Confirmed: Doernbecher Jordan III to release 7/20/13 - NO BUYING SELLING TRADING

I should write some long winded complaint to Nike and DB hospital for the explicit nature of their hashtag. 

Yes, I'm mad cause I failed. 

ice cube ladies....
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For all the success Sneaker RSVP has had, you'd think NT members would be chiming in, no?
i honestly think Nike put more stock in store than online. I seen three rsvp sites say they are doing great numbers, could be lies but a bunch of tweets can shut that down quickly. 
dang...i messed up on my initial hashtag. I was on the phone when the tweet went out. Oh well i guess i'll try sat morning.
i think that hashtag threw a lot of people off i know it had me doing a double take looking for the E so maybe i might have a chance
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