
i'm down for Fantasy Football. only if there's no money involved unless i end up with the 1st pick
Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

mw1ll with 17 assists......

smh @ nelson's stubbornness
Really? It's the griz, and it's SL....his workethic (lack of), defense (lack of), and shot selection speak volumes. If he does this in November/December...I'll eat my words.
HOLY +!#%. I just saw a guy on a fixed gear get hit by a car right outside UCSF (on Irving.) Windshield cracked, dude's bike mangled and all but the guyjust got up like it was nothing. I'm pretty sure that was the adrenaline though since when I came back from moving my car, the paramedics were on the sceneand putting dude on a stretcher. I always knew something like that was going to happen at that intersection since it's got so much traffic and just onestop sign. I'm lightweight shook; I think I need to invest in a helmet myself
Originally Posted by Andrew630

what bike was he riding? cause i crapload of riders that take that route to and from home.

didn't really take too good a look at the bike. it was a red frame with a white front wheel. the bike is completely done. he had silver drops with no bartape and obviously no brakes. i'm still shocked at how dude just got up.
i'd be down for a FF league...if you guys need another person.... I usually do 2-3 leagues a year, all money leagues....we should all put in $5-10 paypalto make everyone be competitive....
Here is the entire Anthony Morrow chat transcript. The only really funny comment was made by "Barry Zito," but other than that, I got in sixquestions!!!

