DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

The rumors continue...
[h1]  [/h1][h1]Wonder Woman's Home? BATMAN v SUPERMAN' New Mexico Set Video[/h1]
[h2]What in the world are they building in Deming, New Mexico? Hit the jump to check out the enormous sets being constructed for Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.[/h2]
By nailbiter111 - 10/15/2014

KOAT Action 7 News  have posted a news report featuring large sets being built in Deming, New Mexico  for Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.  What's not included in this report, that could shed some light on what may be filmed at this location is a casting report  requesting actors for an African village scene. Though, that may be a cover story as these buildings don't seem to fit that description. Many people in the comment section have pointed out that the structures share some resemblance to Wonder Woman's Amazonian homeworld of Themyscira, also known as Paradise Island. What do you think?
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Cyborgs movie is probably gonna be an after thought

Be an 85 min long ripoff of Robocop probably moved to January lol
Blue rayll come out with no extras
If Cyborg gets a movie before John Stewart and Martian Manhunter. :lol: :rofl:

:smh: |I
Son DC don't know what the **** they're doing on that front. Every opportunity and potential they have to do something Marvel hasn't and have it be successful they ditch or don't even try. Everything in their plan seems to be lets see if these other studios are successful first before we try.

Aquaman getting a movie before them is a joke.
1. I can't believe they have movies scheduled out to 6 years from now. I know that's normal but it still blows my mind.

2. I can't believe they would do a Suicide Squad movie before truly establishing the universe AND before a Wonder Woman movie. Welp. They should take notes from the Animated DC version of the Suicide Squad movie. That was high quality, top notch stuff. A heist movie with super villains is a fun idea. Seems like they could potentially REALLY screw it up though. Lots of room for error.
Somewhere Joss Whedon is probably asking, 'Why now?' (He really wanted to do a Wonder Woman movie way back in the day)
Somewhere Joss Whedon is probably asking, 'Why now?' (He really wanted to do a Wonder Woman movie way back in the day)

I assume he wouldn't mind now given the direction they're choosing to go with WW which we can assume is nothing like his script. Plus it kinda just shows WB/DC had no faith in his vision but do in the likes of Scott Snyder :smh:

Plus I'm sure that Avengers fame and money got Joss not caring for an answer :lol:

I honestly just been waiting for him to take those ideas and apply it to a female Marvel superhero already. Would be cook if he was directing the Captain Marvel movie.
1. I can't believe they have movies scheduled out to 6 years from now. I know that's normal but it still blows my mind.

2. I can't believe they would do a Suicide Squad movie before truly establishing the universe AND before a Wonder Woman movie. Welp. They should take notes from the Animated DC version of the Suicide Squad movie. That was high quality, top notch stuff. A heist movie with super villains is a fun idea. Seems like they could potentially REALLY screw it up though. Lots of room for error.
Maybe it got more interesting in the second half, but the first 30 minutes of the suicide squad movie bored the **** out of me.
Not big on DC but would a MM solo movie work?

Cyborg has a lot of fans from the Teen Titans TV show from a while back.
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Somewhere Joss Whedon is probably asking, 'Why now?' (He really wanted to do a Wonder Woman movie way back in the day)

I assume he wouldn't mind now given the direction they're choosing to go with WW which we can assume is nothing like his script. Plus it kinda just shows WB/DC had no faith in his vision but do in the likes of Scott Snyder :smh:

Plus I'm sure that Avengers fame and money got Joss not caring for an answer :lol:

I honestly just been waiting for him to take those ideas and apply it to a female Marvel superhero already. Would be cook if he was directing the Captain Marvel movie.

