
Didn't know where to post this but here it goes...

Been talking to my ex lately, admittedly I still love the girl and both of us pretty much agreed that we haven't moved into other relationship because we both really wanted us to work. Part of the reason we broke up was because of one of her guy friends. I already knew what homie was up to when me & her were dating so I told her straight up continue to befriend dude and we're done, she drops dude and changes her #. Later she finds out I'm cheating, and around the same time homie tells her I smashed one of his homegirls, mind you I've never smashed ole girl and no one but her & I really knew we talked :stoneface:

Fast forward to now we've been in contact frequently & I know she's still friends with dude. I honestly I feel like it's extremely disrespectful to even be engaging me (whatever her motives are), and still being friends with the dude. At this point I feel like straight up telling her you can't have your cake & eat it too. Am I just ego trippin here or do I have a legitimate reason for feeling this way?
i know how you feel. :\ my ex boyfriend is still friends with the girls he cheated on me with/lied to me about. even when he and i were working things out a few months ago. dude likes keeping his options open. unfortunately i was the fallback girl when these girls friendzone him. it hurts. :frown:
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Good, now you can move on and enjoy life and other women. You either fold and validate her reasons for not wanting you, or go **** life in the *** and be the best you you can be.
Didn't know where to post this but here it goes...

Been talking to my ex lately, admittedly I still love the girl and both of us pretty much agreed that we haven't moved into other relationship because we both really wanted us to work. Part of the reason we broke up was because of one of her guy friends. I already knew what homie was up to when me & her were dating so I told her straight up continue to befriend dude and we're done, she drops dude and changes her #. Later she finds out I'm cheating, and around the same time homie tells her I smashed one of his homegirls, mind you I've never smashed ole girl and no one but her & I really knew we talked :stoneface:

Fast forward to now we've been in contact frequently & I know she's still friends with dude. I honestly I feel like it's extremely disrespectful to even be engaging me (whatever her motives are), and still being friends with the dude. At this point I feel like straight up telling her you can't have your cake & eat it too. Am I just ego trippin here or do I have a legitimate reason for feeling this way?

She dropped a friend for you, changed her number for you and you are the one that ended up cheating
And now you talking about her being disrespectful :lol:

She has proven that she doesnt want dude.
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I'm with shoefreakbaby on this one. You were acting out when she was coolin it with dude, then you turn around and do the same thing you were scared she'd do
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really cut out for this world.
I wish I grew up with a group of 3-5 friends like in the movie Stand By Me.

For real man. I have probably like 3 friends right now that I feel like I can count on. The rest have just drifted and seem to be too caught up in relationships to pay anyone else any mind. But the 3 friends I am super close with I met in college and they all live about 50 miles away. Right now I am back home where I went to HS, working and trying to get my **** together and I realize I don't talk to anyone from high school anymore. Kinda wish I did so I would have more connections here, if I don't get out on my weekends most of my time is spent at home :smh:
im going to be broke by years end...
She dropped a friend for you, changed her number for you and you are the one that ended up cheating
And now you talking about her being disrespectful :lol:

She has proven that she doesnt want dude.

Never thought of it that way, thanks shoefreak :\
I just feel so overwhelmed right now. i never really had to look for a job cause my first job got lucky and got hired on by just walking in and putting in an application. i got laid off because they were cutting back on workforce and i was there 7 years. Right now im looking for jobs and all im getting are these mediocre jobs that i feel i shouldn't be working in because i can do much better than that. I feel so low but i need to start working to bring some income in, i feel like crying sometimes man.
I just feel so overwhelmed right now. i never really had to look for a job cause my first job got lucky and got hired on by just walking in and putting in an application. i got laid off because they were cutting back on workforce and i was there 7 years. Right now im looking for jobs and all im getting are these mediocre jobs that i feel i shouldn't be working in because i can do much better than that. I feel so low but i need to start working to bring some income in, i feel like crying sometimes man.
hold your head bro, something will come eventually.
I just feel so overwhelmed right now. i never really had to look for a job cause my first job got lucky and got hired on by just walking in and putting in an application. i got laid off because they were cutting back on workforce and i was there 7 years. Right now im looking for jobs and all im getting are these mediocre jobs that i feel i shouldn't be working in because i can do much better than that. I feel so low but i need to start working to bring some income in, i feel like crying sometimes man.

That's life and it sucks sometimes.

If you can get any job right now, you're doing better than a lot of people. Do what you have to do at the moment but never stop looking for something better.

You'll be alright, my dude.
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I just feel so overwhelmed right now. i never really had to look for a job cause my first job got lucky and got hired on by just walking in and putting in an application. i got laid off because they were cutting back on workforce and i was there 7 years. Right now im looking for jobs and all im getting are these mediocre jobs that i feel i shouldn't be working in because i can do much better than that. I feel so low but i need to start working to bring some income in, i feel like crying sometimes man.

