Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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When people say he should have done it a "better" way or different way they really just mean a way that makes them more comfortable. They don't really care about change they just don't like people challenging their idea of what America is and being blunt about it.

It is not about right or wrong, it is about whether his behaviour, or lack thereof will create a positive change. In fact it has increased anger and hostility in the short term for sure, and made everyone less safe.

Using part of his 16 million dollar salary to create an evidence-based private after school program in South Chicago dedicated to serving male youth between the ages of 13 and 19 would have been more functional. That's what the research tells us at least.

This doesn't make me more "comfortable" I just believe that doing "What works" is a much better usage of time and effort.

He can call the Centre, "Police need to treat us better" if that's the message he wants to convey.
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When people say he should have done it a "better" way or different way they really just mean a way that makes them more comfortable. They don't really care about change they just don't like people challenging their idea of what America is and being blunt about it.
It is not about right or wrong, it is about whether his behaviour, or lack thereof will create a positive change. In fact it has increased anger and hostility in the short term for sure, and made everyone less safe.

Using part of his 16 million dollar salary to create an evidence-based private after school program in South Chicago dedicated to serving male youth between the ages of 13 and 19 would have been more functional. That's what the research tells us at least.

This doesn't make me more "comfortable" I just believe that doing "What works" is a much better usage of time and effort.

He can call the Centre, "Police need to treat us better" if that's the message he wants to convey.
You don't see it as a move for positive change but in Kaeps decision is about doing what he feels is right to him and he doesn't feel it is right. And making people less safe is a very hyperbolic thing to say.

To your second point of how he should use his money Bomani Jones said it best...
 The easy question to ask is whether one agrees with Kaepernick’s manner of protest — thus allowing respondents to ignore the substance of his thoughtful, measured critiques. The most disingenuous answers tend to come from those who defend his right to ignore the national anthem while making sure the world knows there were better ways for him to make his point, while, of course, stopping short of addressing the point itself.
And what he has done has worked in getting people to further educate themselves. How many people in this thread alone said they didn't know what the 3rd verse of the anthem was and now that they know they will no longer honor it as well. His goal was for people to learn more he never once said i'm doing this to create policy or an organization. If this was a move for anything it was for  education and that has been very effective. Thats a positive change.

And to your last point the message he wants to portray is bigger than the police he is saying America has a race problem as a whole so his message is still on point.
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When people say he should have done it a "better" way or different way they really just mean a way that makes them more comfortable. They don't really care about change they just don't like people challenging their idea of what America is and being blunt about it.

Yup. Agreed. This is what MLK (Who they love to hold up as some "all lives matter, non controversial figure) said in 1963 from jail:

"I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner," Dr. King wrote, "but the white moderate who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action.’"
When people say he should have done it a "better" way or different way they really just mean a way that makes them more comfortable. They don't really care about change they just don't like people challenging their idea of what America is and being blunt about it.

Yup. Agreed. This is what MLK (Who they love to hold up as some "all lives matter, non controversial figure) said in 1963 from jail:

"I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner," Dr. King wrote, "but the white moderate who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action."

I got shivers reading that. Read it 10x already. People don't talk like that anymore.
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I think randy moss was trending last night because of this. Dudes talking bout randy moss the best WR ever because of jerry rice saying this nonsense. 
Jerry Rice's comments made me cringe face was all kinds of balled up. :smh:

How the hell is this "disrespecting the flag" ?
When people say he should have done it a "better" way or different way they really just mean a way that makes them more comfortable. They don't really care about change they just don't like people challenging their idea of what America is and being blunt about it.

Yup. Agreed. This is what MLK (Who they love to hold up as some "all lives matter, non controversial figure) said in 1963 from jail:

"I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner," Dr. King wrote, "but the white moderate who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action.’"
In the same way they don't know about MLK's goals and the things he spoke towards the end of his life and how that would contradict how they ridiculously try to hold him up as a way to silence black movements.

