Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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And y'all keep saying "see what happened" like 53% of white women ain't vote for him. 33% of Latino males and 26% of Latino females ain't vote for him. All people he offended. What y'all got to say to them?

If we choose to not participate in this BS so what. We disagree with your method.

That goes both ways though

When black people on NT disagree with your methods for progress, will you be just as understanding as you think voting advocates should be towards non voters?
"Kaepernick said. "So, for me, it's another face that's going to be the face of that system of oppression.

"And to me, it didn't really matter who went in there. The system still remains intact that oppresses people of color."


It's a moronic comment.


I still support the brother, but allowing any regression to happen is hustling backwards.
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What laws are you thinking of they can pass quickly that will have a direct impact on the black community?

We get pissed because your are not trying to be part of the solution. Outside of directly holding political office the only way to affect policy is by voting and voting often. This is bigger than one presidential election. You know why gay rights people have gotten initiatives through, because they are consistently part of the process they vote, they vote often, they lobby, they stay involved. We have far too many people with your mindset that either only vote every 4 years or worst stay at home them complain about lack of progress.

Get pissed at the system not at people who choose to not be part of it.

 Tariq  breaks down why we shouldn't vote.

I listened to this this morning. Tariq kept it 1,000.
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Do you have a video of him getting mad? Not familiar with him getting mad. 

Calling a bunch of well dressed intelligent black kids ***** and saying they're on the plantation because they took a pic with bill gates dabbing? That pic probably took about 5 seconds so his commentary on this was unesessary

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Get pissed at the system not at people who choose to not be part of it.
I listened to this this morning. Tariq kept it 1,000.

You going to answer the question I posed at the beginning?

Nah, I can mad at the system AND mad at the people who actively choose to not participate in one of the few ways to change it, yet have the audacity to complain about said system.
Do you have a video of him getting mad? Not familiar with him getting mad. 

Calling a bunch of well dressed intelligent black kids ***** and saying they're on the plantation because they took a pic with bill gates dabbing? That pic probably took about 5 seconds so his commentary on this was unesessary

Dudes can't see Tariq is marketing to them too. Going to an extreme to tell his audience what they want to here sometimes.

He say reaching on so many things.
And y'all keep saying "see what happened" like 53% of white women ain't vote for him. 33% of Latino males and 26% of Latino females ain't vote for him. All people he offended. What y'all got to say to them?

If we choose to not participate in this BS so what. We disagree with your method.

That goes both ways though

When black people on NT disagree with your methods for progress, will you be just as understanding as you think voting advocates should be towards non voters?

Yeah. I've said before I understand why people vote. Everything y'all saying I heard before and why I voted twice but after looking at history and right now I choose not to.
And y'all keep saying "see what happened" like 53% of white women ain't vote for him. 33% of Latino males and 26% of Latino females ain't vote for him. All people he offended. What y'all got to say to them?

If we choose to not participate in this BS so what. We disagree with your method.

That goes both ways though

When black people on NT disagree with your methods for progress, will you be just as understanding as you think voting advocates should be towards non voters?

Yeah. I've said before I understand why people vote. Everything y'all saying I heard before and why I voted twice but after looking at history and right now I choose not to.

Ok famb, but I'm just not talking on the voting issue.

And final word of advice, if you ever get back into voting. Vote in primaries, the midterms, and any special elections as well. That is what robbed Obama of all his political power, the Congress flipping on him early. Some things people criticize the man on, he literally/constitutionally didn't have the power to do.

Or at least follow Tariq's advice and vote locally. You can leave the federal ones blank it you want.

Voting is not just about showing up every 4 years to vote for the Dems to people advocating voting. Lots of good policy, and good candidates dies because not one shows up on the local level.
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:lol: choosing "not to be a part of the system" is exactly the ******* system you don't want to be a part of. Not voting is "the systems" wet dream.
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I agree with voting locally Rusty but this presidential election BS... I'm cool.

That Malcolm video may be old but we're suffering with the same injustices years later.

Alot of things he said applies to today. I be listening to his speeches at work and you would think he said it yesterday.
:lol: choosing "not to be a part of the system" is exactly the ******* system you don't want to be a part of. Not voting is "the systems" wet dream.


Why do you think conservatives, the biggest champions of institutionalized racism, actively try to suppress black votes.
I agree with voting locally Rusty but this presidential election BS... I'm cool.

That Malcolm video may be old but we're suffering with the same injustices years later.

Alot of things he said applies to today. I be listening to his speeches at work and you would think he said it yesterday.

Ok famb, but ummmm, there were probably state, congressional and local election on the election you just sat out.

So I guess I can rely on you to at least vote on those in 2 years? Whaddya say? :lol:
"Kaepernick said. "So, for me, it's another face that's going to be the face of that system of oppression.

