
I want Derozan if they actually have the 7th pick....
You wouldn't want an Ellis and Mayo backcourt?
How about Ellis and Wright for Gay and the #2 then? haha....
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

If Rubio declared and would fall at #2, seeing that Rowell doesn't like Ellis and that Nellie doesn't think he'll be a PG...

Monta Ellis + #7 Pick for #2 Pick...Pretty Ricky Rubio....

Would that be too much to offer? We'd unload a big contract...yet it wouldn't be one of the big contracts I would personally be willing to let go of.
That's pretty risky...if there's more to it and we get other stuff back I'd consider something like that...I have a pretty goodfeeling about Rubio for some reason.
If he's available I'd draft Ty Evans.

I don't think the W's will take Jennings but they're still liable to do some off the wall +!$+.
with a good amount of tall pg's to compliment monta i think we need to keep him and not think about trading him. We have a solid core of big men, we needto figure out ourback court situation. we SHOULD go after one of the big pgs (jrue holiday/t. evans/rubio) or james harden( a 2 quard who can play a littlepoint). any of those guys will compliment monta very well.
i hate the direction this franchise has headed. they did mullin so dirty. smh

ive been a fan all my life, 25yrs. been through all the tough times, went to gms when they were winning less than 20 gms, i just feel with rowell/nellierunning things, we are going to be in a LONG drought.
im surprised that that one clippers fan (mjfanatic23?) isnt in here all giddy since the clips won the lotto
Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

im surprised that that one clippers fan (mjfanatic23?) isnt in here all giddy since the clips won the lotto
that's cuz he's probably at the hospital after getting a seizure upon hearing the news...about to get treatment from Dr. 715
Originally Posted by BOOM DIZZLE

At least your bum team has the privilege of watching the greatness 2 times a season.

Man this franchise is going downhill FAST. They dont have a top 5 pick. They dont have any all stars. Their best player is Stephen Jackson. There last highdraft pick was Mike Dunleavy. They only made the playoffs once in 15 years because of Diddy. Half the team consists of D league players. And the team basicallysucks.

I guess thats the life of a Warriors fan..


my swag is at an all-time right now....i think i will finally have the balls to do something.

When did EVERYONE give up on Ellis? Am I the only one who thinks he's still going to be good? Is it the contract? It really isn't that bad consideringwe have worse contracts on our team. Everyone already know which ones I'm talking about.

Does anyone know if Lil Romeo declared for the draft? We should draft him.
Imagine the backcourt...Miller and Ellis. Playoffs for sure.
Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

Does anyone know if Lil Romeo declared for the draft? We should draft him.
Imagine the backcourt...Miller and Ellis. Playoffs for sure.
i think he decided to stay at school to help carry and lead the team.
I have no problem with Ellis at all. I'm not waiting around for him to apologize or whatever like some of the more butthurt "fans" are...notnecessarily anyone on NT, but the comments on TKs and Adam's blogs.

He is good, and he'll be fine. What isn't good is the notion of forcing him into a PG position when he lacks that naturally.

He can apologize to me by lighting it up next season even if our team is mediocre at best. The reason, that will show he actually DOES care about the game,etc. At least IMO.

In other news-

The NBA really, really needs to show the ping pongs. If I was one of the four remaining Kings fans, I'd just walk away from my house and go to OKC orsomething since they'll be better. They should honestly consider retracting the Kings and Bucks. It could be beneficial to the league as a whole.
Being serious for a moment, think of it like this:
The NBA would save
1) Debt or lease expense on the arenas
2) Operating loans since both these teams HAVE to be operating at a loss
3) The overall quality of the league should increase because the 30 max players who could be part of the remaining 28 teams would force out the terribleplayers. Happy trails Kurz!!! Happy trails Chris Quinn. You know, would never had made the league of the same rules of play were still intact.
4) Both areas represent parts of the country that have been economically ravished and will have trouble supporting teams. I've most familiar with Sac dueto going to school in Chico. I watched 4 years of Kings games and saw people moving into ridiculously overpriced homes. Well, both have imploded. MilwaukeeI'd assume would be closely related, due to the infrastructure for jobs up there is manufacturing (mostly, I believe). Therefore, I'm sure they'reseeing a higher level of unemployment coupled with rising costs. The flip side though, understandably, would be the loss of jobs as they relate to supportingthese franchises.
5) Scott Skiles would no longer be a head coach.

Obviously #5 is a joke, but for the most part, I'm serious about the rest. Stern wants the league to be successful, and so do I. But some things need achange (outside of the Warriors and their management). 28 teams and the same length of schedule could open it up to International play, something $tern hascertainly hinted at over the years.

Onto the Clippers getting the #1, at least you know that Blake will be average at best since no one will pan out in the long run as a Clipper. Mentored byZ-Bo, can't wait to witness that live.

And finally, in Warriors related news, Bitter Bob called and left me a voicemail. I was actually worried it'd be work related, but it wasn't. Hismessage was that the Warriors will have a "live" conference call on Thursday featuring none other than Bitter Bob (asking soft questions, I'msure...since he's a good employee), Lar, and Bobby. This may be the only time I'd want to be on the phone with them and hoping TK calls.
Just to let some of you know what other people think of the Warriors. Me being bored yesterday, I pmed the "gm" from the grizzlies in the nt mockdraft, he rejected monta and brandan for the #2
Thing is, people on here, hate on the Warriors for no real good reason. Or they don't like us so they use that as their basis.

Although I'm sure real GMs don't necessarily like us (Warriors, Cohan, Mgmt, etc), they'd be willing to deal with us if it could help them. Idon't see how your offer wouldn't do that...
If I were Memphis I wouldn't do the Monta for #2 straight up, I thought Wright would have put them in a good spot since Warrick is a restricted FA.Ellis/Wright/#7 for #2/Warrick
. Can't wait for Summer League
i wanted blake griffin to just say "i don't want to play in LA" yesterday when they interviewed him after the lottery. steve francis pt2.
They already gave him #23, so that means Camby's gone
. Too bad Warriors have nothing to through at Clippers for him.
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