
I like Brandon Jennings as a player and would be happy if we drafted him, but not necessarily to pair up with Monta. I don't hate Monta by any means,i'm just very concerned with the fact that he isn't a PG, is looking like he's dumb as rocks, and won't play any type of defense. It'd beone thing if he couldn't play D, but this guy just doesn't try on that end. I won't be mad if Ellis sticks around, because he does have talent, butif he's gonna be our main guy we aren't going ANYWHERE. We need to get guys talented enough to make him take a little bit of a back seat, or unloadhim. And the grizzlies might make a deal for the #2 pick, their GM is an idiot. I've been hearing he wants Thabeet over Rubio.
You think we are going to go after Nash or Bosh? I think going after Nash at this point would be a better idea. I saw 2 propsed trades on realgm that wouldbring us nash and ak47...I forget the actual deals going down but I'll go ahead and look for it...looked interesting and some good points were brought up
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

with Al gone for next season, is there a chance we're gonna see Randolph switch to #3?
I think Nelson sees Randolph as a PF... but I think as Randolph expands his game and adds a consistent jump shot, he can be one of those tweenerSF/PFs.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Randolph needs to work on his perimeter defense more than he needs a jumpshot.
I'm just saying from an offensive standpoint. [Paul]
I messed up, Randolph needs to work on his all around defensive game. I know he's a great shot blocker, but a lot of that comes because he gets beat alot.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

with Al gone for next season, is there a chance we're gonna see Randolph switch to #3?
I think Nelson sees Randolph as a PF... but I think as Randolph expands his game and adds a consistent jump shot, he can be one of those tweener SF/PFs.
I think he's talking about the jersey number 3. But I still want to see Randolph/Wright/Biedrins.
Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

with Al gone for next season, is there a chance we're gonna see Randolph switch to #3?
I think Nelson sees Randolph as a PF... but I think as Randolph expands his game and adds a consistent jump shot, he can be one of those tweener SF/PFs.
I think he's talking about the jersey number 3. But I still want to see Randolph/Wright/Biedrins.
Why did I totally misread Enlightened Thought's post?
what do you guys think of pairing jennings with monta in the back court and sliding monta to the 2-guard spot?....i no it would be a small back court, but icould see it turning out OK defensively. Just think about how many teams have a solid scoring option at the 2 AND the 3. Jackson could guard the other teamsbest wing player and monta could guard the weaker player.

for example from the remaining playoff teams Monta could guard courtney lee/delonte west/luke walton/jr smith....while jackon would handle the rashardlewis/lebron james/kobe bryant/carmelo anthoney of the world.

I could see something like this working especially with our bigs shot blocking ability.

all this is contingent of course on jennings coming to workouts and still having the skills, because no one has really seen him play much in a while.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

When did EVERYONE give up on Ellis? Am I the only one who thinks he's still going to be good? Is it the contract? It really isn't that bad considering we have worse contracts on our team. Everyone already know which ones I'm talking about.

I never gave up on Ellis. Just the idea to trade up for Rubio came up due to the fact that Rowell and Friends don't like Ellis. So I thoughtthey would have tried to move him to get a PG like Rubio or something...If the W's were able to move Jackson too...It would finally be nice to see Buikestart for the W's...I also have high hopes for Marco...I hope he get's plenty of PT because he proved a lot this season.
I'd poop a brick if we managed to move either Maggettes and/or Jackson's contract this summer. In a recession no less.

Bobby doesn't have to like Monta, but Monta will fill seats over Rubio, especially this upcoming season.

Simply put, this season will make or break Monta's tenure with the Warriors.

Phone call with Bobby, Riles, and Bitter Bob today!!!! Can't wait to hear the fluff.
Warriors GM/puppet Larry Riley in studio tmrw for "Chron Live." Too bad I won't be there! GPapa, does Mrs. Riley get panel time?
Warriors GM Larry Riley on TV: No strings attached (hopefully)
Players that need to be moved:
1. Crawford
2. Maggette
3. Jackson
4. Azubuike/Belinelli/Morrow (can't keep them all and Belinelli is most likely out

And I thought we went over Rubio already... He has the same agent as Harrington.
Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

i wanted blake griffin to just say "i don't want to play in LA" yesterday when they interviewed him after the lottery. steve francis pt2.

Too bad
id say in this order if available...

Tyreke Evans
Demar Derozan
Jrue Holiday

I think Derozan fills our needs the most, but i dont see him getting any PT with nelly.
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

id say in this order if available...

Tyreke Evans
Demar Derozan
Jrue Holiday

I think Derozan fills our needs the most, but i dont see him getting any PT with nelly.
How does he fill the teams need? Just curious.
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