Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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The NFL is an extremely popular institution that is watched by a gigantic amount of people. If you want to want your protest to be seen and talked about, it can hardly be avoided if you're bringing the protest to the NFL itself.

NFL ratings are diving as a result because of da perception of da flag disrespect.

using da league like a temporary shiny instrument does no one on any side of da argument any favors.

eventually, da actual thing has to be in da forefront, not da vessel you're using to grab attention.

once Jerry Jones is in on it, its essentially losing its novelty to attract attention for da cause other than to continue to insult da patriots/anthem supporters.
NFL ratings are diving as a result because of da perception of da flag disrespect.

using da league like a temporary shiny instrument does no one on any side of da argument any favors.

eventually, da actual thing has to be in da forefront, not da vessel you're using to grab attention.

once Jerry Jones is in on it, its essentially losing its novelty to attract attention for da cause other than to continue to insult da patriots/anthem supporters.

If NFL players weren't as dumb as they seem to be they could use the declining ratings to their advantage.

I agree with the Jerry Jones statement. Whatever these dudes was doing with him involved, lost any credibility from the get go.
Y'all going back and forth....with a dudes who's ONLY source of attention is to consistently "ehhhhh" and "well"......ANYTHING for black civil rights. Y'all KNOW this ***** will stand by racist EVERY TIME and try to downplay or discredit actual racism EVERY TIME, under the guise of "perspective" and "balance".

Y'all gotta not give Voldermort the attention he so thirstily desires on these things man :lol:.
Y'all going back and forth....with a dudes who's ONLY source of attention is to consistently "ehhhhh" and "well"......ANYTHING for black civil rights. Y'all KNOW this ***** will stand by racist EVERY TIME and try to downplay or discredit actual racism EVERY TIME, under the guise of "perspective" and "balance".

Y'all gotta not give Voldermort the attention he so thirstily desires on these things man :lol:.

Not to mention the IQ just isn't there to even be engaging with. But they'll continue thread after thread...
If NFL players weren't as dumb as they seem to be they could use the declining ratings to their advantage.

I agree with the Jerry Jones statement. Whatever these dudes was doing with him involved, lost any credibility from the get go.
Y'all going back and forth....with a dude that sounds like every analyst who ends up formulating a opinion on a issue, except he does it months, and on this case.a year in advance, i should stop bloviating into a racial temper tantrum.

precisely, especially when on CNN they're literally having a hour special druming up.

wait for it....

everything i already said

and wavy you sounding like these thots on IG bragging about their imaginary HaTAzZZz..i assure you, no one is campaigning for your attention. :lol: :smh:
Here goes ironic editing quotes that highlights da racism (which i cant even talk about cuz im white and got caught calling black people racoons) & personal attacks

yep, cuz in reality, all it does is point to da original, so take it where you want.

if go wanna get personal, lets dance, otherwise stick to da script & topic.

CNN having a townhall on this very thread topic, I don't see any of ya posting highlights. :nerd:
da people tuning away are people repelled by da flag protest.

Oh, so it's not the abundance of commercial breaks? The downtime in action? The terrible refereeing? Poor gameday matchups? Evidence of CTE among players? "No Fun League"? Roger Goodell?
Oh, so it's not the abundance of commercial breaks? The downtime in action? The terrible refereeing? Poor gameday matchups? Evidence of CTE among players? "No Fun League"? Roger Goodell?

National anthem protests were the top reason that NFL fans watched fewer games last season, according to a new survey released by J.D. Power.

The pollster said it asked more than 9,200 people who attended either one football, basketball or hockey game whether they tuned into fewer games and why. Twenty-six percent of those who watched fewer games last season said that national anthem protests, some of which were led by Colin Kaepernick, were the reason.

its only gonna get worse if there's no end game.
Sooooo, the majority people that watched fewer games did so because of other reasons, not the kneeling protest.

Ok cool, good to know.
Sooooo, the majority people that watched fewer games did so because of other reasons, not the kneeling protest.

yeah, Nike should use your logic on why da majority of shoes they sell is in da top 10, regardless of da fact that Adidas claimed da # 1 spot.. good to know.

ninjahood ninjahood
why is it u can never admit when u may be wrong
also sometimes u make things facts that are ur opinions
like real talk
eveytime u get into it with someone
and they show that whatever ur saying is or may be off base
u NEVER EVER walk it back like
u always try to get ur point across
and don't ever seem to take their opinion in mind
u cant be right all the time
THESE THINGS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. There will never ever be a healthy debate, he'll never concede being wrong on anything. It is an absolute waste of time, you all must stop.
yeah, Nike should use your logic on why da majority of shoes they sell is in da top 10, regardless of da fact that Adidas claimed da # 1 spot.. good to know.


I would ignore this, but let me show DC I can play nice.

I'm pointing out basic statistics to you, and you can't even handle that.

When something is over 50% it is the majority, when someone is just the highest total of all other choices, it is the plurality. I just group the non protest categories. There is no logic, it is just basics.

Gotta come with some car/shoes/rap analogy (which is horrible btw, not because it is corning but because I misses the basic statistical point). You're like a bad magican Squeals, always using the same tricks.
THESE THINGS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. There will never ever be a healthy debate, he'll never concede being wrong on anything. It is an absolute waste of time, you all must stop.
Apologies, the sheer level of buffoonery can be very tempting to not let that **** slide. He literally can't concede to being wrong. He couldn't even bring himself to admit he was wrong about the amount of days in a week, the amount of years in a decade and wrong about stating half of Trump supporters equaling 50% of the US population.
National anthem protests were the top reason that NFL fans watched fewer games last season, according to a new survey released by J.D. Power.

The pollster said it asked more than 9,200 people who attended either one football, basketball or hockey game whether they tuned into fewer games and why. Twenty-six percent of those who watched fewer games last season said that national anthem protests, some of which were led by Colin Kaepernick, were the reason.

its only gonna get worse if there's no end game.

That poll is so stupid.

First, for some reason they lumped game delays into off the field behavior among players. They should've put it with commercials. I'll bet you that would've "won".

Second, saying, "Twenty-six percent of those who watched fewer games last season said that national anthem protests, some of which were led by Colin Kaepernick, were the reason" is different than saying 3.1% of the people polled stopped watching because of Kaep. The other 96.9% don't care I guess. It's misleading as hell.

Third, was it the protest itself? Or the coverage of it? Did that make people uncomfortable enough to not watch? (Well good, this **** should make you feel uncomfortable).

Sorry to any football fans, but the whole experience of watching football absolutely sucks. I would've killed myself if I had to watch another "chevy real people" or cialis ad.
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Ninja is pointing out basic facts of da matter, and im goin on statistical soapbox rants

bingo, clearly you understand a majority percentage ain't rocking with da protests, as told by da article, so why even bloviate on da difference between plurality and majority when in da end, its just avoiding talking about da issue at hand, that were already explained in da point really...
Third, was it the protest itself? Or the coverage of it? Did that make people uncomfortable enough to not watch? (Well good, this **** should make you feel uncomfortable).

NFL isn't in business to lose viewership, and da flag stuff is taking it their... they're gonna to make some choices, and fast.
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