Honestly, I don't think Whedon would ever give DC the time of day. Even if he quits with the Avengers, I think he'd rather pursue his little indie projects than return to DC in any fashion.
Not sure if we should just make a DC Cinematic Universe thread or not...but I'll go ahead and throw this here:
 [h1]UPDATE:  Will Smith, Tom Hardy And Margot Robbie  Are "Close" To Joining SUICIDE SQUAD[/h1]
[h2]The Hollywood Reporter revealed yesterday that Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Tom Hardy were all being eyed for roles in David Ayer's Suicide Squad. While there's no mention of The Wolf of Wall Street  actress here, Deadline believes that the movie may have found its two male leads...[/h2]
By Josh Wilding  - 10/16/2014

The Hollywood Reporter claimed yesterday  that Ryan Gosling, Will Smith, Margot Robbie, and Tom Hardy were all being eyed for roles in  Suicide Squad, the 2016 DC Comics adaptation which will be directed by Fury  helmer David Ayer. The language they used was vague, and it didn't take long for one Variety reporter  to jump in and point out that Warner Bros. often turn to high profile actors like these to "offer" them everything and anything. In other words, it was a casting story which made for a nice read, but probably wasn't worth getting too excited over. That seems to have all changed though as Deadline  weighs in by revealing that both Will Smith (Men in Black) and Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises) are indeed circling the film and are now "close to signing on". That sounds a lot more definite, and it could be that we now have Suicide Squad's two male leads. Who will they be playing? Your guess is as good as ours, but Hardy seems like a perfect fit for Deadshot and Smith could do with a hit after a few not so great movies. What do you guys think?

UPDATE:   The site now adds that The Wolf Of Wall Street  star Margot Robbie is "also looking likely"  for Suicide Squad  as talks for a role in Ghost In The Shell  for DreamWorks have fallen through (in fact, that studio has apparently offered Captain America: The Winter Soldier  star Scarlett Johansson $10 million to take on the lead role in the anime adaptation). Do we have our Harley Quinn?
DC passing on Whedon as a mistake is hindsight being 20/20. I mean come on, Whdeons script was from 2005, a year after Catwoman bombed. Can you blame DC/WB for not taking a risk at another female led movie from a director whose been mainly done tv shows?

Plus they just took a chance at Nolan for Batman Begins already which released in 2005 as well.

A few years later, DC tried a WW pilot which went nowhere again, I think there was a WW movie script too that just tanked. Remember this was from a very cautious WB CEO who green lit one DC film every few years, so chances are Nolan was as far as he would go with taking chances.

DC always gets crapped on why they are so afraid of making a woman-centric film like WW but as you can see they have tried and tired and failed and failed. It isn't as easy some of you guys are making it out to be. There isn't a Feige in every corner who has the vision and is a comic book guy who is also a competent producer. You guys don't think WB wouldn't want someone who can handle their franchise like that? Same with Fox and Sony?

I mean DC can't win, people bash DC for not making a WW film (despite them trying and failing) and when they announce that they finally are then others look for a reason to hate again, saying why is a Suicide Squad movie coming before it? Can't you just be happy a WW film is coming and the Assault on Akrham animated film was pretty damn good, these guys are villains that do not really need deep background stories. It can work and obviously MoS and BvS will be establishing the world already. You don't need 10 films to establish the world.

Then for years now people have been begging DC to just follow Marvel and plan ahead and now that they are, they get bashed again that they are rushing and are just copying what marvel does and doesn't know what they are doing and everything is a mess. I mean how the hell is DC going to win? :lol: They can't even get credit for trying. Yes they are trying it in a different way but that is good, let them play their game and fall and fail, then I'll be there laughing with you guys.

Again, you guys want them to go back to making one film every 2-3 years and completely ignoring other properties and keep making their own worlds?

And really to say Cyborg is going to be a Robocop rip-off obviously knows nothing about the character.
You are telling me that with all the money in the WBs pockets, they can't find ONE ******* Feige out of all the comic book nerds in the universe, many even working in hollywood? There is certainly more than just one. Besides having a cinematic universe this is not following Marvel.
DC passing on Whedon as a mistake is hindsight being 20/20. I mean come on, Whdeons script was from 2005, a year after Catwoman bombed. Can you blame DC/WB for not taking a risk at another female led movie from a director whose been mainly done tv shows?

