
yo Wasup man I just wanted to say don't go to school just to impress your parents or just because they wanted you to do what makes you happy bro

I always really wanted to go to school and go on from there but since I was forced into going to a school that I really wasn't into it just feels like a waste now as far as the 'college experience'

I feel like I'm just whining cuz academically I'm doing fine and all that but I'm just not getting that piece thats supposed to make college 'the best time of your life'

Thank for the support man
bro I **** you not I'm kinda in the same boat
I always wanted to work on cars since I was a kid ,graduated when I was 17 it was a gift and a burden and I regret some the decisions I made after I got outta highschool

I chilled at home for a year not doing anything productive getting threats from my mom kicking me out

Finally decide to get my **** back together and get to college so can get out of a rut
and im screwing that up(failed my engines exam) goin back to my old ways

as soon as :smh:school started i lost my motivation
-I like coming into this thread and confessing. It feels good for my soul
-I'm working on transferring out and traveling this year. I pray to god that it happens. I REALLY need it
-I think I gained 10 pounds last week (don't know if that's physically possible but I ate horribly)
-I been feeling unattractive because my hair :frown:
I don't want to get a real job when I graduate...I want to spend my time working in a shop at a beach somewhere & just party the whole summer....if I had my way thats what I would do for this summer then after I get my 150 credit hours in December Ill get serious about accounting

So why not do both? Any job you do is a real job, society has way too many definitions of what a "real" job is based on ephemeral conditions like prestige and pay. If you want to get serious about accounting at the same time, maybe you can convince a beach shop owner you know your stuff about budgeting and cost analysis.

yo Wasup man I just wanted to say don't go to school just to impress your parents or just because they wanted you to do what makes you happy bro

I always really wanted to go to school and go on from there but since I was forced into going to a school that I really wasn't into it just feels like a waste now as far as the 'college experience'

I feel like I'm just whining cuz academically I'm doing fine and all that but I'm just not getting that piece thats supposed to make college 'the best time of your life'

Thank for the support man
bro I **** you not I'm kinda in the same boat
I always wanted to work on cars since I was a kid ,graduated when I was 17 it was a gift and a burden and I regret some the decisions I made after I got outta highschool

I chilled at home for a year not doing anything productive getting threats from my mom kicking me out

Finally decide to get my **** back together and get to college so can get out of a rut
and im screwing that up(failed my engines exam) goin back to my old ways

as soon as :smh:school started i lost my motivation

I regret a ton of the decisions I made after high school.

Landed two jobs in the past 6 months after being a college bum, lined up a legit engineering interview for next week, and it all happened because time happened and because I put myself in the right place at the right time. I'm not trying to show anyone up here because a job is a job, but don't put yourself down when you have a real chance to get something that's very attainable. Keep stuff on your plate that you want to do, and something will come out of it eventually.

If something is important to you, do it even if there is a good chance of you failing.
So why not do both? Any job you do is a real job, society has way too many definitions of what a "real" job is based on ephemeral conditions like prestige and pay. If you want to get serious about accounting at the same time, maybe you can convince a beach shop owner you know your stuff about budgeting and cost analysis.
I regret a ton of the decisions I made after high school.

Landed two jobs in the past 6 months after being a college bum, lined up a legit engineering interview for next week, and it all happened because time happened and because I put myself in the right place at the right time. I'm not trying to show anyone up here because a job is a job, but don't put yourself down when you have a real chance to get something that's very attainable. Keep stuff on your plate that you want to do, and something will come out of it eventually.

If something is important to you, do it even if there is a good chance of you failing.
real **** bro
This is a messed up one.

Y one of my best friends in the world (former college roommate as well) called me up the other day and told me he's currently facing a case for having illegal sexual stuff downloaded/shared on his computer. Telling me that there's a chance he'll face jail time (2 years + 8 years probation), a chance he'll have to move out of the country (if it effects his work here) and that due to this he's been facing anxiety/depression/panic attacks and taking prescribed meds and stuff for it. I was supportive over the phone because I don't want a friend who's depressed to feel like he's alone... but on the other hand, whatever he was downloading/sharing had to be REALLY disturbingly bad. I could only assume children were involved. He says it was a mistake but also admits that he had the chance to delete/stop and chose not to do so. He was saying there's a chance that he would ask me to write a letter or something about his character. It really makes me re-evaluate our entire friendship and don't know how supportive I can be. :smh: Isn't this wild SMH.

Well one of my friends older white guy got caught on Chris Hanson predator show. I saw the video on youtube

I met him at work and he was cool and we became buddies still is

I found out later about it but he kind if old me too

Funny thing he tells women and they still let him smash and he smashes a lot if women mostly younger ones I hook him up with

I feel it is on God hands not me..I treat everyone the same. Dude was remorseful. .
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Not looking for sympathy, just need to vent...

My girl had an MRI yesterday, mostly for a car accident that she was involved in, but also to get answers to an odd but seemingly harmless problem she had. At work today I get a text from her that they found a brain tumor.

I instantly went into shock.

I wrapped up a deal that I was working on, talked to my boss and dipped. I've been with her all day making her laugh and keeping her spirits up. We're still waiting to talk to a Dr., but that probably won't happen until tomorrow.

I'm at a loss. This **** hardly seems like real life. We have been friends for years, long before anything else and... I don't wanna think about the "what ifs".

She's knocked out at the moment. We used to always joke about what we would say at each other's funeral. *tears bruhs...

The feels.

