CORGI SHOE's stash (world's largest private collection) for sale piece by piece

Thanks again corgi! If your interested in legit sneakers that are hard to come by without the hypeclub prices then buy from this man.
miguel 1 Thanks for the kind words
kickz4show Anytime. Glad i could help. Thank you and appreciate the comment
yo corgi is your website up to date? if it is then i guess best bet is just to follow you on twitter to find new stuff?
Originally Posted by davey5737

yo corgi is your website up to date? if it is then i guess best bet is just to follow you on twitter to find new stuff?
im kind of using both mediums now but will be directing it much more the the wordpress blog address. thanks
jake thats awesome! thank you so very much. El-a will be gone 6 months on the 12th
I follow Corgi on Twitter... he's posting shoes all the time... some reeeaaallyyy old stuff in pretty much mint condition..He surprises us everyday with something crazy for sale... Twitter seems like the easiest way to purchase... Its worth the follow even if you are not looking to buy...
corgi i've been talking to you on email regarding the saviers. I didn't know you were on NT...Look forward to doing business with you soon.
Originally Posted by BubbaEla1

jake, same to you and penny sir. im gonna check out the tour schedule and see where it will lead me. Two shoes in LA, one in SF, and who knows , maybe one out your way. No new album. No new songs Still a great show and music
Hope you've been as pleased with Coloring Book as I've been!
puddinpopp, hey man thanks for dropping in. Ive been trolling NT for many a year . Got three pairs of saviers for you to look at when you are ready.
dbao, indeed i am. a bit of an acquirred taste but a quick process. it was interesting to have convos with beck and manny these last 2 years and then see the product.
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