Plus they just took a chance at Nolan for Batman Begins already which released in 2005 as well.

A few years later, DC tried a WW pilot which went nowhere again, I think there was a WW movie script too that just tanked. Remember this was from a very cautious WB CEO who green lit one DC film every few years, so chances are Nolan was as far as he would go with taking chances.

DC always gets crapped on why they are so afraid of making a woman-centric film like WW but as you can see they have tried and tired and failed and failed. It isn't as easy some of you guys are making it out to be. There isn't a Feige in every corner who has the vision and is a comic book guy who is also a competent producer. You guys don't think WB wouldn't want someone who can handle their franchise like that? Same with Fox and Sony?

I mean DC can't win, people bash DC for not making a WW film (despite them trying and failing) and when they announce that they finally are then others look for a reason to hate again, saying why is a Suicide Squad movie coming before it? Can't you just be happy a WW film is coming and the Assault on Akrham animated film was pretty damn good, these guys are villains that do not really need deep background stories. It can work and obviously MoS and BvS will be establishing the world already. You don't need 10 films to establish the world.

Then for years now people have been begging DC to just follow Marvel and plan ahead and now that they are, they get bashed again that they are rushing and are just copying what marvel does and doesn't know what they are doing and everything is a mess. I mean how the hell is DC going to win? :lol: They can't even get credit for trying. Yes they are trying it in a different way but that is good, let them play their game and fall and fail, then I'll be there laughing with you guys.

Again, you guys want them to go back to making one film every 2-3 years and completely ignoring other properties and keep making their own worlds?

And really to say Cyborg is going to be a Robocop rip-off obviously knows nothing about the character.

repped. This was kind of my point last page when people were bashing all these announcements of the movies and the casting, I feel like right now the cool thing is to be a marvel fan boy. Nothing wrong with liking the marvel movies, they are dope..but I think going into these DC movies looking for a replica of Marvel films is the wrong thing to do...

I happen to like how MOS will play as the entrance point to all these meta humans, possibly fighting them against each other before joining forces against an even greater threat.
Jena Malone to be Carrie kelly (Robin)?
You know what.. I'd really love to see this. I know that the Carrie Kelly Robin isn't that popular (even hated), but I'm okay with it.

As for Jena Malone, she was a total bad*ss in Catching Fire. It was the movie that finally disassociated her from her Saved character.

In regards to Whedon's Wonder Woman project.. I never liked it. I remember reading his pitch a couple months ago and thinking it was way too heavy on her relationship w/ Steve Trevor.

And just to reiterate, people are talking about the "superhero film bubble" bursting, and that may be true to the 2nd and 3rd tier heroes, but when you have 3 of the greatest pop culture icons under your roof, they supersede any fad. So this whole notion of WB chasing Marvel has always befuddled me.
You are the last person I want to have any discussion with but yes because that is clearly the case. Again look at Sony and Fox. It isn't just WB that can't stand up to Marvel. I mean the evidence is right there. Feiges background is deeply embedded with comic books from interning and working with Singers first XMen and catapulting from there. He is a comic book fan first and producer second so he has that sense fanboy and business sense combined. There are guys who are good in one aspect but not in both.

It seems like you aren't even reading what I wrote. The former WB CEO(s) was/were also very hesitant to take risks. So he chooses one or two projects and he obviously isn't a comic book fan or knows the world. He doesn't have the bigger vision and being scared to make comic book films, it is obvious why he can't see a shared universe. It's no coincidence that a new CEO takes over and boom! All these films and tv shows are popping up out of nowhere. All of a sudden DC is everywhere in our small screens and soon to be all over the big screens.