Update: Anthony Morrow will be ready for questions in about 10 minutes. Our Warriors beat writer, Marcus Thompson, will serve as moderator. Thanks for your patience ... and keep sending in your questions!
Anthony Morrow: What's up. This Anthony Morrow. Greetings from Las Vegas Summer League!
[Comment From C.C.]
How's your ankle and are you playing tonight against Detroit?
Anthony Morrow: Yeah I'm playing. My ankle is getting better. Still a little tender. Still gonna give it a go tonight
[Comment From Ryon]
Have you and Curry had a 3-point shoot out yet?
Anthony Morrow: We haven't had a shootout, but we shoot with each other at the end of practice. We haven't competed. Yet
[Comment From Will]
Anthony, you are so badass. Please lead the league in 3 point % again.
Anthony Morrow: Haha. Thanx for the compliment. I'll try next year
[Comment From Androo630]
Do you have any nicknames in the locker room?
Anthony Morrow: Lil Jack, Stack Jr.
[Comment From Carlos]
Hey Anthony! Do you use the same headband every game???
Anthony Morrow: Naw. New one every game
[Comment From Steve]
Has coach Nelson told you if you'll be ahead of Belinelli in the rotation?
Anthony Morrow: I just go out every day and work as hard as I can. Compete as hard as I can. I leave those decisions to the coaches
[Comment From Nathan]
What's your favorite Michael Jackson song?
Anthony Morrow: Liberian Girl. I can moonwalk. Lol!
[Comment From LT in LA]
what are your realistic expectations for the team this year? remember, realistic expectations. thanks
Anthony Morrow: As a team, I feel like we can make the playoffs this year. We're the youngest team, most exciting team. We have the best fans in the NBA.
[Comment From james]
What did you do exactly to develop such a great jump shot?
Anthony Morrow: Just shoot all the time. Every day. Concentrate on my form. Concentrate on my mechanics.
[Comment From Ram]
Whats the most three pointers you have made in a row?
Anthony Morrow: idk. honestly. I don't know. I made 98 outta 112 in a workout
Anthony Morrow: Sometimes, I don't shoot as many during practice. But after practice. I might shoot a couple hundred before practice and a couple hundred after practice. But in practice, you might not shoot that much
[Comment From Tony]
How do you practice your three point shooting form? How many shots would you say you put up in a practice?
[Comment From Vinnie (Oakland)]
Hey Ant do you think you will get some starts in at the two this season, nellie's gonna push Jack over to the three anyways so you might get some run as our sharp shooter
Anthony Morrow: I will play any positon coach wants me to play. I will just go out and compete hard, see what happens down the line
[Comment From John]
Hi Anthony, who is the better shooter, you or curry
Anthony Morrow: I don't know for sure, but I know that he's probably more of a scorer than I am, and more of a point guard.
[Comment From Steve]
Has coach Nelson promised you a certain amount of playing time?
Anthony Morrow: No he hasn't. You gotta earn playing time.
[Comment From Roy]
Hi Anthony, Congrats on the good year you had last year? What things can golden state improve on from last year?
Anthony Morrow: Offensively, we're good. I feel like we can put enough points on the board. Just be able to shut more teams down and get our offense going through our defense
[Comment From TB]
Have you added any aspects or made any improvements to your game compared to last season?
Anthony Morrow: Oh yeah. Defensively. I'm doing a lot of defensive drills. Agility drills. Explosion drills. Offensively just handling the ball a lot more and making more plays for my teammates
[Comment From Steve]
Do you think the Warriors need to trade for a true point guard?
Anthony Morrow: I leave player personnel decisions up to management!
[Comment From Androo630]
What do you think about the nick name 22Morrow? Since you are part of tomorrow's future of the Golden State Warriors franchise.
Anthony Morrow: Whatever you fans want to call me, I'm down wit it
[Comment From S Ding]
It's a joy watching you shoot. What kind of career do you hope to have, and what are some of your career goals?
Anthony Morrow: I wanna have a long successful career, a lot of accomplishments and one day win an NBA championship.
[Comment From Tony]
What types of skills are you looking to incorporate this year?
Anthony Morrow: Being able to handle the ball better and set-up my teammates when I have the opportunity to or when teams are trying to take me out of the offense. Tryna do other things like offensive rebound, handling the ball more, putting more pressure on the defense and not just standing around the perimeter waiting to get a shot
[Comment From Androo630]
Of all your Warriors teammates, who do you share a special bond with?
Anthony Morrow: I'm closest probably with C.J. Watson.
[Comment From Dubs Fan 100]
Who do you get along best with on the team? Who has been your biggest mentor? When are you going to throw down a dunk?!
Anthony Morrow: C.J. My biggest mentor is probably Jack and Corey. And whenever I get an opportunity!
[Comment From ChroNic Is A HabiT]
i was wondering, what can of program or excercise do you do, to increase you athleticism. i ask, because last year i noticed your all around game and i think if you some how where to get more athletic you would be a handful.
