Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Even as recent as a few days ago our national news broadcast accurately reported on the kneeling protest as trying to bring attention to police brutality

guess what? that's not what da public feels.

and da NFL aint in business to piss off its biggest customers.

clearly da disconnect is being shown and broadcasted.

like i said before, untenable position, and when it comes to optics, perception can become reality quick in da public space.
NYC Council members #TakeTheKnee in solidarity with NFL players attacked by Trump
guess what? that's not what da public feels.

and da NFL aint in business to piss off its biggest customers.

clearly da disconnect is being shown and broadcasted.

like i said before, untenable position, and when it comes to optics, perception can become reality quick in da public space.
Who's arguing that's such a large amount of people aren't upset about it? They know damn well what the message is, which is one of the main factors in the general response. If they're too ignorant or too racist to figure it out that's on them.
Who's arguing that's such a large amount of people isn't upset about it?

its not only a large amount, its da majority as seen by these polls.

Kaepernick should've been controlled da narrative a LONG time ago.

now its about da flag, instead of what da original protest was about (in reality its always been da flag though, he said it himself in da 1st interview, and later softened it up)
its not only a large amount, its da majority as seen by these polls.

Kaepernick should've been controlled da narrative a LONG time ago.

now its about da flag, instead of what da original protest was about (in reality its always been da flag though, he said it himself in da 1st interview, and later softened it up)
Again, he can say anything he wants about his message and it's gonna have zero significant impact on these people. He could write a damn thesis about it and at the end of the day to the vast majority of these people he'll still be an African-American who should shut up and be grateful the white savior has allowed him to live there and earn his money.
yeah, so does this thread, is exist... i guess :lol:

bottom line is when ya get to da personals, ya lost ya moral high ground.

call meth if u got a problem with me editing your insults at me, im sure he'll be thrilled... :lol:

Really, that is the typo you want to mock.

You are the dude that spelled fraught as "frot" . Everyone please Google "frot" for extra homoerotic lulz

You missed intelligentsia for months, and when Meth pointed it out, you tried to say you where doing it to make it sound like a Hispanic accent

You misspelled "rigors" as "riggers" just today. Letting everyone know where your mind is at.

But now you think you are in the position to call out typos. Child please, :lol:

You make yourself look silly on the regular.

And btw, I didn't insult you personally, I insulted your behavior. But no worries, I'm not gonna hit the report button for that. Unlike you, I do not act like a snowflake.
reported for making me google "frot."

also, til "ri" is a pretty effective "n", like some type of Matrix font.

I swear YALL don't know how to have a discussion without taking personal shots

debate not being a required course somewhere is one of the many ways the education system is fundamentally ****** up.
Again, he can say anything he wants about his message and it's gonna have zero significant impact on these people.

protests have to have a end asking you where is Colin Kapernick and company's end game?

kneeling on da flag/anthem is ephemeral position.
Says the person who has trolled @Peep Game for years about a story of him doing dirt in Florida. And has not presented a lick of evidence to prove these accusations. :lol:

She that is without sin....let her cast the first stone.....
Two completely different things. Knowing damn well I am joking. I never bring it up if I am having a debate with someone.

Nice try though
protests have to have a end asking you where is Colin Kapernick and company's end game?

kneeling on da flag/anthem is ephemeral position.
The end game is to bring more attention to the problem of police brutality, how it disproportionately affects people of color, racial inequality in general and to hopefully result in making more people aware and changes in policy. I'm really not sure how that is hard to figure out for anyone who is willing to take a closer look. Kap could have certainly handled it better (Castro shirt, pig socks for example as you mentioned) but at the end of the day the blame should be placed with the people really up in arms about a peaceful protest.
Kneeling during the anthem is largely ephemeral because so many people don't want to hear anything about racism from a black man regardless of what he says. In terms of bringing more awareness, it certainly shows how deeply ingrained this level of ignorance and racism is in society.
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bottom line is when ya get to da personals, ya lost ya moral high ground.

Make sure you preach that same message to your conservative comrades champ when it comes to making personal attacks on Kap or any other black athlete that takes a knee.
Two completely different things. Knowing damn well I am joking. I never bring it up if I am having a debate with someone.

Nice try though
Jamelle please. You know damb well you have said it to upset ole boy on purpose.

And most of criticizing of Ninja has been his logic and behavior. The insults he claimed I made I didn't call him anything. I said he was acting a certain way.

But ok, since you got a general problem, next time he throw out personal insults and threats (he does so quite often), I will be sure to quote you so you check him though.
Jamelle please. You know damb well you have said it to upset ole boy on purpose.

And most of criticizing of Ninja has been his logic and behavior.

But ok, since you got a general problem, next time he throw out personal insults and threats (he does so quite often), I will be sure to quote you so you check him though.
Again, Peep knows damn well that I am 100% on joke time when I bring that up.

Not sure what you are talking about. Neither do you for that matter.

Point blank, yall need to learn how to debate without taking personal shots at each other.

Since Ninja is Public Enemy #1, I guess yall think it is acceptable, but that isn't cool. It makes those that resort to personal attacks look weak.

But carry on
protests have to have a end asking you where is Colin Kapernick and company's end game?

kneeling on da flag/anthem is ephemeral position..
100% in agreement.

What is next?

and how does that involve da NFL? they're in da business of pigskin & shoulder pads, not social justice exercises, after a while holding da NFL national anthem for lack of a better term "hostage" until society changes isn't a feesible position...da action has to move away from da flag/anthem and towards that goal.
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Again, Peep knows damn well that I am 100% on joke time when I bring that up.

Not sure what you are talking about. Neither do you for that matter.

Point blank, yall need to learn how to debate without taking personal shots at each other.

Since Ninja is Public Enemy #1, I guess yall think it is acceptable, but that isn't cool. It makes those that resort to personal attacks look weak.

But carry on
You are not around, or say nothing when he gets personal. Ninja doesn't have a bad reputation for nothing.

I criticized his behavior on NT, so yes, I will carry on.
The end game is to bring more attention to the problem of police brutality, how it disproportionately affects people of color, racial inequality in general and to hopefully result in making more people aware and changes in policy.

and how does that involve da NFL? they're in da business of pigskin & shoulder pads, not social justice exercises, after a while holding da NFL national anthem for lack of a better term "hostage" until society changes isn't a feesible position...da action has to move away from da flag/anthem and towards that goal.
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