I am not saying do not hate on DC (talking about everyone), I get the hate and hesitance with their past but you must see what they are trying. Marvel got everyone spoiled so everyone wants all studios to follow their foot steps but then they just get called copy cats anyways so you can see why DC has to make some changes. it's moves and counter moves but in the end we are getting all these films and tv shows and just got to be happy for something.
Nobody is looking for DC to replicate Marvel.

:lol: Are you serious? Come on man, you know damn well people have been saying to just do what Marvel does. Question has always been "why no shared universe?". DC does it and people say " well Marvel did it first" like no one else should do it. "Where are the plans like Marvels?" DC announces it and again Marvel gets credit for doing it first.

Again the only way DC really differentiates itself is do it this way (origins/solo films after a team-up) or do not share universe.

You are in denial if you truly believe no one wants DC to follow what Marvel has done.
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Are you serious? Come on man, you know damn well people have been saying to just do what Marvel does. Question has always been "why no shared universe?". DC does it and people say " well Marvel did it first" like no one else should do it. "Where are the plans like Marvels?" DC announces it and again Marvel gets credit for doing it first.

Again the only way DC really differentiates itself is do it this way (origins after a team-up) or do not share universe.

You are in denial if you truly believe no one wants DC to follow what Marvel has done.
I think I could say, at this point, that the majority of folks who are really into this stuff, follow all the news, talk about it and all that don't want to see DC do what Marvel did. Maybe a year or two ago, but now, nah. With the BVS and Cap 3 stuff going on, the typical origin/solo film followed by a JL film just isn't going to cut it anymore.  I'll admit I was wrong for being overly upset that they went the BVS route, but it seems as if it may be the right decision.

I'm surprised they're not teaming up GL with the Flash though.
Another thing about feige, you guys really think there is another producer out there who would see something in the Guardians of the Galaxy and make a big budget film with that property and actually succeed the way it did?

I don't think there are much out there, even in the comic book world who would have thought of making GotG before another Hulk film or Daredevil film or a Punisher film or even a Ghostrider film? He didn't do it alone but to even have the sense to hire Gunn whose prior work was Super (which I did like but far from a kid friendly comic book film) and Slither.

With DC, I could easily say they got lucky with hiring Nolan but with Feige and Marvel, it's really hard to doubt it at this point. He isn't batting 1.000 but he has created something great and took risk in IM and hiring a RDJ while in his lowest point of his career, then Cap who is considered more boring than Supes and though his shield would just be cheesy and Thor who are really considered 2nd to third tier heroes compared to Spidey, Hulk, Wolverine, etc...
:lol: Are you serious? Come on man, you know damn well people have been saying to just do what Marvel does. Question has always been "why no shared universe?". DC does it and people say " well Marvel did it first" like no one else should do it. "Where are the plans like Marvels?" DC announces it and again Marvel gets credit for doing it first.

Again the only way DC really differentiates itself is do it this way (origins after a team-up) or do not share universe.

You are in denial if you truly believe no one wants DC to follow what Marvel has done.

I think I could say, at this point, that the majority of folks who are really into this stuff, follow all the news, talk about it and all that don't want to see DC do what Marvel did. Maybe a year or two ago, but now, nah. With the BVS and Cap 3 stuff going on, the typical origin/solo film followed by a JL film just isn't going to cut it anymore.  I'll admit I was wrong for being overly upset that they went the BVS route, but it seems as if it may be the right decision.

I'm surprised they're not teaming up GL with the Flash though.

I think some may feel that way now but majority still don't. I mean some are calling it a "mess" and they don't know what they are doing but it's obvious that they are branching off after a team-up. I've said it before but most fans know these guys by heart from the tv shows alone plus the animated films. Most know the origins of Flash, GL, Aquaman, etc... and even more so with WW, Supes and Bats so they can branch out and not even do an origin films, just touch up on their solo film.

