
Stay focused young man. Women will come. Just don't be fooled when they're on your nuts because of your success. Get an average female and sharpen your mouthpiece and confidence.
@Brolic Scholar said something before like: "Leave with the girl who got you to the dance."

Wise words indeed.
Mario pm me or text. My number is the same if you want an ear.

I really hate waking up everyday because I have to deal with another day.
my mind is my prison
I know those feels

I'm always in my head too much and I get to the lowest of the lows . I literally have to shake out of deep thought sometimes
My Mom just got terminated from a pretty high position cause of some ********
My dad is on contract till the end of this month,

It feels weird cause I'm only 20 and in school. **** might be a little harder for the next couple months.

I'm just always down in my feels cause all my homies getting cuffed and I have a 100% rejection rate lately so I'm just playing games to pass away winter break. Along with working and working out

youre only 20 man, no biggie.........

i cant speak on your rejection though
Sorry yall, I forget to check back in on this..

I'll reply to you because you gave me some harsh advice but you're right- we have horrible saving habits. It's both of our faults, really.

I try to be happy and grateful that I can pay my bills and keep a roof over our head, but we are just so horrible at saving money that when **** happens we stress and have to move money around and push stuff back. Right now we're doing okay, not struggling to pay things, but our lack of a savings makes everything have to come out of our paycheck when stuff happens. We make a good amount of money over our bill total but we just do a horrible job at setting any aside in case things like that happen.

We share / combine our money, and before anyone yells at me about this we had no choice when we got together. Our relationship financially has been a struggle from the start.. we were sleeping in her 2000 Mercedes with over 200k miles that she got as a gift from her grandparents before her parents kicked her out.. making $116 a week on a part time job, sleeping at a friends house when we could. My mom kicked us out. We had no choice but to share our money and neither of us see a reason to split, we just communicate about spending and our abilities to spend on frivolous things. We went through FoodStamps together. She got me on her card and i got her on my card when needed. We were all each other had, as corny as that sounds. Both kicked out of our parents house for nothing at all.. both struggling to eat and get a life of our own.

Like I said, if it was just bills and frivolous things, we could balance fine. But it's the lack of a savings and the random occurrences in life that hit us that screw us over.
One thing me and my wife have done that makes things much easier is that we have a seperate bill account that we direct deposit our split amounts into and we use that account alone to pay for the bills. it def makes things easier because you really get to see how much the bills are each month and how much money we have left over each month.

Since we are expecting a new baby next year we already know it's gonna be a lil tighter than before once we start paying for diapers and formula again and also start paying for child care for two kids instead of one but we have a base idea on how all of that is going to cost and what we'll be left over with.

Often times people don't ever get completely financially stable because as we earn more money to make it we typically begin to spend more since we have more to spend and that cycle continues. So don't worry if you aren't completely concrete but do consider if where you are living now financially is where you should be living
i dont get how some of my friends can just cruise on thru life without any effort whatsoever but for me? nahh no way

im really about to start trappin
Told a girl I love her today.

She is super persistent with me always has been. Even today I questioned her wtf is it, why she does all the things she does. She feels I understand and get her and accept her like nobody else. She is 27 now an I've been smashing her on an off since she was 19. I'm attracted to her but it was def a side girl in situation in my younger years and we always had good sex. Life is weird. I can't predict the future but right now I'm willing to give her a real shot.

I've screwed this girl over so many times in the past it blows my mind. Like I know I have. Real tears and hurtful things. Visiting me all summer even when I tried to tell her not too and gave her **** because I didn't want any drama at rehab from unannounced women coming.
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Told a girl I love her today.

She is super persistent with me always has been. Even today I questioned her wtf is it, why she does all the things she does. She feels I understand and get her and accept her like nobody else. She is 27 now an I've been smashing her on an off since she was 19. I'm attracted to her but it was def a side girl in situation in my younger years and we always had good sex. Life is weird. I can't predict the future but right now I'm willing to give her a real shot.

I've screwed this girl over so many times in the past it blows my mind. Like I know I have. Real tears and hurtful things. Visiting me all summer even when I tried to tell her not too and gave her **** because I didn't want any drama at rehab from unannounced women coming.

Y'all probably just meant to be man.
Found some explicit pictures of a friend of mine (new friend) on tumblr. I knew it was her cause of her tattoo. She's not getting railed in any of the photos, but it's Enough to make any future conversations awkward. They were done professionally back in the day, so I guess this was her hustle back then. Wasn't really shocked cause she is a "pole dancer". I know her bf so I'm sure he's known about her past. Dude put on his cape for her. I guess we will find out if you could turn a garden tool into a house wife.
With the end of the year approaching, I can say this year has been one of my most accomplished yet.

Got my first IT certification, got straight A's while working full time, and also slowly advancing in my career. I'm working on getting more IT certifications next year (hopefully be an engineer somewhere down the line) and also applying to grad school.

In terms of relationships, I wish I could say it's all perfect. My little bro basically ditched the fam, wasn't home with us on thanksgiving and I doubt for xmas. Last I speculated he was on drugs, but I can't say for sure. I've grown to be more independent from friends, something I've always attributed myself with. At the end of the day no one cares about yourself more than you do.

I've lost count with the number of females I've been with. Most were hit and dip, with the exception of one or two I really liked. They play with you man, just don't let that **** get to you. I feel what all of you are saying, we'll never really get what we want. To top it off thought I found someone that might be worth a shot, but I'm gettin the same vibes that's too familiar. Just a reminder to not stop focusing on my grind. Treat em and leave em, it is what it is

If it's anyone that's been with me through all the bs and gave me all these blessings, it's the man upstairs.
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