
i have no idea what my professor is talking about in my trigonometry class. and i need soon as possible. 
just spent the last three days with my ex i clearly still love her but when i look at her im full of anger, and I dont trust her at all for the things she done, worse than that after she hurt me I hurt her far worse so she says she numb to me, and when around me feels nothing. Seems like neither side is ready to let go what each has done, im hurt but what I did to her has killed her emotion towards me. It was too soon to try and make it work only 2 weeks after our bad deeds, but my fear is my actions may have killed her emotion to me for good not just temporarily. Guess time and space will tell me all smh, i went to far, gotta think before you do stuff
I have hit and quit many girls, and left them hating me because i told them i liked them...Now that im older, i look back and wish i would have been nicer to a select few....that is all :tongue:
i have no idea what my professor is talking about in my trigonometry class. and i need soon as possible. 

Ohhh man.. I hate these kinds of situations. It gets worse every day you wait, so you might as well get on top of that.
on the low i got 2012 essentials on deck just in case its get ugly, i aint even talkin about no natural disaster type stuff either im talking about great depression type stuff.

havnt told/talked about it with anyone i know in real life
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Feel like I haven't lived up to my potential academically or physically...feel like I could have played football or ran track in college had I given a damn and could have had at least a 3.5 gpa in h.s. and college.....been motivated lately so I work out everyday and contract for IT companies trying to get back what I should have had years ago
I showed up my teacher in the first week and he wasn't impressed , so now i'm thinking of not participating in class discussions until after the midterms or i'm just dropping the  class... i've never been the guy to draw attention to myself so i feel weird
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  • Didn't do my best in hs,did the minimum just to get by. I was lazy and procrastinated alot. I regret it now and won't make the mistake twice now that I'm in college.
  • I put so much pressure on myself to be successful,that I sometimes doubt if i can make it.
  • I'm more closer to my friends than my own family. I feel bad about not feeling bad that i'm not close to them,if that makes sense.
  • I honestly think Cannibus is a great tool if used right and not abused. I tried it when I was 16 and it changed my life for the better. It made  me realize some things I didn't like about myself,(i.e. not taking risks,somewhat insecure,worrying too much what others thought of me), made me a deep thinker,but I usually  tend overanalyze. My best thoughts are when i'm lifted.  I quit it though,I started to overanalyze everything.been clean for 5 months.
  • I HATE the hood,HATE being here, HATE what it does to people. I can't understand why people are so poor man. Why? It's like a never ending poverty cycle that most people can't get out of.
  • HATE the goons and hoodlums that ruin their chance to get out the hood. Instead of going to school and making something of themselves, they glamorize drugs,violence,gangs,keepin it real and other worthless s!#@,that'll either get them killed or locked up.
  • I want to help out poor people so bad,just don't know how. Before i can think about that I have to help myself out 1st.
Dont know if I can make it into SDSU with my 2.5 GPA but Fullerton would be my back up.
I dug this hole myself. I had a gf during the first 3 semesters and I had nothing but Cs. Been getting a range of A,B and Cs now that shes gone. I had a 2.17 when we split and I'm slowly crawling my way up...
I like girl, she plays hard to get. I lose interest. Now she texts me about the most randomest things. I think she wants me to chase but getting tired of playing games. Got school to deal with, no time to waste.
This girl next to me copied off of me during the stats quiz and got 100%. I told her she shouldn't count on me and need to know the material herself. She asked to study with me and we did today. She held my hand, leaned on my shoulder and bit my hand... wtf?
Acne is causing me social issues.
Been out of the shoe game for the past 3 yrs and I just copped 2 pair of 3s.. Cements and TB.
I am going through a divorce.  My wife flew back home with my son and I miss him.  She damaged almost all my **** before she left because I was living in a temporary apartment awaiting her departure, we had a no contact order, during that time she went HAM on my belongings.  I been smoking black and milds and Al Capones for about a month and a half now to help cope these hard times.  I only smoke when I'm feeling down, I used to not smoke at all, I tried to stop twice but I keep going.  I feel weird though, its like I'm happy as hell that we are done and she is gone, but she has my baby boy and thats the rough part.      
The girl I had a thing for maybe interested in some other guy. I know the key to flirtation is proximity. If you don't see that person often then the flame you guys once had will just dwindle away. Thats where I'm at right now. I met her last semester but we don't have any classes together this semester. I want to confess to her my feelings. What do you guys think NT? I'm planning to confess my feelings for her at the of this semester which is near the end of December. I want to just invite her out to eat at the CheeseCake Factory and then tell her what I feel about her afterwards. I'm afraid to do it now cause it would be too sudden and abrupt, also we might be bumping into each other in campus.
Dude, as much as you want to, don't tell her your feelings. You have to be rational and telling her is going to make her feel like you're into it more than she is. Make her WONDER how you feel. It creates a bit of mystery and will keep her interested. I promise.

Also, try not to do so much thinking ahead and making plans like that. It'll set you up for disappointment. Make things happen as soon as possible and bask in those moments and appreciate them for what they're worth. Work on your spontaneity and try to keep things fresh.
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Dude, as much as you want to, don't tell her your feelings. You have to be rational and telling her is going to make her feel like you're into it more than she is. Make her WONDER how you feel. It creates a bit of mystery and will keep her interested. I promise.
Also, try not to do so much thinking ahead and making plans like that. It'll set you up for disappointment. Make things happen as soon as possible and bask in those moments and appreciate them for what they're worth. Work on your spontaneity and try to keep things fresh.
listen to this guy, especially about admitting your feelings to a female. I made the mistake earlier this year by telling a certain female that I liked her. Well her interest level wasn't as high as mine were. At that point I just charged it to the game and moved on.
I have bad relationships with most of my family and I find most of them annoying. I've always been cool with my brother, my sister was always a b**** cuz shes jealous of me, but now that shes a little older thats fading and were getting better. I've never initiated any fights with anyone in my life.
I'm 21 and have horrible relations with my parents right now. I'm not an alcoholic, no drugs, and I'm in school gonna graduate with my BComm this April.
My dad was always a ***** to me and I never liked him. Then a few years ago he got a permanent spinal cord injury on vacation in the ocean now hes not gonna walk for the rest of his life which honestly I dont care about. What pisses me off is my mom is at home taking care of him all the time and she literally only leaves the house to buy groceries. I also dont like her she always makes me nervous and hasnt had sex in like forever which is why she behaves the way she does.
My bro and sister are in university too, but I feel like my parents are breeding laziness and mediocrity in our house. Their both negative personalities too :smh:

Currently I cannot wait to graduate in a few months, and start working full-time and getting out of here as soon as I can.
So I can be alone and start fresh. I wouldnt even care how bad of a place I would have to rent or whatever, just as long as I would be alone and working full time, with no more school and family in my life.
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