Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Only solution is to insert ourselves into the systems that we need to benefit us. Back during Jim Crow, black people didn't sit and hope that one day integration would happen in the mean time they won't open their own stores, build their own communities, etc. They did what they needed to do. Fast forward to integration and it made us more complacent and dependent on the political structure of this country and those "in charge"

Fact of the matter is, we need to start doing for self and get to a position where we truly are needed to get elected or we get elected ourselves.

Exactly. Folks wanna mark they name on a piece of paper then go home and watch tv and wait for the change to come flooding in. Meanwhile the rich laughing all the way to the bank at you nationalist zombies. And that goes for both sides of the aisle. Cause trump dont give a **** about that white trash that voted for him. Bush dont give a **** about a christian value. Yet these ******* drones eat it up every dam election. **** is pitiful.

I don't think you realize what's being said.

Suppose that no black person participates in the electoral process.

How do you and your millions insert yourself in the system? You can be financially powerful and politically insignificant because political power comes from the people. How are you going to convince those non-blacks to insert you in the system when none of your people participate in it in the first place?

Want to buy yourself a politician and stay in the shadows? Might work with citizens united. Let's now see that politician crash and burn in every election as he tries and fails to garner votes from non-black people to support policies that will favor Black people because black people don't vote.

Participate in the democratic process, put your money where your political convictions are, grow your population, earn a bigger voice. There isn't another way to be heard in a democracy.
Interesting characterization I guess MLK, Jon Lewis and everybody else that fought and died for those rights would fall in that category as well. As well as every person of color whose ever ran or held political office, and every person of color whose actually exercised their right to vote. We all house ****** huh? Y'all the ones that are woke and truly making the progress...oh wait.
Only solution is to insert ourselves into the systems that we need to benefit us. Back during Jim Crow, black people didn't sit and hope that one day integration would happen in the mean time they won't open their own stores, build their own communities, etc. They did what they needed to do. Fast forward to integration and it made us more complacent and dependent on the political structure of this country and those "in charge"

Fact of the matter is, we need to start doing for self and get to a position where we truly are needed to get elected or we get elected ourselves.

Exactly. Folks wanna mark they name on a piece of paper then go home and watch tv and wait for the change to come flooding in. Meanwhile the rich laughing all the way to the bank at you nationalist zombies. And that goes for both sides of the aisle. Cause trump dont give a **** about that white trash that voted for him. Bush dont give a **** about a christian value. Yet these ******* drones eat it up every dam election. **** is pitiful.

I don't think you realize what's being said.

Suppose that no black person participates in the electoral process.

How do you and your millions insert yourself in the system? You can be financially powerful and politically insignificant because political power comes from the people. How are you going to convince those non-blacks to insert you in the system when none of your people participate in it in the first place?

Want to buy yourself a politician and stay in the shadows? Might work with citizens united. Let's now see that politician crash and burn in every election as he tries and fails to garner votes from non-black people to support policies that will favor Black people because black people don't vote.

Participate in the democratic process, put your money where your political convictions are, grow your population, earn a bigger voice. There isn't another way to be heard in a democracy.

There's definitely levels to it and there's way to work the system, hasn't it been done for centuries? Politics is all about wording, and how u present something also. Long story short, u can't keep sitting back voting every 2 years and think "one day, things will really change for me and my people" gotta be more proactive than that.
There's definitely levels to it and there's way to work the system, hasn't it been done for centuries? Politics is all about wording, and how u present something also. Long story short, u can't keep sitting back voting every 2 years and think "one day, things will really change for me and my people" gotta be more proactive than that.

AGAIN nobody ever said voting was the only way. But sitting on the sidelines is definitely NOT helping any cause. Just as one only focusing on the black empowerment aspect of uplifting the community is going to yield what we want. Because unless we completely break away from this society (which is why I say a lot of this isn't grounded in reality) in some form or fashion you're going to have to interact with the system at some point. And silly me if I think that'll be a helluva lit easier if there's some representation and interests in there from the inside.
There's definitely levels to it and there's way to work the system, hasn't it been done for centuries? Politics is all about wording, and how u present something also. Long story short, u can't keep sitting back voting every 2 years and think "one day, things will really change for me and my people" gotta be more proactive than that.

AGAIN nobody ever said voting was the only way. But sitting on the sidelines is definitely NOT helping any cause. Just as one only focusing on the black empowerment aspect of uplifting the community is going to yield what we want. Because unless we completely break away from this society (which is why I say a lot of this isn't grounded in reality) in some form or fashion you're going to have to interact with the system at some point. And silly me if I think that'll be a helluva lit easier if there's some representation and interests in there from the inside.