The main thing that people should see is that there is a plan in place. they can anticipate what can/will happen next. Even though it is led by Snyder at least it is led by one man with one vision. It isn't going to be Batman Begins one year and then an unrelated JL film the next. I mean really, people just need to imagine what kind of mess that whole world could have been. If that JL film were made and actually made money and that franchise continued on, then TDK may never exist and even if it still did, it would have existed with a JL2 or another unrelated solo hero film, like a different Superman. There was a good chance there would have been 3 different universes with two different Supes and 2 different Bats. I mean I could just let my mind run wild on how crazy and much more chaotic it could have been. :smh:
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Do they really not have anyone playing the exec. Producer role for DC to kind of manage these movies? Or is that snyder? Or Nolan since he "produced" MOS?
I think some may feel that way now but majority still don't. I mean some are calling it a "mess" and they don't know what they are doing but it's obvious that they are branching off after a team-up. I've said it before but most fans know these guys by heart from the tv shows alone plus the animated films. Most know the origins of Flash, GL, Aquaman, etc... and even more so with WW, Supes and Bats so they can branch out and not even do an origin films, just touch up on their solo film.

The main thing that people should see is that there is a plan in place. they can anticipate what can/will happen next. Even though it is led by Snyder at least it is led by one man with one vision. It isn't going to be Batman Begins one year and then an unrelated JL film the next. I mean really, people just need to imagine what kind of mess that whole world could have been. If that JL film were made and actually made money and that franchise continued on, then TDK may never exist and even if it still did, it would have existed with a JL2 or another unrelated solo hero film, like a different Superman. I mean I could just let my mind run wild on how crazy and much more chaotic it could have been.
I am glad that they finally dropped a plan, but people can still be critical about the choice of films. Suicide Squad, Shazam...cool. But Cyborg, GL, and even Aquaman......ehhhhh idk about those yet.
Most people consider DC a fail because they didn't want to include the "Nolanverse" with the DC Universe.

Why not build upon something that was already successful? I never read anything as to why they didn't other than Bale wouldn't do it unless Nolan was apart...Because it didn't fit Snyders vision?
I think some may feel that way now but majority still don't. I mean some are calling it a "mess" and they don't know what they are doing but it's obvious that they are branching off after a team-up. I've said it before but most fans know these guys by heart from the tv shows alone plus the animated films. Most know the origins of Flash, GL, Aquaman, etc... and even more so with WW, Supes and Bats so they can branch out and not even do an origin films, just touch up on their solo film.

The main thing that people should see is that there is a plan in place. they can anticipate what can/will happen next. Even though it is led by Snyder at least it is led by one man with one vision. It isn't going to be Batman Begins one year and then an unrelated JL film the next. I mean really, people just need to imagine what kind of mess that whole world could have been. If that JL film were made and actually made money and that franchise continued on, then TDK may never exist and even if it still did, it would have existed with a JL2 or another unrelated solo hero film, like a different Superman. I mean I could just let my mind run wild on how crazy and much more chaotic it could have been. :smh:

I am glad that they finally dropped a plan, but people can still be critical about the choice of films. Suicide Squad, Shazam...cool. But Cyborg, GL, and even Aquaman......ehhhhh idk about those yet.

GL has a big fan base, they just have to make it right. Reason why the first one got so much crap is that people liked the character and franchise and they messed it up. I mean look at Jonah Hex, no one gives a damn that it sucked. :lol:

As for Cyborg, you got to commend DC for at least trying to be the first to make a teenage black guy as a starring character in a film. They also should get some credit for WW and under cutting Marvel. I mean people have been begging but now its coming true.

Theyll try and make Aquaman cool in JL and it Momoa, he has been riding the Drako train but theres still steam in there. They just got to make him bada** in JL.

I read somewhere earlier that since DC is clearly overshadowed by Marvel and that is why they also got to take bigger risks and kind of make a in your face annoucement/news like they did. And i kind of agree with that. It is a stance theyve taken and I wNt to see how they follow up.
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