Deadspin: Richard Sherman And The Plight Of The Conquering Negro

FYI, Erin Andrews LOVED every bit of it!

Sherman is that dude. Period. To say he isnt in the class of Champ, Revis, etc is crap. How can you say he isnt when he is out there proving it?!

He has been targeted somewhere around 50 or so times all year and picked off 8 of them!

Sherman probably said worse things to Crabtree's face!
It;s his first two seasons. Dude hasn't earned a damn thing.
Looks at location, disregards opinion.

Same for anyone else with a 9ers avy

hes a racist anyways, disregard anything he says
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Yes, I guess some people aren't mentally strong enough to control their emotions and aggression when need be. During the game I will do what it takes within the rules to win, but after the game I'll take the Manning approach to interactions with other players and the media.

How long you been in the NFL?
how u sound

you watchin football, its a primal display of testosterone & adrenaline

you WANT to see someone get hit so hard their numbers fly off

but you want homie to keep it classy, despite the fact hes in one of the most informal settings you can be in, and he didnt even curse, theres no being classy u clown 
Yes, I guess some people aren't mentally strong enough to control their emotions and aggression when need be. During the game I will do what it takes within the rules to win, but after the game I'll take the Manning approach to interactions with other players and the media.

he controlled them enough to not curse, and it was light

u aint in no games so dont eem try and put yoself in them shoes

Manning has no approach, but its cool that you on his sack since hes the opposing teams qb
I never said I condone what Crab did, if anything, he let Sherman get the best of him. But, I'm sure you remember, Sherman than mad e a choking gesture parading all over the field. You and I both know that an NFL player doesn't do that Postgame, in any circumstances. But, hey, I guess because he's not breaking any official rules lets let him act like a jackass to the losing players after games since he's a Stanford alumnist and a very talented CB. I think I'm done with this discussion because even though it was wrong, it's not important enough to go back and forth about, no one died and no one committed a crime. I just wish players like him represented the NFL in the ways we were taught in Pee Wee to high school sports. A representation of class and good sportsmanship.

I didn't care that he did that towards Kap, because last week Kap mocked Cam.
Dudes are so soft. God this is great for the sport, people need to talk **** before hand and leave it all on the field on gameday. I love it man, it let's me know these guys are not there just to collect a check and that they are passionate about this ****. I don't wanna see this buddy buddy **** all the time.
Same people crying about racism and the backlash are callin others soft? Irony.
Did you even think before typing this stupid ****?

Do you know what irony means?

How are football trash talk and racial slurs on the same level
I gotta go back thru some of these people post. Anybody who is a niners fan or wanted the niners to win I'm ignoring everything they post in here.
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The most important thing Richard Sherman said was that people calling him a thug is the new way of calling someone the N-word.  I'm just glad he had enough confidence to say that.  If he didn't say that, then his words during the post game interview with Erin Andrews would have been for nothing. 
Both trash talking and verbally racist tirades meant to demean another human being. But finding the later unsavory in some situations is considered "soft" and overly sensitive. Meanwhile some people in here find racism in every situation.

Trash talking is the same as a racist tirade?

Find racism in every situation?

Most trash talking isn't personal, it's braggadocio.

I love how people dismiss racism because it doesn't affect them, so they don't have to deal with it.
The most important thing Richard Sherman said was that people calling him a thug is the new way of calling someone the N-word.  I'm just glad he had enough confidence to say that.  If he didn't say that, then his words during the post game interview with Erin Andrews would have been for nothing. 

I'm just waiting for them to use that term during a hockey game.
The only response some of you people need to hear.

Repped. I hope this makes it out to all of the racist ******** and people talking about class. I doubt any opinions will change, but at least they will know how foolish they look now.
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There's 3 groups reacting negatively to this. People who honestly didn't like Sherman's post game comments, BUTTHURT 49ers fans and racist people who look for anything to call a minority out of his name
The media needs to let this go. It wasn't that big of a deal. It was in the heat of the moment. If this was a white player they wouldn't even pay any attention to it anymore. Im white btw.
I gotta go back thru some of these people post. Anybody who is a niners fan or wanted the niners to win I'm ignoring everything they post in here.

Don't lump all of us together. My boys and I all wanted the Niners to win, and we all loved Sherman's speech. That's @#$% we do to each other for fun after pick up games, beer pong, etc so why would we get mad?

Lord of Castamere/Lionblood is damn annoying with his "I'm classy, only mix with classy people, only wear classy clothes, only drink classy drinks,only date classy girls who went to classy colleges" nonsense. Dude thinks of himself as a superior being because he wears bow ties and Chubbies. Typical person who comes from a @#$% hole city or family and then tries to make up for it by trying too hard and looking down on everyone else beneath him. Classless
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