Cracking your neck. A long-term problem?

Feb 12, 2005
Been cracking my neck for years now and I've always heard mixed opinions. I definitely feel temporary relief after cracking, but at this point the tightness that surrounds my neck and shoulders is set much quicker than the loosening relief that a crack brings.

What's up? Addiction? Because I don't ever stop cracking if I can. Will a massage and a few adjustments make me good? Will my neck turn to mush?

Thoughts/opinions/medical facts..Whatever...
Ive been wondering the same i crack my neck and fingers all the time. I did hurt my neck once while cracking it hurt like a mug .
my chiro said it's not a big deal. you should be more concerned with correct posture and ergonomics (sp?).
I can pop my fingers, legs, toes, and back, but i have NEVER been able to crack my neck. Not now, not never.
Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Ive been wondering the same i crack my neck and fingers all the time. I did hurt my neck once while cracking it hurt like a mug .

Yo...I feel I know the answer to my question, because of all things bad, the worse is when I'm just sitting around and tilt or turn my head and a shooting/numbing feeling jumps into my neck feeling like it's falling off my head. No joke. It can't be good, but damn...Could it really be that bad?
Originally Posted by pianoman52

my chiro said it's not a big deal. you should be more concerned with correct posture and ergonomics (sp?).

Makes sense, but I'm no convinced.
smh i was never able to crack my neck til i was play fighting in the 8th grade and was caught in a headlock

now i crack that $*%* like 1-3 times everyday i was told i got good posture though 
feels good man
I cracked my neck before I saw this post, than click on it like "oh @*$+, NT don't scare me".

I stay crackin my neck, I hope I'm not damaging anything.
I used to crack my neck back in HS, but then something happened I think I felt some pain and got shook so I just stopped.

Now I just crack my back (180 with my torso) and that shh is the best.
I've read that cracking or popping doesn't cause longterm damage. People would say cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis but from what I've seen that's false. Although I think cracking knuckles could lead to losing some grip strength later in life.
I once heard an explanation that the reason my neck was so tight all the time was because of cracking my neck. Excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject, but it was something about the muscles were clenching so much more tightly to my tendons because the loosening effect of the cracking gave my neck the biological perception that my head was, essentially falling off.

Of course, that isn't possible (Right?), but that's when your body kicks in and adapts to the stresses you put it through to offset the problem...Hence, the neck tightness.
I've been cracking my neck for years. now I get head aches when I crack it. and the relief I get from it is minimal. 
My neck doesn't crack as much as it used to, I think because I used to try to do it every 15-20 minutes in class out of boredom. But whatever, cracking your back on the chairs in high school>*
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

I can crack my legs but I cannot crack my neck or my back..

I can crack every joint on the right side of my body and then some...Chalk it up to football, but they aren'te nearly as habitual or as consistent as the actual wrenching I do on my neck. It's literally a turn of the head crack and if that's worn out it force a crack.
Knuckles are so minor comparative to a neck though. I'm past the arthiritis concern of cracking knuckles. I'm talking grabbing the back of your skull and cupping your chin...Snapping the @!!% out of the rotation you get from you neck and literraly forcing your bones, that bubble, or something to pop inside one of the most crucial bone segments in your body.
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