Anthony Morrow: I do a lot of stuff without strength and conditioning coaches. Box jumps. Squats. Lotta weight lifting. Lotta lateral quickness drills.
[Comment From C3]
Who does Curry remind you most of and how well do you think he and Monta will work together?
Anthony Morrow: I think he reminds me a little bit of Mark Price, Mark Price in his prime. I think him and Monta will be fine together. Both of them kinda do the same things except Steph shoots the ball from deep. With both of their craftiness, they should be able to play well in the backcourt if we go with that lineup
[Comment From Warriorsworld]
You get a chance to visit yet?
Anthony Morrow: NO. I am always on Marcus Thompson's blog!
[Comment From Kyle]
Anthony, can you talk about how you and the rest of the team might be able to improve on defense. I think a lot of fans have confidence in the O but recognize a need to improve on the other end. How can you guys do this?
Anthony Morrow: I think really we had good defensive stretches last year. We just gotta do for longer stretches. We have a lot of veteran guys. We just have to do it more, more throughout games and more throughout the course of a season
[Comment From The Big Rebounder]
Have you helped Anthony Randolph with his shot?
Anthony Morrow: He's been working on his shot a lot. We've been in the gym a lot together. He's been working really really hard on his game and it's showing. By the way, want to see some hot, behind-the-scenes highlights from summer league, visit!! I had to get that plug in!!!!
[Comment From Marc]
Who did you model your jumper after?
Anthony Morrow: Probably Ray Allen. But I shoot my own jumpshot. I don't feel like I'm modeling after anybody
[Comment From Tom]
How is your off season going
Anthony Morrow: Going great. Putting in a lot of work. Looking forward to putting in even more work before training camp starts
[Comment From Barry Zito]
You should have a signature move everytime you hit a monster 3. Like pretend to slit your throat or something.
Anthony Morrow: Haha. I just play the game. I don't like to draw attention to myself or show up my opponent.
[Comment From The Big Rebounder]
Anthony, did you ever read any of the "Anthony Morrow FACTS" that were floating around on the web? Similar to Chuck Norris facts but basketball oriented.
Anthony Morrow: Naw, I haven't. But if you want to see some hot behind-the-scenes footage from summer league, go to! LOL!
[Comment From TB]
Who do you have the best chemistry with on the team?
Anthony Morrow: CJ
[Comment From Androo630]
What's your favorite city in the Bay Area?
Anthony Morrow: Actually I have two favorite cities: Oakland and San Francisco
[Comment From Bungaaa]
Anthony, who were the better shooters during highschool, you or Curry?
Anthony Morrow: I don't know. I only saw him play when we played against each other.
[Comment From Jeff]
How's the off-season been so far? Any vacations?
Anthony Morrow: Good so far. No vacations yet. No days off.
[Comment From gswfan4ever]
do you prefer playing SG or SF?
Anthony Morrow: SG. That's my natural position. The position I've been playing all my life
[Comment From TB]
If Nellie asked you to, would you play point guard?
Anthony Morrow: Yes! If he had the confidence in me, I would
[Comment From Steve]
Do like playing for Nellie or Smart better?
Anthony Morrow: They are both my coaches. They work together well. Nellie is a great head coach and Keith Smart is a great assistant coach
[Comment From stan]
we read that you hit 86 out of 100 threes in a practice. that can't be right, right?
Anthony Morrow: I made 98 out of 112
[Comment From Ron]
Hi Anthony, I have a little brother who wants to play ball. How much and how often did you practice during your high school years to get your shot to go down all the time?
Anthony Morrow: I just shot all the time. In my off time, that's all I did. I was always in the gym. No matter what.
[Comment From Androo630]
Why the jersey number 22?
Anthony Morrow: I wanted 23 but, of course, C.J. Watson had it and he didn't want to give it up.
Anthony Morrow: LOL!
[Comment From Regi]
What's your favorite food?
Anthony Morrow: I've got so many. I'd have to say my favorite is probably, uh ... spaghetti
Anthony Morrow: my mother's spaghetti
[Comment From Twiceascool]
Are you aware of the No-Hitter SF Giants Sanchez threw?
Anthony Morrow: Yeah I did. Great accomplishment. I want to go to some Giants games!
[Comment From Regi]
What kind of car do you drive?
Anthony Morrow: Dodge Challenger.
[Comment From JP]
Rumor is you've never lost a game of horse. Are you looking forward to taking on Curry for best shooter on the team?
Anthony Morrow: That is true. I haven't lost a game of horse in years. Ask assistant coach Russell Turner. LOL!
[Comment From druchoy]
How are you liking the bay area compared to the southeast? What do you like most about the bay area (besides the obvious answer, the fans)?
Anthony Morrow: It's different. Being from North Carolina, it's different. Good weather. never too hot, never too cold. Good food. Good restaurants. Nice places to shop.
[Comment From james]
Does superstition play a part of you being a good basketball player?
Anthony Morrow: No way
[Comment From Androo630]
What is your favorite moment is a Golden State Warrior?