And to be honest I didn't know MLK said this though and i'm glad you posted it. Crazy how relevant these words our to today. I often say the danger of America's race problem isn't just some crazy people in the mountains or dudes in white hoods, the biggest danger is the apathy that many have when it comes to addressing race issues.
Smh that's the problem. As soon as you disagree with something you automatically "hate America" and you're "disrespectful".

Like I said in a previous post, after learning what I learned about Francis Scott Key....I'm sitting my black a_s down. Don't care who finds it offensive.
You don't see it as a move for positive change but in Kaeps decision is about doing what he feels is right to him and he doesn't feel it is right. And making people less safe is a very hyperbolic thing to say.

The whole point of my argument is "fu*k feelings." I don't care what he feels, I care what is demonstrated in peer reviewed literature to help make young black men less likely to be involved in gun violence.

I get it, it is quite a bit easier to sit on a chair for two minutes once a week, but if anyone is really looking for solutions they are out there.

Pro social structured activity for young males; proven effective.

Sitting during national anthem; proven to create internet arguments.

What he is doing is not "wrong" from a subjective perspective, it is incorrect based on the evidence.
Jerry Rice's comments made me cringe face was all kinds of balled up. :smh:

How the hell is this "disrespecting the flag" ?

Crazy thing is people disrespect the flag all the time.

You aren't supposed to turn the flag into clothing, underwear, swimsuits, sneakers etc.

People change the colors of the flag, put their team logos on it, wear it as a head bands and hats.

American flag rugs, sheets, towels, shower curtains.

Disrespect for the flag happening all over the place and no one cares.
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Funny, I am discussing this with somebody and she doesn't seem to get it.

She said why don't more athletes do it. I said that MOST can't afford to do it. Let someone thst is barely in the league do that and they are GONE.

I said most likely, unless you are established, you won't see a player do that.

Of course she flipped it and hit me with the, "Why are you policing who should do it or not."
Funny, I am discussing this with somebody and she doesn't seem to get it.

She said why don't more athletes do it. I said that MOST can't afford to do it. Let someone thst is barely in the league do that and they are GONE.

I said most likely, unless you are established, you won't see a player do that.

Of course she flipped it and hit me with the, "Why are you policing who should do it or not."

Ask her to name one thing she likes about america.
It is not about right or wrong, it is about whether his behaviour, or lack thereof will create a positive change. In fact it has increased anger and hostility in the short term for sure, and made everyone less safe.

Using part of his 16 million dollar salary to create an evidence-based private after school program in South Chicago dedicated to serving male youth between the ages of 13 and 19 would have been more functional. That's what the research tells us at least.

This doesn't make me more "comfortable" I just believe that doing "What works" is a much better usage of time and effort.

He can call the Centre, "Police need to treat us better" if that's the message he wants to convey.
And who is to say he isn't already doing things in the community WHILE he is doing this?

It isn't an either or type of situation just because he is going about it this way doesn't automatically mean he isn't doing other things.

Again, people need to stop telling what they should and shouldn't do when fighting injustice
You don't see it as a move for positive change but in Kaeps decision is about doing what he feels is right to him and he doesn't feel it is right. And making people less safe is a very hyperbolic thing to say.

The whole point of my argument is "fu*k feelings." I don't care what he feels, I care what is demonstrated in peer reviewed literature to help make young black men less likely to be involved in gun violence.

I get it, it is quite a bit easier to sit on a chair for two minutes once a week, but if anyone is really looking for solutions they are out there.

Pro social structured activity for young males; proven effective.

Sitting during national anthem; proven to create internet arguments.

What he is doing is not "wrong" from a subjective perspective, it is incorrect based on the evidence.

The subject of the discussion is not gun violence, inner city violence, or crime. It is injustice, or more precisely imbalance of justice in its application. That's it. You could have 0% crime in the poor areas of this country, and that won't keep a police officer from getting paid leave after he shoots someone in the back. That is the issue.
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