they're cheating to win. They've been doing it for hundreds of years. It's what they do. They'll let us vote and throw us lil symbolic victories (Obama) but they're never gonna give up some power. They know if things were really equal who would win.

"They" don't even need to cheat sometimes because individuals like YOU and Kap aren't even in the game to cheat against. No need to cheat against a bunch of spectators in the stands that only complain and don't get involved in the game.

So black people been voting for how long and what has that done?

You keep voting champ and let me know when they love and embrace you.


The system was not built for us. They don't want us. They never will. Like I said before in here they're cheating to win. They've been doing it for hundreds of years. It's what they do. They'll let us vote and throw us lil symbolic victories (Obama) but they're never gonna give up some power. They know if things were really equal who would win.
This makes it even more important for us to get active in politics don't you think. The change has to come within the system. If we had a bigger voice in politics, we'd have more say-so in what goes on in this country. Change happens little by little man.

"Little by little" that's what they say to keep people going along. The government can change **** quick if they want to. We've seen them pass laws and **** fast and has quick impact. But when it comes to black folks it's "well just keep keeping on, one day you'll get there"

I just don't get why y'all so pissed about people who choose not to vote. When the same country that you put your faith into and want to accept you just said **** you loud and clear.
What laws are you thinking of they can pass quickly that will have a direct impact on the black community?

We get pissed because your are not trying to be part of the solution. Outside of directly holding political office the only way to affect policy is by voting and voting often. This is bigger than one presidential election. You know why gay rights people have gotten initiatives through, because they are consistently part of the process they vote, they vote often, they lobby, they stay involved. We have far too many people with your mindset that either only vote every 4 years or worst stay at home them complain about lack of progress.
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i used to not vote because i did the math and figured it didn't matter, especially if i didn't feel strongly about a candidate.

but as I've gotten older I've realized it's kind of selfish and arrogant to do so. the election does matter. maybe not every issue or candidate makes a difference but some do.

i still respect kaep for everything he's doing. but i think not voting and being public about it is discouraging others from voting. at the end of the day, voting is one of many ways to have a potential impact, and when you're fighting for something as important as what kaep is fighting for, you should use every tool you can.
This makes it even more important for us to get active in politics don't you think. The change has to come within the system. If we had a bigger voice in politics, we'd have more say-so in what goes on in this country. Change happens little by little man.

Great point.
I think the crux of this argument and what really divides people is those who think the system can be changed and those who don't.

The system was not built for us. They don't want us. They never will. Like I said before in here they're cheating to win. They've been doing it for hundreds of years. It's what they do. They'll let us vote and throw us lil symbolic victories (Obama) but they're never gonna give up some power. They know if things were really equal who would win.
"They" don't even need to cheat sometimes because individuals like YOU and Kap aren't even in the game to cheat against. No need to cheat against a bunch of spectators in the stands that only complain and don't get involved in the game.

So black people been voting for how long and what has that done?
To be fair we have only been allowed to vote for 52 years and in a historical context thats not a long time at all thats barely a blip.
Tariq is cool and very intelligent but he has started to pander and become very extreme for his audience.
Someone posted this video a few pages back. How do you vote or die guys feel about Malcolm's comments?

He's full of ****. See how that worked out this time. If you're not going to vote fine, just shut up about it and definitely don't encourage others to follow your lead.
How is he full of ****? Have you seen the great work his Melanoid Nation foundation is doing? 
How is he full of ****? Have you seen the great work his Melanoid Nation foundation is doing? 

I'm talking about this specific take. It's full of ****. And lately as he's gained more notoriety he's been on more and more of this Hotep steez.
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but they wanna blame black people and say hilary didnt get the black vote 
I think the blame is that way too few black people voted, not the ones that did vote didn't overwhelmingly vote for Hillary. Even though I find it remarkable that any black people voted for someone as blatantly racist as Trump.
And y'all keep saying "see what happened" like 53% of white women ain't vote for him. 33% of Latino males and 26% of Latino females ain't vote for him. All people he offended. What y'all got to say to them?

If we choose to not participate in this BS so what. We disagree with your method.
"Kaepernick said. "So, for me, it's another face that's going to be the face of that system of oppression.

"And to me, it didn't really matter who went in there. The system still remains intact that oppresses people of color."

He signed a $100 mil contract. I'm sure it didn't.

Barring a scenario where Drumpf starts a nuclear war and kills us all, he's definitely in the group that will be least affected by his presidency.

His children and grandchildren might still get affected though by a man who opposes 97% of the scientists and thinks that global warming is a myth and is about to take a huge dump on any effort that has been made to minimize its effects.
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hilary simply didnt win where  she needed to 

people could go and vote and contribute to a state in which either she's already won or lost anyway

its a numbers game and a location game according to how they have the rules set up
Someone posted this video a few pages back. How do you vote or die guys feel about Malcolm's comments?

May we keep in mind, Malcolm was advocating for black people to vote, but vote strategically. However, the Republican and Dems or today are not the same as in 1964

I disagree with many thing Malcolm said throughout this life, that's ok, lots of Civil Rights leaders did also.

And specially here I am pretty sure he is referring to Dems not passing the Civil Right Bill, and Black people's frustration over that. And in about 3 months later, the Bill was actually passed.

So make sure the historical context of his words are considered.
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"Kaepernick said. "So, for me, it's another face that's going to be the face of that system of oppression.

"And to me, it didn't really matter who went in there. The system still remains intact that oppresses people of color."


It's a moronic comment.
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