Anthony Morrow: As a team, when we beat the Celtics. That was a great game, a fun game. Everybody was playing, everybody was into the game. The fans were great
[Comment From Nathan]
you can moonwalk??? you should do that after every 3 on your back to defense.
Anthony Morrow: Hahaha. Naw, I gotta get back on defense fast. LOL!
[Comment From Kyle]
Any chance we'll see you in the 3-point contest this year?
Anthony Morrow: Hopefully. That would be a good accomplishment, not only for myself, but for the organization
[Comment From The Big Rebounder]
Moonwalk for us after you hit a 3 this game!
Anthony Morrow: I don't think coach Nelson or coach Smart would be too happy with that! lol
[Comment From gswfan4ever]
do you every wonder why weren't drafted...? did you have the cold streak of your life during the workouts or something?
Anthony Morrow: I was making shots, I just didn't get drafted. i only had three workouts, so I didn't have much room for error. I had a feeling I wouldn't get drafted. I just got overlooked, like a lot of dudes. I'm not the first and I won't be the last
[Comment From Steve]
Do you have any kids?
Anthony Morrow: I have a little girl named A'niyah. She's six months old
[Comment From JP]
You've been working out with Randolph this summer. What are your impression of him and if we asked him, what would he say has stood out from your game this summer?
Anthony Morrow: Obviously, his perimeter game, making shots. He's feeling more comfortable handling the ball. That's been big. He's been hitting pull-up jump shots
[Comment From TC]
Do you have a favorite spot you like to shoot your 3's from?
Anthony Morrow: the corners
[Comment From Marc]
What's your favorite pair of basketball shoes?
Anthony Morrow: No. 11 Jordans
[Comment From WW.NET]
Why dont you Blog or Twitter?
Anthony Morrow: I'm thinking about getting a twitter account. I may get a blog on, where you can get hot behind-the-scenes access to Summer league! LOL!
[Comment From C3]
Did you wrist get tired after 98 made?
Anthony Morrow: No. My legs was tired. I had just lifted weights, did agilities and worked out.
[Comment From Kyle]
Do you think you have a shot at leading the league in FT%?
Anthony Morrow: Oh yeah
[Comment From WW.NET]
You and Curry went head to head in high school? who got the better of those games?
Anthony Morrow: We beat them by several touchdowns, though Steph always played well against us. LOL!
[Comment From david]
how is life on the road in the nba? do people recognize you wherever you go now?
Anthony Morrow: Not really everywhere. In the Bay and at home. It's actually fun. You've just got to make sure you get your rest
[Comment From Perry]
Anthony, I looked up to the "Showtime" Lakers when I was growing up.....Magic, "Big Game" James, B. Scott, Michael know the rest.......who were some of the teams you liked when growing up and what players did you most try to emulate? B. Scott and Michael Cooper both had nice perimeter games.........
Anthony Morrow: I tried to emulate Michael Jordan. My favorite team was the chicago bulls
[Comment From Regi]
Can you shoot left-handed?
Anthony Morrow: I can actually shoot pretty well left-handed. I can shoot better most people with my left than they can with their right. I told Ant Randolph I can shoot better than him with my left hand, and he's left-handed! LOL!
Anthony Morrow: I'm out. Gotta get ready to play. Thank you Warriors fans. I miss the Bay and thanks for all your support. I look forward to playing in front of you all again. And remember, if you want to see great behind-the-scenes access from summer league, go to!
Marcus Thompson: Thanks for joining us for the chat. Morrow took off. He is super eager to play tonight
[Comment From MarcusFan]
Hey Marcus, who else are you scouting?
Marcus Thompson: You mean for the next Live Chat? I want Steph Curry
[Comment From Lucas]
Any rumors about CJ coming back Marcus?
Marcus Thompson: I know he wants to come back. I think he will unless Acie Law knocks their socks off
[Comment From mike]
marcus what happened to janny hu? Did rowell get her fired?
Marcus Thompson: No way. Janny is in good standing with her paper. She chose to leave Sports. She now writes for the features section
[Comment From C3]
How close was Amare coming to the Warriors?
Marcus Thompson: I think if Minnesota takes Curry, Amare would be a Warrior
[Comment From MarcusFan]
The Amare deal is pretty much dead now, right?
[Comment From Ryon]
Marcus did you watch Marcus Williams yesterday? 17 assits 1 TO
Marcus Thompson: I did. I can't believe he's even playing summer league. He's way too good for this
[Comment From The Big Rebounder]
Marcus, have you heard ANYTHING from Brandan Wright? Guy's been a ghost this offeason
Marcus Thompson: I have. Talked with him a couple of times. He said his shoulder is fine
[Comment From druchoy]
Hey Marcus, from what you've seen of the summer league so far, are there any other players we should all keep an eye out for? (From the Warriors summer league team, and from other teams)
Marcus Thompson: nobody who the Warriors can get. I think Joey Dorsey looks pretty good for an end of the bench big man
[Comment From LL -]
Hey MT2, we love you in, come visit us sometime and interact.
Marcus Thompson: I'm game
[Comment From gswfan4ever]
are you paid by the warriors?
Marcus Thompson: I don't think they like me very much. They certainly aren't cutting me a check
