Counterfeit sneaker reseller claims to make $100,000/month vol. Fake it until you make it

I mean he’s In China selling to idiots in America and basically brains of an operation, he’s def making a killing.

I went on the reddit he’s speaking off, people are insane paying $200 for a replica or more

No wonder he got $$$
Watched this last night and was amazed. Can't knock his hustle if people are willing to pay for it.
The main difference is gonna be in quality and performance. Most people buy shoes for fashion purpose so how they maintain on the court doesn't matter. To answer your question about ig likes mattering, to some people, yes because you can make money off of them if you get enough.

If a shoe protects your feet then it's doing it's job and it's real. But because of consumerism, they're considered fake.
There's plenty of dudes on YT that knowingly buy and rock fakes and they're 100% proud of it.
I'm so confused with my mans accent. It's like chinese/british/japanese rolled into one
Cant knock it either. Better than resellers charging 1500 for 200 retail shoes
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