Maximize your outputs my man, put in hella apps to jobs you think you're qualified for and you'll strike something. Have faith
I appreciate all the love fellas. I am taking this one job even tho the pay is not all that great, I'm going to keep looking tho.
I work two jobs and go to school as well. Lately, I have just wanted to quit my main full-time job so I can work part-time at my second job and focus on school more. Come April, it will be three years at my main job. I know I can't quit because I've been there for awhile now and I get more PTO hours once my three years hit. Seriously, this job just keeps throwing me some confusing claims cases and I just want to scream and yell at my bosses for always giving me all this stupid stuff. There have been so many times where I have thought in my mind to just get up and leave.

School hasn't been the greatest as well. I just got a 44 on my quiz and this is a mandatory Sociology course that I can't fail. I have another quiz for this class next week and I'm already dreading it. I really need to do good in this class. I don't know how I do this sometimes because I have to get up at 3 in the morning to get my first job at 5. I get out at 1:30 and I'm at my second job by 2-2:15 and I'm there until 6. By the time I get home, I pass out on the couch or my bed and do it all over again. This repetition is just getting really boring and I just want to break out from this.

I'm an introvert but lately I've actually gotten the courage to actually go up to a beautiful woman and make conversation with her and possibly get her number on top of that. I've just been getting a whole lot more rejections and it's just killing me. I got a few numbers but it's just rough.

There is this one girl in my class that I really like. I told her straight up that I am not looking to be your "study buddy" but something more. She just never shows me any signs and she's just bland. I feel as though she might be using me. I always ask her what she is doing on the weeknds and she is always giving me the runaround. Today, I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going to a party. OK, I already knew this because she accepted the invitation on Facebook. However, the party is in the hood and I wanted to see what she was going to say. I asked her "I hope the party is not in the hood" and she replies back "No, it's not". I keep thjinking she is just another typical white girl who just loves being in the hood and I should just drop her. There's just something about her that keeps me coming back. UGH!
I work two jobs and go to school as well. Lately, I have just wanted to quit my main full-time job so I can work part-time at my second job and focus on school more. Come April, it will be three years at my main job. I know I can't quit because I've been there for awhile now and I get more PTO hours once my three years hit. Seriously, this job just keeps throwing me some confusing claims cases and I just want to scream and yell at my bosses for always giving me all this stupid stuff. There have been so many times where I have thought in my mind to just get up and leave.

School hasn't been the greatest as well. I just got a 44 on my quiz and this is a mandatory Sociology course that I can't fail. I have another quiz for this class next week and I'm already dreading it. I really need to do good in this class. I don't know how I do this sometimes because I have to get up at 3 in the morning to get my first job at 5. I get out at 1:30 and I'm at my second job by 2-2:15 and I'm there until 6. By the time I get home, I pass out on the couch or my bed and do it all over again. This repetition is just getting really boring and I just want to break out from this.

I'm an introvert but lately I've actually gotten the courage to actually go up to a beautiful woman and make conversation with her and possibly get her number on top of that. I've just been getting a whole lot more rejections and it's just killing me. I got a few numbers but it's just rough.

There is this one girl in my class that I really like. I told her straight up that I am not looking to be your "study buddy" but something more. She just never shows me any signs and she's just bland. I feel as though she might be using me. I always ask her what she is doing on the weeknds and she is always giving me the runaround. Today, I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going to a party. OK, I already knew this because she accepted the invitation on Facebook. However, the party is in the hood and I wanted to see what she was going to say. I asked her "I hope the party is not in the hood" and she replies back "No, it's not". I keep thjinking she is just another typical white girl who just loves being in the hood and I should just drop her. There's just something about her that keeps me coming back. UGH!

hey man, lots of respect for working two jobs and making commitment to school at the same time. I don't even have a job right now but going to school is just a lot of work. hope things work out for you in the long run including relationships.
I need to resepect my parents more..they do ALOT for me but I only see what they where they went hyprocritical of me because all the dumb **** ive put them through..most parents would have kicked me out by now
1:at community college right now with no clue as to what i want to do in life.

2:My mom used to make me and my brother go to church every sunday. i now sometimes do not believe in god( cant really explain it) brother is a full blown athiest now.

3:i just started smoking herb this year.( im 18). my next door neighboor( smokes with me all the time)  is a close friend and moms smelled the tree on me. he took the wrap for me. Feel bad because my moms told his parents and they did the most, drug test the whole 9 yards.

4:im the guy in the crew who is always smiling and making jokes, but is secretly angry all the time i never show it

5: i hate seeing girls that i like with the biggest lames i know and putting up with their ways

6: i secretly despise my fathers side of the family because of how they view my mom, my brother and i

7: if i had the chance i would probably cut my dads D1ck off for doing my mom and my sisters mom dirty

8: theres this fine girl in my english class but i cant approach her and tell her how i feel

9: im jealous of my brothers girlfriend she makes bank and spoils him endlessly even tho hes kind of an *******

10: i hate my parents for not buying me a car like the rest of my friends parents.

11: i lost my virginity to a jump off in my school, and lied to my first girlfriend who i told i was a virgin and we both "lost" it to each other

12: im always reffered to as the other brother and i want to kill anyone who says it

i think im done for now
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