[Comment From Lucas]
Also any idea who Larry Riley wants to bring in to add "beef"
Marcus Thompson: Amare
[Comment From jay]
Be honet, does choosing curry over amare another warriors foolish move
Marcus Thompson: I would say so if Amare was consistently healthy. He is a serious risk
[Comment From jin]
marcus, what did you think of marcus william's performance yesterday? he dished out 17 assists! why did we let him go?
Marcus Thompson: I think he could've shown some of that for the Warriors last season
[Comment From LL -]
Who can be that suprise Summer League player that gets a roster spot? Cartier Martin?
Marcus Thompson: He's got the only shot. I think they will add a piece via trade
Marcus Thompson: or with the midlevel
[Comment From NW]
So who's the big man they're pursuing now? Amare's dead, they supposedly aren't going after Boozer.
Marcus Thompson: I don't think Amare is dead. They are just waiting to see how it shakes out. If Phoenix can't get a better offer, they could very well take the Warriors' offer
[Comment From JustPuked]
Marcus, what's your overall impression of Curry? Is he really heady, does he have the handle to manage the point, can he get his shot off in heavy traffic, will he get brutalized by post up points like Boom Dizzle?
Marcus Thompson: I think he is going to be good. Might be really good. He is smart. He doesn't have enough quickness and strength, but he knows how to use the threat of his shot to get to where he wants to go on the floor.
[Comment From MarcusFan]
Do you think anyone on the SL team will get picked up for training camp? CMartin? Ingles?
Marcus Thompson: Martin will. Ingles might. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought in a guy from another summer league squad
[Comment From Warriors FTLOL]
randolph is too good for summer league, lol.
Marcus Thompson: I agree
[Comment From jin]
what bout marco bellinelli? any updates on him?
Marcus Thompson: Not a peep on my end
[Comment From latvianlightning]
Anything about how these rumors maybe affecting Andris? It became big news here in Latvia..
Marcus Thompson: I specifically checked into that. I heard he wasn't bothered at all. Dre is pretty easy going
[Comment From Chris Cohan]
better site, or gsom?
Marcus Thompson:
[Comment From Chris Cohan] gets alot of features and interviews, how come you've yet to link up with for a q&a or interview?
Marcus Thompson: Good question. I'm all for it.
[Comment From - LL]
Nice article about Riley today, so tell us who really runs the show, Nellie or Riley?
Marcus Thompson: I think they are so a like, it doesn't matter. Riley, for the most part, thinks exactly like Nellie as far as talent evaluation and team building.
[Comment From MarcusFan]
From what you've seen, did Anthony Randolph become more bulky / get more physically strong?
Marcus Thompson: He is a bit more ripped. He looks stronger. he is banging and winning some physical battles in the paint
[Comment From JustPuked]
The Kings took Jason Thompson one pick before Randolph. Did Randolph out play him clearly or was it just a stats game?
Marcus Thompson: Randolph outplayed him, clearly
[Comment From ?Dub]
You ever get sick of trying to pimp their garbage, illiterate site all the time?
Marcus Thompson: Not at all
[Comment From NW]
Isn't the Amare pursuit dead?
Marcus Thompson: No. They offered what they are going to offer, though
[Comment From Taco]
Who is currently on the trading block? Maggette?
Marcus Thompson: The only off-the-tables I know are Curry and Randolph, and maybe Morrow
[Comment From Warriors FTLOL]
randolph is our starting pf this year? yes/no
Marcus Thompson: tough one. if they get amare or a david lee. no. If they don't get a big name PF. yes
[Comment From jin]
what are your thoughts on acie law so far ? he doesnt look that impressive in my opinion, and i think bellinelli would do a better job at the backup pg position
Marcus Thompson: haven't seen much, but far as I can tell he's a good passer. I don't think he's done anything to bump any of the current guys out of the rotation
[Comment From NW]
Marcus, Why no interest in Boozer from the Warriors? Seems they could make a pretty good offer by sending Claxton to a 3rd team (with buyout money) and then sending Wright, Marco and Azubuike for Boozer. Plus Boozer's a merc so you got the best chance of keeping him if the money's right
Marcus Thompson: Injury history, not that athletic
[Comment From NellieBall]
would drew gooden fit here? he says he wants to play here.
Marcus Thompson: I think so. He can stick the midrange, and he rebounds
[Comment From Hoser]
For real Marcus answer this one for us... just so harmless fun... how do eat corn?
Marcus Thompson: I don't
[Comment From mike]
do warriors beat writer get just as annoyed as the fans? i cant imagine covering this train wreck almost 10 months a yr
Marcus Thompson: hahahahaha. it can be annoying, until you realize you make a living covering sports. that concept usually gives me perspective
[Comment From Rasheed]
MT2, How's vegas treating you? And yes, we got to get you on
Marcus Thompson: I've been here too long. I can do two days of Vegas, three tops. I'm on day 4
Marcus Thompson: I gotta roll. About to head to the arena. got a story to write. Holla
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