Who said to break away from society because I certainly didn't
Guys no one in here is a Shucking and Jiving dude. We all have different views on voting but I think all of us really want to make our community better.
We are just having a disagreement about voting. All of us in here want the same thing and are on the same side.

There is not need to be at each other throats with petty insults.
One of the biggest problems in our community is the inability to have a disagreement.

If we having a difference of opinion it ain't all or nothing especially about something that at worst isn't hurting and at best can help.

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These are just appalling. Those groups, poor/lower-income whites, and women really got belittled and undermined in the open, and put the person that did that to them in office. Shameful.

son knew better then to bad mouth asians on NT who had identical numbers as hispanics :lol: :smh:

I actually didn't badmouth anyone, I just stated facts. And I didn't mention the Asian demo here because they usually get underrepresented anyway, plus those votes weren't surprising, as some get so deeply invested in white culture and forsake their own, they may as well be white themselves. That should sound familiar. I'm not at all concerned with the amount of a certain demographic on here, especially when it comes to these kind of issues.
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I don't think you realize what's being said.

Suppose that no black person participates in the electoral process.

How do you and your millions insert yourself in the system? You can be financially powerful and politically insignificant because political power comes from the people. How are you going to convince those non-blacks to insert you in the system when none of your people participate in it in the first place?

Want to buy yourself a politician and stay in the shadows? Might work with citizens united. Let's now see that politician crash and burn in every election as he tries and fails to garner votes from non-black people to support policies that will favor Black people because black people don't vote.

Participate in the democratic process, put your money where your political convictions are, grow your population, earn a bigger voice. There isn't another way to be heard in a democracy.

If no black person participated in the electoral process the results would be the exact same results we just got.

If no one (or next to no one) participated it would have still been hillary or trump in office, the only difference being we MIGHT have gotten a social issue bone thrown at us by the former. The general direction of the country is not swayed one bit through the voting process, your representatives do not represent joe voter, period.

None of these crooks are willing or able to change anything fundamentally about the system. Racism is systematic, oppression is systematic, by design. Political power or political significance doesn't allow you to fundamentally change that fact, merely use the tools of oppression for your own ends.

Democracy is a facade. From it's inception it has placed the voting public into the role of scapegoat, while the means of production is quietly controlled by the few. The wealth is still under consolidation while the people are voting on the "issues"

You dont buy a politician and then leave his success or failure in the hands of an open honest discussion of their "policies" for an ill informed public to mull over. You think wall street still isn't gonna get their way? You think big oil still isn't gonna get their way? Regardless of who wins. Regardless of a wall being built or all muslims being deported, the wealth is still flowing in one direction. All this political rhetoric is nothing but psychological warfare. Mental manipulation of those who think they actually have a dog in the fight. Power in this democracy isn't about being heard, it's about playing the game the oppressors created. And the rules to that game most certainly are not in your poly-sci textbooks. All that democratic process bs your professors taught you is just the buy in. You see, many many centuries ago the ruling class began to realize that rule by force was unsustainable. People will only live with a foot on their neck for so long. You give them a choice, you give them an opportunity to participate and they will put up with inequitable wealth distribution for much longer. You give them freedom, you give them bread and circuses and you can own the entire world. And when the people actually realized this, when they started stringing up roman senators in the street, the ruling class learned not to become senators anymore. But the oligopoly is just as real as it's ever was.
words of delusion
Wake up or you'll be useless to the people you want to help. Giving up your rights out of learned helplessness and bogus militant ideals is the biggest mistake you can make as an American. Which you are: whether you like it or decide to emigrate

Participate in a society men better than you worked so hard to partake in
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Democracy is a facade. From it's inception it has placed the voting public into the role of scapegoat, while the means of production is quietly controlled by the few. The wealth is still under consolidation while the people are voting on the "issues"

And that's how I know you don't know what you have.

The means of production will always be controlled by few people as it is more efficient, and efficiency is necessary when resources are scarce. What democracy requires you to do that other political systems don't is to decide how the goods (tangible and intangible) produced by the few will be allocated. If the people refuse to make that decision, somebody else will, and they will choose according to their interests.

Can people be tricked into choosing against their interests? Yes

Can they do something about it? Yes

Do they? No.

But they still want to complain and dream about solutions that are unrealistic when they already have the tools of change but refuse to use them.

