DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

i mean you cant just give it to anyone who thinks they can do it... thats what happened with snyder after about half a dozen people said no to the job including nolan

they should have kept looking instead of settling then they tapped abrams and didnt do anything at all and eh was just asked to work on part of the DCEU

it always sounds simple but more often than not you get a singer or pascal than feige
:lol: You’re basing this solely off the Hangover trilogy. A comedy.

So nah.

it‘s Todd Philips…

The man who did old school, road trip, project X, due date AND those hangover movies you speak of

he gave a specific take on the joker, clearly inspired by scorseee movies

but we did see what happened with the only sequels he was involved in either as a director or producer
it‘s Todd Philips…

The man who did old school, road trip, project X, due date AND those hangover movies you speak of

he gave a specific take on the joker, clearly inspired by scorseee movies

but we did see what happened with the only sequels he was involved in either as a director or producer
Again, one trilogy in a franchise where Phillips has only ever made sequels in his relatively small resume compared to other filmmakers is not the deciding factor on a consensus opinion that he isn’t good at making sequels.

Especially sequels for comedic movies.

The whole notion is ridiculous.
the joker is a good movie, but it’s more taxi driver X the king of comedy

there is no larger DC universe you can view from that movie.. just like the batman

those films need to be viewed in isolation

and then we look at Philips career.. I have more faith in him making a hangover sequel than saying what now happens to and with the joker.. there are no sequels to those Scorsese movies

let alone something in his body work to say he should be doing a wider DC universe
i mean you cant just give it to anyone who thinks they can do it... thats what happened with snyder after about half a dozen people said no to the job including nolan

they should have kept looking instead of settling then they tapped abrams and didnt do anything at all and eh was just asked to work on part of the DCEU

it always sounds simple but more often than not you get a singer or pascal than feige

I wish they’d have a convo with Kevin smith, hopefully him and affleck are back cool now

not that you’d let him run the whole thing.. But obviously he’s a name and can at least tell them shh they should be trying to do

also let James Gunn go wild and use the random shh they won’t utilize anyways
I wish they’d have a convo with Kevin smith, hopefully him and affleck are back cool now

They are, but judging by Smith's work for the last I don't know how long and some of the opinions he holds on comic book movies would make me weary.

He thought The Batman was underwhelming but hyped up a lot of the DCEU stuff.
I just want someone who can speak to specifics of trying to actually slow roll some of these things and actually develop the properties

someone who is at least a fan and can speak to the various things that can be done

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige Seriously Considered Jumping Ship To DC During MCU's Phase 2​

When Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige had to report to Marvel Entertainment's Isaac Perlmutter, life was far from easy for the executive. The notoriously stingy CEO made life difficult on a number of levels, pushing a bumbling Creative Committee on Feige along with movies he didn't want to make (Inhumans) and cutting costs in ways that damaged those early blockbusters.

Eventually, Feige would ask then Disney CEO Bob Iger to make Marvel Studios its own separate entity. He obliged, and big changes followed. A report from Puck, however, reveals that Feige became so frustrated during Phase 2 that he considered making the jump to the Distinguished Competition.

Talking about the changes taking place at Warner Bros. Discovery, insider Matthew Belloni reveals, "[David] Zaslav could make another run at Feige, who, I’m told, talked pretty seriously with Warners a few years ago when he was angling to escape the oversight of Marvel’s then-madman C.E.O. Ike Perlmutter."
I just finished Zach Snyder’s Justice League.
Going to knock out Joss or the other version right quick.
Damn, Zach Snyder cut was so much better.
Being 4hours long, I imagine how much better it could have been if is was 6-8 hours long(after seeing the two different takes I know they had the footage)and a 10episode SERIES with 42minute episodes.
I remember making fun of it when it first dropped as I went to watch it and realized I’d already seen it(just Joss version). By the time I got to Batman tracking down Aquaman in the Antarctic, I had dejavu then remembered I didn’t like it very much and popped off no way in hell I was rewatching 4hrs of that.
I thought BVS was dope and ZSJL was as well.
The 2hr version seems like a joke after watching it now.
I tell you what isn’t good though, SUICIDE SQUAD and Harley Quinn. Looking forward to watching Shaazam after I finish Aquaman, as I haven’t seen that, but I’m not looking forward to watching that HQ Birds of Prey again after Aquaman.
Damn, Zach Snyder cut was so much better.
Being 4hours long, I imagine how much better it could have been if is was 6-8 hours long(after seeing the two different takes I know they had the footage)and a 10episode SERIES with 42minute episodes.
I remember making fun of it when it first dropped as I went to watch it and realized I’d already seen it(just Joss version). By the time I got to Batman tracking down Aquaman in the Antarctic, I had dejavu then remembered I didn’t like it very much and popped off no way in hell I was rewatching 4hrs of that.
I thought BVS was dope and ZSJL was as well.
The 2hr version seems like a joke after watching it now.
I tell you what isn’t good though, SUICIDE SQUAD and Harley Quinn. Looking forward to watching Shaazam after I finish Aquaman, as I haven’t seen that, but I’m not looking forward to watching that HQ Birds of Prey again after Aquaman.
Birds of Prey is pretty much Marvel's '97 Batman and Robin. spare yourself the agony.
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