if you dont ride with a helmet, you're an idiot. Im sorry.
i ordered a helmet off ebay last week and it's still not here

I saw some dude with a BMX bike with no brakes coming down the hill off by Sneath Lane in San Bruno run into a car that was making a u-turn. The guy flippedover the car landed on the street, which he skid to the curb so fast his momentum popped him over the sidewalk and into the bushes. That dude was messed up. Ireally didn't know who was at fault, the driver who was on the phone and didn't wait for the biker to pass through or the biker with no helmet.
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

if you dont ride with a helmet, you're an idiot. Im sorry.
i ordered a helmet off ebay last week and it's still not here

In regards to you and investing - it really depends what you want your 10k to do. That's a decent amount of money for an individual stock or two, a fewfunds, part day trading (to an extent).

I would suggest learning some technical analysis (ie - chart patterns) and learning the basics of value investing. I would also suggest doing mock trading andportfolio building to get an idea. It's not the real thing, but losing real money sucks.

Ben Graham's The Intelligent Investor and Seccurity Analysis are widelyfollowed and taught.
[h1]WARRIORS[/h1] [h2]Davidson bouncing back in Vegas[/h2]

Rusty Simmons, Chronicle Staff Writer

Monday, July 13, 2009
(07-13) 04:00 PDT LAS VEGAS -- It's minutes before the Warriors' summer-league game Saturday, and Jermareo Davidson sports an uncontrolled smile as he bounces around the Cox Pavilion court as if he's on a trampoline.

As Davidson readies to play his first back-to-back games since offseason surgery to repair a stress fracture in his left foot, he knows he's putting on a show.
A show aimed at everyone and sometimes no one in particular, all at the same time.

"I was playing a mental game with myself, trying to convince my body that it was ready," Davidson said after he played nearly nine minutes in the Warriors' 98-95 overtime win that left him breathing hard and with ice packs wrapped around his left leg. "I know now that I'm not going to be out here feeling bad for myself, but I don't want to leave people saying, 'He looks hurt.'

"I want to convince people that I'm doing well even in a time like this."

Davidson is about to enter his third professional season with a complete understanding that he still has a lot of convincing to do. He holds only a partially guaranteed contract with the Warriors, but those who know his story probably have been persuaded that he'll make his point in a time like this.

While playing at the University of Alabama, the 6-foot-10, 250-pounder endured the type of turmoil that shapes people.

In November 2006, his older brother was shot and paralyzed by an unknown gunman in Atlanta. Four days later, his girlfriend died in a car wreck there. Right before Christmas, Davidson's brother died in the same hospital as his girlfriend.

"I'll never get that out of my mind, but I have to pick times to sit and think about it," Davidson said. "As long as I stay busy and stay around people, I'm good. Sometimes when I'm by myself, it can get bad, so I try to avoid being by myself.

"Every once in awhile, I have to sit and let it all come out so it won't build and come out the wrong way."

Davidson appears to have channeled his emotions into something that's simply positive.

He took being drafted in 2007 by the Warriors and an immediate trade to Charlotte in stride. He took being cut a year later by Charlotte and a chance to play in the NBA Development League in Idaho in stride. And he took a season-ending injury in 2009 in stride, though it was two weeks after he secured his first professional double-double with the Warriors.

He has taken the same approach with his rehab. After he had surgery in March, Davidson has sweated his recovery routine from one to two to three and, ultimately, to four hours a day.

What started as time spent in the whirlpool and in therapy on his left foot has turned into strengthening the unused muscles around the knee on the same leg. That progressed to weightlifting and running. Finally, he's playing basketball, even on back-to-back nights.

"I'm doing everything I can to strengthen it, and I've been faithfully doing my rehab," Davidson said. "It's just a matter of time. I'm doing everything I possibly can, and I'm fighting through it."

The results aren't as obvious. Davidson was really sucking wind in his first summer-league game, going for four points and two rebounds in 19 minutes. In the back-to-back, he went for two offensive rebounds, an assist and no points.

"You can see that his timing is off, and he's pretty much playing on one leg," said assistant coach Keith Smart, who is the head man during the summer. "It's not there yet, so he needs to log some minutes to get back into it."

General manager Larry Riley reasserted last weekend that the Warriors are seeking some bulk, a player who can play both power forward and center. That could be Drew Gooden, Sean May, Joe Smith, Chris Wilcox or, as Davidson sees it, him.

"I want to be that guy, but I'll take the competition if it comes," Davidson said. "I'll be ready for whatever comes my way this year, proving I've established myself.

"I want to let them know that I've been through the downs, but I'm here. You can look where I came from, but that's in the past. I want them to look where I am now and look at where I'm going."
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