Could you survive here alone?

If you were thrust into this situation all by your lonesome, would you adapt/survive/flourish?

Whenever I see pics like this I think these people must be the bravest on the planet. I would need a bottle of Xanax just to get to the entrance.

ive been in that situation, and once you chill and take it all in, you realize theres hardly any chicks that are actually bad and then you care less

and thats when the come up start comin
I could but don't know for how long. Not one black person in that picture so I'd be solo. Dudes would want to off me because the snow bunnies would want to mingle with a brotha :pimp:
My friends and I used to do a couple shots then split up for the rest of the night anyway, so I'd probably be alright.
Prolly would have a panic attack to be honest
just look at that whale in the blue one-piece on the far right.

If she is there and having a good time, no reason why literally anyone else couldn't.

It's true man. I had a blast at the pool parties in Vegas and I'm far from the open party-starter type. That whole vibe, the alcohol, no one cares man, they're all their to have fun, get twisted and ******.
I'd rather smoke a blunt and eat some chipotle and watch PBS documentaries, but hey that's just me.
This tho.​
I need a girl to be lowkey with and just chill in the cut blunted. Life would be coo.​
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Yeah. Would take me a while to feel comfy but the first good looking female that eyes me would give me something to be occupied with. Move on to the next if I don't seal the deal, etc.

Plus liquor makes things easier :lol:
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hell no, my anxiety + skin on skin contact in the hot *** sun.

Being the only black man snatching up the bunnies and then getting the hate from the man.. no

but me I would probably be on the house balcony posted up with a hard lean to left on the rail sipping on a drink flirting with women until the one come next to me and kick it with me... game her down they switch locations to the other side of the house and do it again. as the party begins to end walk around and find one the girls I gamed up then go from there.
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OP I feel u breh! I hate crowds I get paranoid as **** and I don't like ppl standing behind me at all ever
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