Deadspin: Richard Sherman And The Plight Of The Conquering Negro

Don't lump all of us together. My boys and I all wanted the Niners to win, and we all loved Sherman's speech. That's @#$% we do to each other for fun after pick up games, beer pong, etc so why would we get mad?

Lord of Castamere/Lionblood is damn annoying with his "I'm classy, only mix with classy people, only wear classy clothes, only drink classy drinks,only date classy girls who went to classy colleges" nonsense. Dude thinks of himself as a superior being because he wears bow ties and Chubbies. Typical person who comes from a @#$% hole city or family and then tries to make up for it by trying too hard and looking down on everyone else beneath him. Classless

u are correct sir, i apologize.
Both trash talking and verbally racist tirades meant to demean another human being. But finding the later unsavory in some situations is considered "soft" and overly sensitive. Meanwhile some people in here find racism in every situation.
1. racism isnt just words

2. the trash talking at hand wasnt an attack on crabtrees character, racial epithets are direct shots at someones intellect/character/judgement of them as a person

the fact that you can honestly believe racism and trash talking are comparable is ridiculous, and no wonder you have a skewed perception of when to apply the word class
I gotta go back thru some of these people post. Anybody who is a niners fan or wanted the niners to win I'm ignoring everything they post in here.
Don't lump all of us together. My boys and I all wanted the Niners to win, and we all loved Sherman's speech. That's @#$% we do to each other for fun after pick up games, beer pong, etc so why would we get mad?

Lord of Castamere/Lionblood is damn annoying with his "I'm classy, only mix with classy people, only wear classy clothes, only drink classy drinks,only date classy girls who went to classy colleges" nonsense. Dude thinks of himself as a superior being because he wears bow ties and Chubbies. Typical person who comes from a @#$% hole city or family and then tries to make up for it by trying too hard and looking down on everyone else beneath him. Classless
I just don't like him, because he's the obnoxious guy you never want to play a pick up game with. Stays barking throughtout the game, taunting you and then rubs it in your face when he wins. Just bad sportsmanship. There's a reason why the NBA gives technical fouls for taunting. It's just outright mean.

:lol: :x

People are so damn soft.
I just don't like him, because he's the obnoxious guy you never want to play a pick up game with. Stays barking throughtout the game, taunting you and then rubs it in your face when he wins. Just bad sportsmanship. There's a reason why the NBA gives technical fouls for taunting. It's just outright mean.

People are so damn soft.
lol he was playin mane
wow lock this thread yo.

dude said taunting is mean.

son would be crying playin' ball in the hood. dudes will outright try and intimidate you off the court.

make threats.

throw elbows.

hard fouls.

throw punches.

dudes will try to pull your card on the court, they will see how far they can push you mentally.
So you were taught to be the better man at the end of games, yet you condone Crabtree getting physical with Sherm's face after trying to say good game, but Sherm is the bigger a-hole for using only his words? Makes sense.

I never said I condone what Crab did, if anything, he let Sherman get the best of him. But, I'm sure you remember, Sherman than mad e a choking gesture parading all over the field. You and I both know that an NFL player doesn't do that Postgame, in any circumstances. But, hey, I guess because he's not breaking any official rules lets let him act like a jackass to the losing players after games since he's a Stanford alumnist and a very talented CB. I think I'm done with this discussion because even though it was wrong, it's not important enough to go back and forth about, no one died and no one committed a crime. I just wish players like him represented the NFL in the ways we were taught in Pee Wee to high school sports. A representation of class and good sportsmanship.

All I'm saying is be consistent in your views. If you feel what Sherman did is classless, then shoving a dudes face has got to be worse!

And I still don't see anything wrong with the choke sign either. I loved it when Reggie Miller did it, and I loved it when Sherman did it. Especially if it was true! :lol:
Before anyone wants to use Peyton Manning or Tom Brady to represent "Class" in their eyes, can we please not forget that Manning has thrown his lineman under when he lost with the Colts, and JUST THIS SEASON when the Patriots lost to the Panthers on MNF, Brady went chasing the referee, clearly cursed him out and no one said anything about class or sportsmanship..............

Some people here actually have the AUDACITY to accuse people of being sensitive when racial slurs are used?!?! I feel sorry for how some of you were raised and realize that some of you will remain MEDIOCRE for the rest of your lives..........

I wish some of you would be men enough to admit when a situation is what it is, instead of arguing just for the sake of it, just to get some attention.

Good Day gentlemen.
This is one thing that i can never really agree with. The exclusive use of the nword among african americans. I mean i get the basis, but i just cant agree with it.

But thats another discussion.
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Yea, thats a never ending discussion. I can't control the words that come out someone's mouth. I just always wondered why certain people want to say it so bad.
That was my first time listening to the Erin Andrews response and like someone said this is the interview all these negative people should hear. By the way on the latest Jalen Rose report, he went on for several minutes with some key points. A couple of things that alot of people have failed to mentioned he brought out....
That was my first time listening to the Erin Andrews response and like someone said this is the interview all these negative people should hear. By the way on the latest Jalen Rose report, he went on for several minutes with some key points. A couple of things that alot of people have failed to mentioned he brought out....
I just don't like him, because he's the obnoxious guy you never want to play a pick up game with. Stays barking throughtout the game, taunting you and then rubs it in your face when he wins. Just bad sportsmanship. There's a reason why the NBA gives technical fouls for taunting. It's just outright mean.
what the hell is this?
This whole talking trash=thug, wannabe thug thing is absolutely ridiculous. Only thugs talk trash? Really?

From fifa sessions to pick up ball to regulated sports, I have met people from all walks of life that talk trash during competition.

Even the alleged "victim" of this verbal thug doesn't share the same sentiments. I think that paints quite a clear picture.

I'm saddened but also glad that this came to light.
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