"And to me, it didn't really matter who went in there. The system still remains intact that oppresses people of color."

"Doesn't matter" is ultimately a different form of the same idiotic mentality as "all lives matter".

Some cartoonist needs to make a cartoon with Kaep standing outside of his burning house with his dog and his kid trapped inside and him only being able to save one of the two and him saying "F it, I'm not saving either because losing one would be terrible".

There is no way in hell that Hillary Clinton is equally as bad or just as racist as Donald Trump. If you honestly believe this, you either:

A: Didn't look at the evidence

B: Flat out ignored the evidence when someone presented it to you

Hillary Clinton made some stupid comment about black youth being predators. She did some stupid **** where she wasn't exactly Malcolm X when it came to black people, okay I get that. But if you think that is even in the same stratosphere as the guy who

- Grew up with a father who was at least a KKK supporter (if not member), and still worships his father

- Systematically denied housing to black families through many years with multiple lawsuits against him

- Was endoresed by David Duke

- Posted this tweet:

Then you really do deserve him as president. I mean just look at how openly racist (not just closet racist) people in the South are celebrating his victory. But yeah Hillary was equally as bad. 

And to those who knew just how bad this guy was, but nonetheless hoped that him as president would be some sort of a "molotov cocktail" that would kick start some major revolution, you're in for a big surprise. It's pointless to throw a molotov cocktail when this fool about to have troops on the ground to catch it in mid-air before it falls on the concrete and shatters.
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So that's it ? Even if you don't believe in the (presidential) candidates and don't think they have your best interest, you MUST participate ?

I'm just really trying to understand this.
So that's it ? Even if you don't believe in the (presidential) candidates and don't think they have your best interest, you MUST participate ?

I'm just really trying to understand this.

There's always more to vote for than just the gaddamn president, it's not that hard to understand.
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I'm starting to believe some of you have very poor reading comprehension skills.

This is the 2nd-3rd time today I've made a post exclusively about the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, only to get a response about there being more to vote for.

No sh_+ ...

I understand that.
I'm starting to believe some of you have very poor reading comprehension skills.

This is the 2nd-3rd time today I've made a post exclusively about the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, only to get a response about there being more to vote for.

No sh_+ ...

I understand that.

It doesn't matter if that's what you're talking about. Your asking about participating in the voting process, if you don't want to vote for one you don't like fine leave it blank, but don't let that be the reason you don't go at all unless you can show a ballot that only has the president on there.
I'm starting to believe some of you have very poor reading comprehension skills.

This is the 2nd-3rd time today I've made a post exclusively about the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, only to get a response about there being more to vote for.

No sh_+ ...

I understand that.

Like what do you want people to tell you really?

The presidential race the most in-depth policy race in America

Learn the issues, the you will definitely find something concern you and your self interest, or your ideological leanings. Furthermore, know what kind of Congress the president is going to deal with.

I'm not saying it is mandatory, but it is important to know the economic, social and diplomatic road the country will take in the next four years, and some lil say over it. If you learn about the issues enough and say interested, you will always have a clear favorite.

A candidate doesn't need to inspire you, they are not suppose to be heroes. Nor do the have to be offering something directly to help you. You could vote for the candidate, because the other one might be working against your self interest. Candidates generally try to keep their promises they make during campaigns too. So you at least generally know what you're getting.

The more people participate, the more the will of the people are represented and the less influence outside forces have on our candidates. When people don't participate, you run the risk of ending up with the ****ier choice.

And the choices this year, and in most recent elections, the choices have clearly been different.
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So that's it ? Even if you don't believe in the (presidential) candidates and don't think they have your best interest, you MUST participate ?

I'm just really trying to understand this.
It's always relative. Unless I was president myself, then every candidate out there is going to have some mix of things I like and don't like.

At the end of the day, one of those candidates will be president regardless of whether they inspire you or not.

I agree -- if you look at what they stand for and come to the conclusion that the candidates all have the same mix of things you like and don't like, then leave it blank.

But if both have things you don't like but one at least has a couple things you do like, then by every possible logical argument it makes sense to vote for that one. And this year the candidates were about as different as could be, at least in terms of personality and policy. Granted, in every election, the two candidates are going to have their faults and shortcomings, and this isn't something that's going to change, especially not when you don't get involved. And the easiest way to get involved is to vote.

This year, Hillary got 60,274,974 votes and Trump got 59,937,338 votes. What does that mean? It means every vote got counted (well, outside of voter fraud, but that's relatively uncommon and warrants a separate discussion). It means my ballot that I submitted shows up and will be there in the history books. There is no tally for "neither."
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So that's it ? Even if you don't believe in the (presidential) candidates and don't think they have your best interest, you MUST participate ?

I'm just really trying to understand this.
No you dont have to participate, you have the right not to vote. I believe that it is in our best interest as black to vote, look what it did for the gay community.
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