Cot damn.
Stay up man
I don't want to get a real job when I graduate...I want to spend my time working in a shop at a beach somewhere & just party the whole summer....if I had my way thats what I would do for this summer then after I get my 150 credit hours in December Ill get serious about accounting

Really that's how it's suppose to be. I waited like 2 years until I get somewhat serious and just parties but in the mea m while I still worked on my self worth and educated myself
Really that's how it's suppose to be. I waited like 2 years until I get somewhat serious and just parties but in the mea m while I still worked on my self worth and educated myself
Im looking for people that need roomates right now...all I need is a job and im good
.....every accountant I know has said the field is boring as hell they are in it for the money & presitge....Im in it for the same reasons 
I don't really mess with my older brother. Dude is 31 and super immature. Sleeps on my moms couch at her apartment. Dude is animal but, my I called my moms today and she told me he got sentenced to 1-5 yrs in prison on Monday. My heart sank. Dude was trying to kick it with me and my younger brother this weekend and we just brushed him off. Even though I don't mess with him like that, the fact that Icant see my brother for 1-5 years and the fact that we brushed em off got me feeling like an animal. Like I need some kinda penance or something
Sitting here at Fridays while my girl and her friends talk around me like I'm not here. Wish there was another dude to carry a convo with.
I like going out to eat by myself. Doesn't matter if I sit at the bar or if I get a small table, I feel relaxed and even with so many other people in the restaurant it feels like it's just me.
Idk, i feel like i'm failing at life. I go to a ****** CC, can't get good grades, haven't got good grades since elementary school. My parent's do nothing to help me only criticize and ridicule me. I also have bad depression and anxiety problems, some of it stemming from the heavy amounts of beatings i got when i was a kid and the trauma it's left me with. I don't believe in God or true love because both of those have let me down so many times, that it's unbelievable. I can never seem to talk efficiently to girls and when i do, it's usually online on sites such as okcupid and meetme because i'm scared to do it face to face, I've been rejected, screwed over, lied to, and once, given an STD, that i'm just like wtf. I don't look to shabby and i've just been always trying to improve myself but it never works 
Idk, i feel like i'm failing at life. I go to a ****** CC, can't get good grades, haven't got good grades since elementary school. My parent's do nothing to help me only criticize and ridicule me. I also have bad depression and anxiety problems, some of it stemming from the heavy amounts of beatings i got when i was a kid and the trauma it's left me with. I don't believe in God or true love because both of those have let me down so many times, that it's unbelievable. I can never seem to talk efficiently to girls and when i do, it's usually online on sites such as okcupid and meetme because i'm scared to do it face to face, I've been rejected, screwed over, lied to, and once, given an STD, that i'm just like wtf. I don't look to shabby and i've just been always trying to improve myself but it never works 

Damn man keep your head up everything will eventually work out in your favor
Idk, i feel like i'm failing at life. I go to a ****** CC, can't get good grades, haven't got good grades since elementary school. My parent's do nothing to help me only criticize and ridicule me. I also have bad depression and anxiety problems, some of it stemming from the heavy amounts of beatings i got when i was a kid and the trauma it's left me with. I don't believe in God or true love because both of those have let me down so many times, that it's unbelievable. I can never seem to talk efficiently to girls and when i do, it's usually online on sites such as okcupid and meetme because i'm scared to do it face to face, I've been rejected, screwed over, lied to, and once, given an STD, that i'm just like wtf. I don't look to shabby and i've just been always trying to improve myself but it never works 
all this except for the traumatizing and the dating sites.
And it's not like I have anybody to hang out with, it's hard trying I make friends at a CC cause everyone just goes for class and doesn't hang out after, and even in class, the ages of my colleagues range so greatly. All y parents want me to ever do is stay inside and study 24/7 but when will those stupid ***** learn that that'll never help me. I just want some me time, go out and have a lil fun but noooooo everybody swerves or just ignores me now. Well ****, if I ever become somebody, I'll never acknowledge them, even my parents

Just focus on the day, and then the week, and then the months and then you'll start to see the years and the bigger picture of your life. None of it happens over night, but one night you'll look up and see how far you've come.
good advice
Just found out my grandmother has moderate Alzheimer's, the way I feel right now is unexplainable. I'm going to go see her this weekend but I'm not ready for this journey, the day she no longer recognizes me I have no idea how I'm going to react. She's the one person that I can talk to for hours about nothing at all and never lose interest. It's like from this point on I'm racing against the clock.
im on the same boat. it will be awhile before she doesnt recognizes you though. Everyday my grandmother gets surprised that i have 3 kids but she remembers my older brother having twins 6 years ago. just be patient though she will forget things and remember things. at this point you cant control it. i been talking to grandmother about her childhood and she remembers it all like it was yesterday so start from there in case she 1 day forgets at least you can remind her.
Thanks everyone for the prayers and positivity.

We heard back from the Dr. and she said that 90% of people with a similar tumor have no serious problems or deaths resulting from the tumor. She prescribed medicine to shrink it, which is great news because the tumor was causing problems that my gf has been dealing with for a while.

The tumor is on her pituitary (sp?) gland which has caused problems with a number of things and now she can finally have some normality in her life with regard to weight and fertility.

I'm happy. Thanks again NT. :nthat:
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I feel like I played myself...I was in the projects over this chick crib last night..there were about 6 other people there..1 of the chicks there was saying the n word and I didn't stand up for myself due to not wanting to start **** especially in area where I shouldn't have been so I just ended up leaving with ol girl that  I came to see
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