You see, many many centuries ago the ruling class began to realize that rule by force was unsustainable. People will only live with a foot on their neck for so long. You give them a choice, you give them an opportunity to participate and they will put up with inequitable wealth distribution for much longer.

No. This is not true.

Ruling by force is sustainable as long as the threat of violence keeps people disinterested in the political process. As soon as the desire of self-determination rises higher than the fear of dying, uprisings and revolutions happen. In real democracies, popular choice was never given by the ruling class; it was always earned by the people. See the French and American revolutions. It is only when apathy settles and spreads in the collective psyche that we see a return to autoritarian forms of governance, and this is what is happening right now. You talk about Bernays and psychological manipulation but what you don't realize is that you are doing the bidding of the people who borrowed his ideas by refusing to get involved.
Can you disagree with him not voting and still rock with everything else he says / does?

I heard that Stephen A Smith clip and I was like lolwut
Can you disagree with him not voting and still rock with everything else he says / does?

I heard that Stephen A Smith clip and I was like lolwut

Of course. Stephen A was waiting for a reason to disavow Kaep

I'm personally disappointed that he took that stance publicly on voting. He knew he had a platform the millions of Americans especially minorities were watching and emulating. He then goes and gives a jaded perception on voting especially in this election with these candidates and it echoes throughout the media and many people just like his kneeling to the national anthem followed aimlessly without forming there own opinion as to why they should or shouldn't do it. Don't get me wrong, I was all for Kaepernick and his actions beforehand and Kaep is putting his time and effort into the community and backing up his words and actions to where he could counterbalance not voting but not everyone has the same resources as him. Him announcing openly that he didn't vote is going to be followed by impressionable people who aren't putting money or time into the community and are now not voting either because "Colin Kaepernick didn't vote". I felt that was irresponsible on his part.
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Can you disagree with him not voting and still rock with everything else he says / does?

I heard that Stephen A Smith clip and I was like lolwut
 I and most people in this thread who are disagreeing with him not voting still rock with everything he says and does a lot of people keep missing that.

Is SAS a dumb*** for trying to undermine everything Kaep does of course but people in here who advocating for voting are not SAS and still acknowledge, applaud and appreciate Kaep's stance and the work he is doing and I wish more people would do it.

Some dudes in here are arguing past people at this point instead of discussing with people. I know i've never said and from what i've seen not one person who is saying voting is important is at the same time saying its the only way and its a cure all.
No person is the EXACT same, just like no politician is the EXACT same. People that say all politicians are the same just say that as a weak excuse as to how and why they didn't take the time to research a politician and their projected policies. An Attorney General such as a Eric Holder is different than a possible Attorney General such as Rudy Gilliani. Just like a Supreme Court Justice like Thurgood Marshall is different than a Supreme Court Justice such as Clarence Thomas. Both respected positions are appointed by the President, so yes it does matter who the President is and the type of person or political party they represent.

Dudes need to stop taking political advice from the dude that sells shea butter and oils in front of their local gas station. A guy like that most likely isn't educated enough on the political process and is skeptical just to be skeptical. Nothing wrong with a documentary like Hidden Colors as I myself enjoy each one for what it is but when it is Election Day be it on a local basis every few years or a Presidential Election it's time to put the Hidden Colors DVD down and pick up an election ballot. If not for you, then at least for your family, friends and the next generation after you.
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words of delusion

Wake up or you'll be useless to the people you want to help. Giving up your rights out of learned helplessness and bogus militant ideals is the biggest mistake you can make as an American. Which you are: whether you like it or decide to emigrate

Participate in a society men better than you worked so hard to partake in

Your education on the matter begins and ends inside a whitewashed, state sanctioned text book, if that. But im delusional. You're delusional. Voting is learned helplessness. Bogus nationalist idealism. Think what you want, think whats more comfortable, more palateable for you. I cant think for you but if you're not gonna study anything beyond whats been force fed to you through state run institutions then you have a minimal understanding of whats reality and whats delusion.
Your education on the matter begins and ends inside a whitewashed, state sanctioned text book, if that. But im delusional. You're delusional. Voting is learned helplessness. Bogus nationalist idealism. Think what you want, think whats more comfortable, more palateable for you. I cant think for you but if you're not gonna study anything beyond whats been force fed to you through state run institutions then you have a minimal understanding of whats reality and whats delusion.
You're lost. Your audacity is misplaced and it most likely shows in your life and the lives of the people around you.

The clouded logic and pseudo theories that you've based your intellect on hamper the success of guys like you and will continue to do so until you get past the immature conjectures brought on by a lifetime of insecurity
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